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  1. #26
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    22-11-2015 @ 04:35 PM
    Birding, it's threads like this that make this site worth visiting for me, like your and Troy's and Charleyboys and Gipsy's and others great photos and commentary (Nature and Travel and there are too many great posters to mention, thanks to you all). It's also about forgetting the inhumanity for a second. Nature and Music works for me.

  2. #27

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    Forgive me Troy if I should post the same butterfly as you already have, I havent kept proper track.

    This is an old photo I took on 6/4/13 at the butterfly house at Jutajak Park in BKK, a place worth a visit if you have never been there, great vegetation as well as butterflies.

    The Clipper.

    Staff Sargent 27/1/15 at Choelem Rattanakosin National Park
    Last edited by birding; 18-09-2015 at 08:16 PM.

  3. #28
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    ^ No problem...different angles and different light conditions are very useful when trying to identify a species..and there are several sub species, with different female forms, as already mentioned.

    Have you spotted any lady-boys yet? Male left wing and female right wing...

  4. #29
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    Brilliant pics and thread. Thanks!

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    I had a butterfly flit around and come to rest on my golf ball the other day. Nothing too odd about that however it also happened to be almost the exact same shade of fluro-green/yellow that my ball was so I amused myself by imagining it was trying to shag it.

    Couldn't get a pic of it though unfortunately. Not that anyone wants to see butterfly porn.

  6. #31
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    ^ Butterfly porn? Well if you insist....

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    Bigg;s Browning (Miletus biggsii) that I found in a compromising position in January...I am still awaiting a pay-off from the male that, being of Thai origin, was obviously straying...

    This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x682.

    Common Baron (Euthalia aconthea) taken in January whilst taking a drink on a drying pond. Very nervous and difficult to get too close with the 105mm. I am hoping for better results next year with the telephoto.

    This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x682.

    A Gaudy Baron (Euthalia lubentina) taking a drink from almost te same spot a few days later.

    A Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) Underwing to go with the Upper wing that Birding posted earlier

  7. #32

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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    I had a butterfly flit around and come to rest on my golf ball the other day. Nothing too odd about that however it also happened to be almost the exact same shade of fluro-green/yellow that my ball was so I amused myself by imagining it was trying to shag it.

    Couldn't get a pic of it though unfortunately. Not that anyone wants to see butterfly porn.
    I have been unable to access this site since last Wednesday morning so this reply is a bit late.

    I doubt anyone would be interested in seeing a butterfly attempt sex with one of your or otherwise. Although there are some weird people in this world.

    However as Troy has already posted, how butterflies do it ;

    Confucian Dart in the standard position.

    Golden Birdwing one on either side of a leaf, Female on top.

    They even have the ability to fly in a connected state....As in fly united.

    Which is no mean feat for one would have to be flying backwards, or both sideways.

    I havent been quick enough to get a pair in flight but this is a pair of Rustic on the point of taking off.

  8. #33

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    A couple of Albatross today.

    An old one of a Striped Albatross taken around home on the 11/7/13

    And a Chocolate Albatross taken at the Mae Wong River, Mae Wong NP on 2/5/15

  9. #34

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    A couple of Browns today.

    Bamboo Tree Brown taken on 2/7/15 at HKK wildlife sanctuary.

    This one had me fooled for a time thinking it was one of the five rings then I realised the shape was wrong and it is actually the wet season form of the Common Evening Brown, taken 21/9/15 at Singburi

  10. #35
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    Some really superb photos here... I have thousands myself,,, with a small camera that really don't compare to these... well done!

    for those interested, the prime resource on butterflies here is "BUTTERFLIES of Thailand" by Pisuth Ek-Amnuay.

    Available at Kinokuniya book store.. I paid Bht 1750 a few years ago... for those interested this is well worth it.... Hundreds and hundreds of plates of each genus with multiple color photos of top and bottom color patterns on each plate.

    Also contains info on primary locales and scarcity...

    I consider it the bible of Thai butterflies.

    "If you can't stand the answer --
    Don't ask the question!"

  11. #36
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    22-11-2015 @ 04:35 PM
    Very beautiful photos and thanks for sharing.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Gibbon
    the prime resource on butterflies here is "BUTTERFLIES of Thailand" by Pisuth Ek-Amnuay.
    Available at Kinokuniya book store
    Thanks, will check that out

  13. #38

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    A couple of Gulls today.

