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  1. #1
    whiteboy namkhiao's Avatar
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    Where to find native trees (Wang Nam Khiao / KhaoYai ) for planting

    Complete noob here .. tried searching but didnt find anything. Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question:

    Anybody have tips on where to find native species of trees to plant in the Kabinburi / Khorat area? have 20 rai of land in Wang Nam Khiao district and want to re-plant about 5-10 rai of it with more native trees / plants for a little mini habitat restoration (rest is fruit trees, garden etc)

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat
    Bonecollector's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, I will ask my wives auntie, she will know. Probably get a response from someone else such as Troy before then though. I'll bump this thread for you though, best I can do for now.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteboy namkhiao View Post
    Anybody have tips on where to find native species of trees to plant in the Kabinburi / Khorat area? have 20 rai of land in Wang Nam Khiao district and want to re-plant about 5-10 rai of it with more native trees / plants for a little mini habitat restoration (rest is fruit trees, garden etc)
    There was a program in our village around not long ago where the Poo Yai Baan was given a large number of native tree seedlings to be distributed among the villagers every year. The villagers largely ignored it as they were more interested in planting eucalyptus trees. It may still exist in some Amphurs. Another potential source is the National Parks. My wife has a contact who works in the National Parks Department who has offered us seedlings. Coincidentally we were only discussing it a few days ago as we prepare for another round of planting to supplement the 200+ trees we've already planted. I will ask her to follow up and provide more details.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    ^Good to know.

    You could try going to a plant nursery on the side of the road and inquire with them. If they do not have some, they will surely know where to get them and they might be able to get them for you. Chok Dee

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