As I have mentioned recently I have survived the replacement, amid some discouraging news. For those interested:

Being admitted the day before surgery for few more testing. Despite so many people at the reception, quite impressed, observing a nice lady advising for the correct queuing.

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The next morning enjoyed de-hairing by a beautiful nurse not only on the hip but at the whole area including very strategic spot. (an assistance of my wife - lifting flabby part of me - has suppressed my arousal). (no selphie available)

Wheeled to the surgery theater, given choice whether total anesthesia or just the lower body that is better for later recovery, OK then. Having me waited once the injected essence will take effect.

Then, not realizing much what's going on with me as they covered me completely - in fact not very keen on to watch anything or kibitz them.

During nearly one hour not feeling much, sometimes just some slight impacts, nothing painful. Then after removing the many covers wheeled back to my room, still no pain, some medication intake. No need to bother with a move anywhere out from the bed, being connected to liquids in and out either...

Late evening feeling a bit some pain, asking for getting help by morphine, OK then, slept OK the whole night, disturbed only by the regular checking, measuring by cosy nurses.

When changing the dressing shown the incision, ca. 20 cm long:
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