I find my daily dose of dogcrap on my lawn - infected with worms.
That lawn was planted for my 4 year old son to play on, not as an outhouse for any bad trained pets.

I actually suspect my neighbors tiny nasty child substitute.
That excuse for a dog, is able to slip through our gate even after we inserted extra bars that keep out the big buggers.
He's so sure that it is his territory, that he gets mad on his side of the road when my wife or kid enter our property.
The other day I had the gate open and was about to get into my car, when my neighbor let him out for his morning piss and he immediately run past me onto the lawn again.
This time he was called back, but I'm pretty sure he's send to our property on purpose when we are not around.

Now, I have no feud with any of my neighbors (at least as much as I'm aware off), so I can only guess its plain laziness of the owner.
That creature is send out, while the owner keeps waiting at his gate.

The whole thing makes me angry - since we have a big patch of lush green forrest with lots of tall trees, grass, bushes, you name it... 25 meters down the road, starting right next to my property...

But of course they would have to walk that dog the full distance, 25 meters and back!

Now I'm wondering whether I lay down rat poison right away, or first hang a sign on my gate that I will do so in 2 days time.

Any advice?