The title says it all. We all need sleep.

Do we get enough?

I suspect a lot of the members on the board do not get enough adequate, real, REM, sleep.

I don't.

I can go to bed early and fall asleep. But I wake up 2 hours too early most mornings. I try to shut my mind down which has been activated, thinking wasteful thoughts about tasks to be done, and what my relationship with someone is. Sports, news, you name it.

I call this: wasteful thinking.

Once my mind is activated, it's like I'm ready to go - to get up.

But it's too early. I'm deprived of sleep.

No stress (that I know of), no diet issues, no extra caffeine.

I don't know why.

But what I can do is sleep better

Questions for members:

1. how much sleep do you get?

2. Have your sleep patterns changed?

3. Do you get enough sleep?

4. Do you take a nap?

5. Do you do anything to aid your sleep?

6. Do you take any supplements (e.g. melatonin)?

7. Do you take any natural things (e.g. Chamomile tea)?

Over to you.......