Quote Originally Posted by FailSafe View Post
I should (hopefully) be at 20 by the end of May barring injury.
I posted this at the end of March last year- not long after, I was walking my 90lb Rottweiler (OK- it was a 9lb ,13-year-old, blind poodle), at 4:30am one morning when she smelled a cat or something- I was holding the leash in my left hand with zero tension in my arm ,with my wrist in a supinated (palm upward) position- my arm was jerked hard to the left, injuring my forearm and shoulder (little bitch pulls like a Husky and always has). It wasn't enough to keep me out of the gym, but I had to work around it for months, and my pull-ups went down to the low-teens. I slowly worked my way back, and finally hit a set of 20 pull-ups today.

I generally try a max rep set every two weeks, and do weighted sets (meaning I hang a 10-15kg plate off my belt) in between, as I mentioned in my post above- I've found it really helps once you get to the point where you can go beyond your body-weight (it takes a while to get here).

My weight is up to 95kg (209lbs) at 188cm (6'2"), so I'm not a skinny or small guy. I've found that once you pass 15 reps, the exercise becomes semi-aerobic, leading to oxygen depletion and forcing me to concentrate more on my breathing- the shallow breaths I take on a set in the 8-12 rep range don't cut it.

Now the next goal in 25.