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  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ I also saw a swarm of lemon emigrants yesterday morning when I was at the farm. They are usually abundant at this time of year but, like you, I haven't seen as many before. The pond has groups of emigrants and lime butterflies, maybe 20-30 butterflies in each group. There are also far more yellow pansies around than usual but i haven't seen any blue pansies yet.
    A useful post from a year ago because recently I saw a stream of light coloured butterflies passing across my garden. They were all heading north, I don't know why, and the flow continued most of the day. Now I believe they were Lemon Emigrants.
    Since that day there have been many around, in fact you cannot walk outside without seeing some at the moment. Now the mass migration has stopped, they are all just fluttering around in every direction.

  2. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    I checked and there are several subspecies, two of which are found in Thailand:

    Pachliopta Aristilochiae asteris and Pachliopta Aristilochiae goniopeltis.

    I can't find any identification checklists between the two. I left my main reference in Germany, which was pretty dumb...
    Unable to edit post after so long, but reference the Common Rose.

    I checked in my reference books and the smaller and larger ones are of the same sub-species Pachliopta Aristilochiae goniopeltis. The other sub-species is only found on the peninsular and Malaysia. It appears the larger one is the female and the smaller ones the male.

  3. #203
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    Thai Butterfly Photos-bfly2-jpg

    This looks like a Lime Butterfly. I have no idea what the plant is. I read that they prefer blue and purple flowers.

    This is one of five butterflies in my garden that I could identify from Troy's pictures in just his first two posts. So thanks for that and credit to you for being able to take those shots. I only have my phone and it is really difficult to get any pics at all, let alone in focus.

    I have two baby Thai lemon trees and one tiny magrood that I'll be checking regularly for any sign of their caterpillars.

  4. #204
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    Underside of a great eggfly, I think.

  5. #205
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    Inspired by some of the fine pictures in this thread, a few months ago I planted this fig-like plant after I noticed last year that it seemed to be a bit of a butterfly magnet. The gf knows the Isan name but it seems too hard to get from that to Thai and English. All she can tell me is that some Isan people use the leaves instead of msg - inevitably a food reference.

    The photos are all from my mobile, so not on a par with the very professional pictures above. Any corrections or clarifications on my provisional identifications are welcome.

    Thai Butterfly Photos-common-rose-jpg
    Common Rose

    Thai Butterfly Photos-lime-butterfly-jpg
    Lime Butterfly

    Thai Butterfly Photos-striped-alb2-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-striped-albatross-jpg
    Striped Albatross

    Thai Butterfly Photos-lemon-emigrant-jpg
    Lemon Emigrant?

    Thai Butterfly Photos-noidea2-jpg
    No idea #1

    Thai Butterfly Photos-noidea1-jpg
    No idea #2

  6. #206
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    ^ I think the first one is a mimic of the Blue Tiger butterfly but the black and white body gives it away as a Common Mime (Papilio clytia)

    The second also looks to be a Common Mime but this time the form that mimics the Common Crow.

    Difficult sometimes to tell the real ones from the mimics without several pictures showing the upper and lower wings as well as the body.

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ I think the first one is a mimic of the Blue Tiger butterfly but the black and white body gives it away as a Common Mime (Papilio clytia)

    The second also looks to be a Common Mime but this time the form that mimics the Common Crow.

    Difficult sometimes to tell the real ones from the mimics without several pictures showing the upper and lower wings as well as the body.
    Thank you Troy. If they could just sit still awhile it would be a lot easier. Some park with their wings open, many keep them firmly closed unless flying.

    More efforts to follow.

  8. #208
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    Unknowns, and with the poor quality of the pics they will probably remain unknowns.

    Thai Butterfly Photos-bnw2-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-bnw1-jpg

    Thai Butterfly Photos-unknown1-jpg

    The colour reproduction is not very helpful in this last picture. It was a bit more beige in real life, rather soft and rather dull colours. This is the only one I have seen in the garden.

    The sharp-eyed reader will spot that I planted more than one of these plants, a total of four around the place. All done Isan style, clip a length off someone else's plant and stick it in the ground. Three of them have survived.

  9. #209
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    Not all the butterflies stop at the white flowers. Some just take a passing look and if it is not too hot I wander around behind them.

    Thai Butterfly Photos-eggfly-jpg

    Great Eggfly

    Thai Butterfly Photos-smallyellow-jpg

    A small yellow thing. There are a few around and they are fairly active, not settling for long.

