Greetings, for several months I've been blogging the build of our eventual retirement home in Nan province. It is nearing completion and we expect to move in towards the end of the month or first week of February. We are now turning our attention to retaining walls, fences and gardens and so I've decided to open this thread in the more appropriate forum. I've chosen to use the term 'greenscaping' because we want to establish a colourful and varied set of gardens and orchard and try as hard as we can to adhere to organic and natural processes. Our emphasis will be on fruit trees, two 30sqm vegetable gardens, a kitchen garden, a garden to attract butterflies and bees and running some chickens. Dogs eventually.

I'll post some more detail of our plans and challenges in the coming days. Hoping that I can share our unfolding experiences and seek the guidance and wisdom of others in Thailand with green thumbs.