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  1. #1
    Strongarm's Avatar
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    08-08-2023 @ 08:39 PM

    Losing weight in Thailand

    The time has come when I really must do something about my weight. The last month in Thailand, and the prior months in Australia have seen me stack on the kilo's and baloon out to my heaviest yet.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not obese, but I am overweight. My doctor tells me I should be 80kgs (based on my height, age etc). In Australia I like to go to the gym and lift weights, which means I generally have decent muscle on my upper body. As such I think a weight of 83kg's is more suitable to me.

    I am a keen basketball player, and this extra weight (and my age; 36) has really impacted on me this year. Shin plints are excrutiating, knee's and back problems are more intense and recrovery after a game is now taking 3 - 4 days!

    Two weeks ago I got off my arse and hit the gym here in our building. In the mornings I run 3 - 4km's and in the afternoon's I ride 15 - 16km's, this is every day! I have significantly reduced my food intake, and cut out as much sugar and carbs as possible. I've limited my alcohol intake to 1-2 glasses per week, and cut out fast food altogether. I've increased my intake of fruit and water significantly, as well as salads and vegetables.

    I started at 91.2kg's and am now at 88.4kg's. I want to get to 83kg's.

    I would like to hear from other members regarding how they lose / maintain their weight, specifically in Thailand. The exercise part I can handle, its the food here in Thailand that I struggle with. What do other members eat???

    Thanks for your help.
    "‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

  2. #2
    sabaii sabaii
    How tall are you Strongarm ?

  3. #3
    Strongarm's Avatar
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    08-08-2023 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabaii sabaii View Post
    How tall are you Strongarm ?

  4. #4
    sabaii sabaii
    You fat bastud

    I'm 178

    And 83.4 KG's

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabaii sabaii View Post
    You fat bastud

    I'm 178

    And 83.4 KG's

    you fat bastard

    I am 183 and 78kgs, and I reckon about 75kg is better

  6. #6
    Strongarm's Avatar
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    08-08-2023 @ 08:39 PM
    You are the standard to which I aspire, Sabaii

  7. #7
    Excitable Boy
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    Depends on your point of view...
    Try eating five or six small meals spread out over the day (and never skip breakfast)- this keeps your metabolism fueled, but doesn't give you the excess calories at one sitting that really pack on the extra weight.

    Losing weight doesn't necessarily mean eating less, but it does mean eating smarter.
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

  8. #8
    sabaii sabaii
    I think a lot has to do with metabolism, I rarely exercise, and eat lots of junk.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm
    What do other members eat???
    Weetabix or Coco Pops,or toast, or the occasional Full Engish, 3 coffees and 3 fags

    Beans on Toast, or cheese sandwich, or egg on toast, or Tuna Mayo sandwich or Baked Potato or half a chicken and sweetcorn

    Cow Pat Goong, or Curried Crab or Massaman Curry or Lasagne, or Chicken in Red Wine Sauce, or Pie and Chips or Pizza or Swedish Meatballs

    And a few snacks thrown in.

    Wow looking at that, I need to get some fruit and veg in my diet, although I do drink a fair amount of fruit juice

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    Thing that works for me is not eating a meal before lunch { fruit only } regular walking and working out.

    Don't go hard as its too dificult to keep it up but just keep things regular.

    I drink little when I'm at home working but drink when I'm travelling,I'm lucky as I don't get hungry and this is the downfall of most.

    Keep banging away mate, I'm 54 and only weight 3 kg more than when I was 21.

    I'm giving Benjamin Button a run for his money.

  10. #10
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    08-08-2023 @ 08:39 PM
    it seems when I hit 35 my metabolism basically shut down. I went from always being skinny to overweight very quickly.

    Screw this getting old bullshit!!!

  11. #11
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm
    Losing weight in Thailand
    Drinking that fat bastard's beer is not going to help your cause mate.

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat
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    My 2 cents worth.

    I started a thread on this subject a couple of years ago, and I believe that everyone should choose a way that suits them personally.

