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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Veterinarians and Euthanasia

    What the fook is it with Thai veterinarians in that they won't euthanize dogs. My bitch took really bad tuther day in that it's back legs would not support her. She seems to just want to be left alone and not eat and drink. This all came on suddenly yesterday morning and so I done a bit of Googling and came up with the diagnosis of 'Degenerative Myelopathy'. First vet I saw agreed and gave me medication and said bring her back in a month if she's no better and charged me 1,000 Baht. The dog has since got worse and is incontinent. So now knowing what is wrong with the dog I tried 3 other vets to see if they would euthanize her. All refused. That surely must go against their veterinary training? I'm now left in a position whereby I will have to do the deed and I'm not looking forward to it.

  2. #2
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Cultural/religious beliefs.

    No Koreans in town?

  3. #3
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    This has cropped up before.

    I can confirm that euthanasia, rightly or wrongly, is not how it's generally done here.

    This vet will apparently deal with it, but he's in Chiang Rai.

    Dr.arnon Pet Hospital - Hospital at Muang Chiang Rai

    We're at the point where we are pretty much done with pets.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that buddy. I hope you have a gun because caving her head in or letting her starve to death ain’t gonna be fun.

  5. #5
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    Pragmatic, my vet in Korat will euthanise dogs if their condition is terminal. Get in touch if that's an option.

    I wouldn't be too hasty about doing the deed unless you're absolutely sure. My elderly dog had a couple of turns and lost mobility but recovered both times until she finally passed at the grand old age of nearly 16 last year.

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info Mendip but I'll keep try for a vet closer to where I live for now. My dog is a French Bulldog and isn't even 3 years old yet.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrWilly View Post
    I hope you have a gun because caving her head in or letting her starve to death ain’t gonna be fun.
    Easy enough to borrow from the local cops. Ain't no fun seeing her incontinent and dragging her back end around either

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    You might ask your local vet to prescribe phenobarbital for the poor thing. He might give you enough for you to overdose her yourself.

    Any way this goes, it won’t be easy. So sorry, Prag.

  9. #9
    I am not a cat
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    Which area of the worl are you in prag?

    From elsewhewre:

    Contact Dr. Tony at Parichart Animal Hospital, it is out near Suvanabhumi

    You will likely do better asking for an assessment first of whether there is anything that can be done rather than asking for euthanasia right off the bat. I know for a fact this hospital will euthanize if in Vet's opinion there is no hope and the animal is suffering, but they'll likely want to make that assessment themselves.

    I should add OP that unlike in the West, afterwards you will be expected to take the body away yourself. They will place it in a styrofoam container. You'll want to stop at nearest 7 11 for ice. Plan ahead for what you will then do e.g. if you have a yard dig the grave etc.

  10. #10
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    I would say that for sure, my vet would want to do his own assessment first before euthanising a dog.

    We had an elderly dog euthanised a few years ago; Den, Dan's brother. He was very sick and while we were waiting for blood test results the vet gave him medication and nutrients for around a week, but as soon as lymphoma was diagnosed the vet offered euthanasia.

    I was there through the procedure which was very peaceful and afterwards, wrapped Den in a towel and took him home to be buried down by the pond.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Being as we couldn't find a vet to do euthanasia my wife decided that she would nurse the dog to the end. We thought that it wouldn't take long being as she hadn't eaten or drank for 3-4 days. Well the dog has now started eating and drinking. Not much but it's a start. Her back end/legs are still paralyses and we've decided to get her a dog wheel chair available on Lazada. Fingers crossed all will end well.

    This is how we currently get her to move at the moment.

    Veterinarians and Euthanasia-img_20231112_060436-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Veterinarians and Euthanasia-img_20231112_060335-jpg  

  12. #12
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    I know the feeling well. A couple of years ago, our remaining and 11 year old Golden Retriever (female) got worse and worse, having to be 'walker' in the same way as you've been doing, though as a large dog, needed two of us. She was an absolute sweetheart, and it was incredibly painful to see her in that condition. For her last week or so, she was wearing adult incontinence pants whilst just laying on a towel. She never once groaned or moaned though, incredible. The last few dogs that have passed with us, we've had cremated as there are people that do a proper ceremony for animals here, and the ashes returned to us.

    There is a similar situation on the horizon with Jiew, our 15 year old rescue dog. Only today, she was staggering and falling over in the kitchen. I've previously 'Google'd' euthanasia at home, but not found anything remotely acceptable in terms of pain free as would be the case with a vets injection.

  13. #13
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    Have had 2 put down over the years at our vet in Roi Et. Surprised none in Phuket will do.

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