I'm not saying I'm hopping on board but I'm returning to Low Carbing, but this time I'll increase the fat intake. Keto is a high fat, and very low carb diet as opposed to just a "low carb diet."

Who on the board has eaten in this manner? I'm not just talking about "low carbing."

Last week I got the low carb fog / flu or whatever for 2 days, and went back to carbs.

I'm now trying it again.

I'll try the intermittent fasting noted below in this article:

There’s a shortcut to ketosis, however: fasting. If you don’t eat for many hours, your body will naturally go into fat-burning mode. There are many different fasting protocols to get into ketosis, but the most common is called intermittent fasting, which consists of not eating for 12 to 16 hours.

For instance, one can eat dinner at 8 p.m., skip breakfast the next morning, and eat lunch at noon. Or, like Matt Mattson, Ph.D., chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging, you can push it even further: Mattson regularly skips breakfast and lunch altogether. With no blood sugar spikes and crashes, just steady fat burning, he, like most intermittent fasters, feels mentally sharp and experiences little if any sense of deprivation.
The truth behind the world's most cutting-edge, fat-burning performance meal plan: the keto diet