    I'm 1.75 and was weighing in at about 83kg, got myself off to the local gym and started doing daily cardio and weight sessions. About an hour of cycling or walking at a fast pace on a 15% incline (I hate running!), and about 40 min of weights. 4 months on and I was down to 65kg. Hated every minute of the cardio, but it had to be done, no pain no gain. 20 months later and I'm still the same weight and I haven't been to the gym in months.
    Food wise, I never eat breakfast (a couple of coffees), lunch is mostly a couple of sandwiches/eggs on toast or something similar (small portion), but dinner is usually big as I've worked up quite an appetite throughout the day, but I rarely eat anything past 7 pm. I do consume a fair amount of alcohol every evening.

    Choose the exercise/diet that you're comfortable with and try not to rush things. Steady weight loss is imo better than rapid loss.

  13. #13
    sabaii sabaii
    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm
    it seems when I hit 35 my metabolism basically shut down. I went from always being skinny to overweight very quickly.
    Yep, wait til you hit 40 if you think that's bad, hairs spurting out your ears, nose, eyebrows. Sitting on your balls, and moaning whenever you bend over or get out of the chair while the joints click

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabaii sabaii View Post
    Sitting on your balls

    I'm not looking forward to that part.

  15. #15
    david44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sabaii sabaii View Post
    Sitting on your balls

    I'm not looking forward to that part.
    One of the oft overlooked benefits of castration

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat superman's Avatar
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    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Stop wasting your time we all get fatter as we get older. Get over it.

    After age 30, you lose 6 lbs of muscle every decade. If you weigh the same at age 30 and 40, you will be fatter at age 40. You would have 6 lbs less of muscle and 6 lbs more of fat. A pound of fat is many times larger in volume than a pound of muscle. A pound of muscle also naturally burns 30-50 calories per day, whereas a pound of fat only burns 3 calories.
    Why You Get Fatter as You Get Older

  17. #17
    Excitable Boy
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    Depends on your point of view...

    That's regarding people who don't exercise- the article recommends weight training to stave off muscle loss- it's not an inevitability.

  18. #18
    28-35 years

    The changes become more subtle as the years pass. The next cycle from twenty eight to thirty-five, for instance, is one where the creative process of mind becomes most active. Researchers and inventors seem to make their greatest advances during these years. It is interesting to note that physical science finds evidence of the reason for this in the fact that the association centres of the brain come to their peak efficiency at about thirty-five years of age.
    This is even more interesting when we see that most of the great religious teachers and philosophers came to some vital experience at thirty-five. Jesus, Buddha, Paul, Dante and Jacob Behmen were all in the region of thirty-five at the point of their greatest insights. It would seem then, that if there is an inspirational influence at work in the life, it would possibly reach its peak during these years in and around thirty-five.
    Here we take stock of ourselves and the emotional influences that have shaped our personality. We begin to determine what is us and what traits we have been pressured by family, peers or society to adopt.
    35-42 years

    From the thirty-fifth to the forty-second year, depending upon one’s personality and what one’s circumstances allow, one begins to feel a new restlessness. In some degree a desire to share whatever one has gained through life with others comes to the surface. Thus we find many successful business men building libraries, or aiding colleges and the arts at this period in their life. What has been developed or realised can be taken to greater subtlety during this period. This is almost like unfolding something, perhaps similar to the way a flower unfolds a bud that has been developing in earlier phases of its growth.
    This is when we reassess the results of what we are doing externally in our life. Our relationships, careers, habits and the ways we interact are all put under scrutiny and modified or changed. It’s a time of facing up to what does and what doesn’t satisfy us.
    You may reach heights or realisation and creativity not touched previously. The profound breakthrough of ones innate genius that emerges around this time will no doubt be expressed in some degree. However, whatever is attained or realised will be enlarged and synthesised in later periods.

  19. #19
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    I believe that one of our gentlemen posters has a health farm in the North East. His rates are very reasonable and is looking for his first Australian customer.

    He offers a guarantee that you will lose an agreed amount of weight.

    His name slips my mind but look for Issan Tales, he's your man.
    Last edited by OhOh; 10-01-2012 at 07:17 AM.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  20. #20
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    08-08-2023 @ 08:39 PM
    A quick update, I started at 91.2kgs on the 26th December. I am running 30 minutes every morning and riding 30 minutes most afternoons.

