Sent from Yahoo Mail for Expensive time in Pattaya hospital I think 4 days ago
dizzy and sick and problems urinating I decided I would try a catheter to start with. I was questioned many times was I alone where were relatives did I own property how would I pay etc. I explained my problem the Doc decided I should have a catheter and gall bladder check I signed and pre paid the aggressive cashiers an up front fee of what was £1800 they decided to knock me out. When I came round they told me they had put a stint in the gall bladder I was and still am in great pain after that work so they suggested a catheter in my spine to self administer morphine as well as then injecting me. Upto now they have found 7 diseases I have from collapsed lung Hepitutus diabetes and so on and so on. So much meds I am out of it I had to stay in ICU as the catheter required doctors supervision however as soon as ICU became full I was put in a general room with the morphine pump and ordinary nurses. My bill has hit 700000 still hurt masses of injections and drips and pills plus x rays. With insurance somebody has your back as to what treatment I did not know I was so ill
Fell like Kev in Thailand same situation. Does TVisa work on I phone can’t post on there
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