    Thai Butterfly Photos-dead1-jpg

    This one had expired. At least it stayed still long enough to take a picture.

  10. #210
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    ^^ First one is a better picture of the common mime.

    Second is a female leopard lacewing.

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^^ First one is a better picture of the common mime.

    Second is a female leopard lacewing.
    Thanks, Troy. I am out of greens, nonetheless grateful.

  12. #212
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    Great Eggfly, female?

    Thai Butterfly Photos-noteggfly1-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-noteggfly-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-eggflyunderside-jpg

    Brown things:

    Thai Butterfly Photos-brown3-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-brown2-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-brown1-jpg

  13. #213
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    A couple of whites:

    Thai Butterfly Photos-whitish2-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-whitish1-jpg

    This one was taken separately from the last, I think it is different:

    Thai Butterfly Photos-whitish3-jpg

  14. #214
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    A Tiger or a mimic or something else entirely?

    Thai Butterfly Photos-another1a-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-another1-jpg

  15. #215
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    ^ You are doing well at finding the mimics....

    That is a female Danaid Eggfly (see post 192)

    ^^ Further up, the first two look to be of a Common Crow and the third is of a great eggfly.

    It's a fascinating world, don't you think...
    Last edited by Troy; 12-06-2021 at 12:13 AM.

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    It's a fascinating world, don't you think...
    It is, indeed. I am glad I planted those shrubs, or whatever they might be, the flowers attract so many butterflies.
    Good, too, to have the time to notice these things.

    What is this life if, full of care,

    We have no time to stand and stare.

  17. #217
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    Lemon Emigrants again. One male and one female, they were dancing around together.

    Thai Butterfly Photos-lemonm-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-lemonf-jpg

  18. #218
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    Not a butterfly. I was trying to snap the butterflies when a Dwarf Honey Bee turned up at the same plant. I like seeing these around the garden. Honeybees are indicators of a healthy environment.

    Thai Butterfly Photos-dhb2-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-dhb1-jpg

    These are interesting because they are the most plesiomorphic honeybee alive today. (Yes, I did need to look that up.)
    They are closest to the common ancestor of all bees and the Internet suggests they are pretty much unchanged from 40 million years ago. The Internet wasn't around back then and I don't know how it knows such things, anyway I am prepared to accept it as fact.

  19. #219
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    ^ Fossilised in amber is a lovely way to preserve...

    Thai Butterfly Photos-honeybee_amber_fossil-jpg

  20. #220
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    Some butterflies are more obliging sitters than others. Those Lemon Emigrants don't settle for long and they usually park up with their wings closed. Some others I haven't been able to photograph at all, they are nervous and don't let me get close. Some though are better sitters:

    Thai Butterfly Photos-brownish2-jpgThai Butterfly Photos-brownish1-jpg

  21. #221
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    ^ Tawny Coster - Acraea terpsicore - Wikipedia

    I love the way different butterflies fly, I should make videos of a few examples to give an idea. The Common Pierrot has a really erratic flight whilst the more poisonous butterflies just cruise along.

    I found that early morning, before the sun has warmed up their wings, is a good time to photograph if you know which plants the caterpillars feed on. Midday is a good time for many if you know where they feed, especially swallowtails, and I only look for the smaller species and caterpillars after 3pm.

    If you have good feeding plants close by then you can just sit and relax over a few beers and wait for them to come to you. Add some rotten fruit on the ground to attract some of the others.

  22. #222
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    Not a butterfly yet but this caterpillar landed on my arm today when I brushed past a bush. It was a bit over an inch long.

    It felt like it had given me a mild sting, or maybe a bite, or maybe a prick from one of it's spikes? It was certainly very well protected.

    And the underside.

  23. #223
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    ^ Parasa Lepida, or nettle caterpillar Parasa lepida - Wikipedia

    I had a quick google as it looked poisonous and indeed it is mildly toxic...see http://file:///C:/Users/johnh/AppDat...2-00396-v2.pdf

    Nice photo of the caterpillar and skin reaction.

    Did you end up with a similar rash? Where was it, on a banana plant or something else?

  24. #224
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    Thanks Troy.

    I did end up with a small rash, but nothing worse than the heat rashes I'm getting at the moment anyway.

    The caterpillar seemed to brush off a bougainvillea plant although there is a coconut palm overhanging that bush.

  25. #225
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    ^^^They say that the covid virus is airborne but now I know how it gets spread.

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