    I have prescribed to The Primal Blueprint eating guide The Primal Blueprint - Primal Blueprint , which basically means I am only eating fruit, veggies, meat, nuts and some dairy. No processed foods, fast foods, wheat, booze, minimal sugar and carbs and no grains.

    I am currently at 85.6kg's. Thats a loss of 5.6kg's in under a month. I have another 5kg's to go.

    I am feeling and looking much better, I have much more energy and don't find it hard to get out of bed in the morning anymore. Not having a hangover every couple of days has been great, although I do indulge in a couple of drinks on a Friday night (usually red wine).

    The first 5kg's dropped easily, the next 5 have proven to be a little tougher, I just need to really concentrate on what foods I put in my body, and I WILL get to 80kg's.

    One thing of note, after reading The Primal Blueprint, I've realised the shit I've been stuffing into my body for years, and the damage it's been doing to me, and I now look around at the Thai's who really seem to have no fucking idea about nutrition and living a helathy life, and every second school kid I see is overweight, I really think Thailand is heading for a major obeseity problem in the coming years.

    Shopping for groceries yesterday, our trolley was full of fruit, meat and veggies and as I look around every other person (Thai) had armfulls of processed/packaged shit that they were going to feed to their kids.

    In the gym at our building yesterday, there was a Thai mother with her young fat son, about 12 I would say. She had bought him down to the gym and forced him to climb on the walking maching and start exercising. For the next 5 minutes this kid screamed and wailed at his mother, begging her to let him stop. I had to turn my music up louder just to drown out the screaching coming from the fat little fucker. He would stop every few seconds and the machine would turn itself off and reset, and then he would start again, this went on for about 5 minutes.

    She eventually let him off, and not 15 minutes later did I see the little fat fuck eating a packet of chips.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm View Post
    I have prescribed to The Primal Blueprint eating guide The Primal Blueprint - Primal Blueprint , which basically means I am only eating fruit, veggies, meat, nuts and some dairy. No processed foods, fast foods, wheat, booze, minimal sugar and carbs and no grains.
    Oh dear, prepare to be attacked!

    I mentioned this diet and was called a big fore-headed, animal skin, steroid shooting Neanderthal!

    Of course I am a few pounds from goal weight due to following that diet combined with intense daily training.

  22. #22
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    08-08-2023 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by chitown View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Strongarm View Post
    I have prescribed to The Primal Blueprint eating guide The Primal Blueprint - Primal Blueprint , which basically means I am only eating fruit, veggies, meat, nuts and some dairy. No processed foods, fast foods, wheat, booze, minimal sugar and carbs and no grains.
    Oh dear, prepare to be attacked!

    I mentioned this diet and was called a big fore-headed, animal skin, steroid shooting Neanderthal!

    Of course I am a few pounds from goal weight due to following that diet combined with intense daily training.
    I've never dieted before, or done anything like this. But I was out of answers and when I stumbled on to TPB, it just made sense. People can say what they want, but it works for me.

    I don't call it a diet, I just think its a healthy way to eat, and I feel better for it. I wish I changed my diet years ago.

  23. #23
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    I feel absolutely wonderful. If I stray from eating the foods listed in the primal diet, I feel it. I get sluggish, my thinking is slow and I get sleepy all through the day. I train hard every day and the food I eat fuels me to make it through my workouts as well as the rest of life's day.

  24. #24
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    12-05-2020 @ 12:15 AM
    underneath the sun
    keep at it mate, i lost 15 kilos last year in about roughly 3 months,in the uk,wasnt easy at first, but made it to 75 from 90 quite comfortably. dropped to 72 and here am easily sitting at 75, with not much change in diet, lots of fruit, no sugar and milk, beer is going to stack it back on and im aware of that. im walking a few miles perday plus doing 2 kilometers in the pool most lunchtimes. feel great after carrying that excess around for the last 3 years

    keep going youll get there
    ketamine-only fools and horses

  25. #25
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    underneath the sun
    ive just hada read up of that primal blueprint lark, looks just about what i have been doing, slow swims and eating pretty good, few eggs perday, and lots of good stuff

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