    Lesser Gull taken T Phu Kae Botanical Gardens on 16/9/15 just before I got chased out by the rain.

    Orange Gull trying to hide from me at Thap Lan National Park on 16/10/15.

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    A couple more today taken at Phu Toei National Park 16 Oct 2015.

    Common Nawab.

    Tawny Rajah on the outside.

    And sort of inside and out.

  15. #40

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    A couple of Sailors.

    Common Sailor

    Sullied Brown Sailor.

  16. #41

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    A couple from Pang Sida National Park a park renowned for the number of butterflies, so much so that they hold a butterfly festival each year.
    Taken mid November this year.

    Common Lascar.

    Chocolate Tiger.

  17. #42

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    Just one from me today.

    Black-tipped Archduke. Huai May Dee on the 1/11/15

  18. #43

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    White Tiger

    Saw this one last week in Surin, one I havn't seen before.

    Looks much better with the wings open.

  19. #44
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    Common Mime

    I was looking at a crow thinking it looked a little strange and took some pictures...It ended up being a Common Mime (Papilio Clytia).

    The butterfly comes in several forms and the one below is the Clytia Clytia:

    Underside and ...


    A few days later I was looking at a strange tiger like butterfly and found it was a different form of the common mime, this time the form Clytia Dissimilis:

    The Tigers and the crows are both poisonous and so by mimicking them the mime gets some safety without having to eat nasty poisonous plants...

    The first form mimics the Common Indian Crow, which I have posted earlier and the second one mimics the Blue Tiger and Glassy Tiger...

    The Glassy Tiger (Parantica aglea)
    I only managed to get the underside of this one...

    ...All taken in my garden in early January...

  20. #45

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    A couple of common's

    Common Mormon.

    Common Wanderer.

    Both from Phu Kae Botanical Gardens 9/2015

  21. #46
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    ... continuing with the 'common' theme...

    Common Leopard (Phalantha phalantha): Phalanta phalantha - Common Leopard - Butterflies of India

    The Common Tiger Danaus genutia:

    Upper and under sides of the butterflies taken in Dec/Jan, again in my garden SK47120.

    A little further South towards the Sakhon/Udon/Karasin borders (SIL village) ...

    Common Sergeant (Athyma perius perius) :
    Last edited by Troy; 30-01-2016 at 01:28 PM.

  22. #47
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    ...and a couple more...

    The Common Palmfly, which I spotted in a garden centre on the way back from Wanon (within 20km of same postcode area). It was dusk and I had to use a flash. The upperside was dark brown/black with a blue edge to the forewing. The garden centre picks up many plants from across the country so it is difficult to say if it was local to the area. I think it is the form Elymnias hypermnestra agina. is the wiki page for the species and:
    Elymnias hypermnestra agina shows an example of the agina race.

    Common Baron (Euthalia aconthea) of which this is the male garuda form

    ..and this is the female of the same form geruda.
    This is also known as the Mango Baron or simply Baron.

  23. #48
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    Long-banded Silverline female upperside (Cigaritis Iohita)

    and the underside of the same butterfly. There are several different species of silverline and so both upper and lower are required to distinguish them.

  24. #49
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    While I was in Thailand, unpacking several boxes of books, I came across an old favourite:

    The great thing about this book is that it shows the caterpillars and butterflies grouped by the main larvae food plant. This means you can go to an area and expect to see certain butterflies based on the plants around you.

    If I have time this year. I will use the information in "Butterflies of Thailand" by Pisuth EK-Amnuay (mentioned in an earlier post) to create a database and then sort it by main food plants. A photo of each plant with associated butterflies would be the next step to turn the reference book into a field guide.

    I was a little disappointed, over Christmas, in not being able to photo several swallowtails that I saw for one reason or another. A couple of black ones and several birdwings, one of which was less than 10ft away but I didn't have my camera with me...

    Anyway, below is a female Striped Blue Crow (Euploea mulciber), which I saw in the garden and the hedgerows on several occasions.

  25. #50

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    Some more common's.

    Common Archduke, Huai Kha Keang 21/8/15

    Common Bluebottle, Chalerm Ratanakosin NP 28/1/15

    Common Nawab, Pang Sida NP 18/11/15

    ON the Silverline, I have called this one Club Silverline bt I may be wrong, taken 20/6/15

    Good to see you back in the country Troy and posting.

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