Hello, new here. Thinking of migrating to Thailand.

I have seen a lot of nice apartments, houses, condos, bungalows, house boats, and shared rooms listed on the net. usually in town. But this is not really my ideal location. I am curious about other areas farther away from towns, maybe even closer to a boarder (can you drive over boarder for visa runs?)

I would like to keep these animals.
A few of each, Dogs, cats, pigs, goats, chickens, and a large number of rabbits.

I do not need or want a fancy expensive ranch mind you. just some rabbits in the back yard, chickens roaming the yard, my dogs laying on the porch, a few cats to keep down mice and snakes, maybe some pigs or goats just because I can.

Its getting hard to have this lifestyle in the US, with all the zoning laws, and "animal hoarding laws" and such. Any such issues in Thailand?

I love having animals, and eating fresh raised meat however I do not care to butcher, here in the states I can take my pigs or cow (I dont want any more cows!) to the butcher shop and pay to have it butchered, and prepped for the freezer. I would think the same could be found in Thailand? maybe a local farmer/butcher or something? I can make do if not, not helpless just prefer to not kill what I eat, weird I know, because raising it for the table is ok, as is hunting

So any areas in particular that would be better for me? or cheaper to find such a location? I know this is a big loaded question, but about how much would a 2 or 3 bedroom place on enough space to raise animals cost me? looking for low end of the spectrum here. Is it possible to rent such a place? or will I have to purchase?

Also interested in any concerns I should consider. I do not like the scarcity of guns, I hope predators are just as rare, though I have no idea what local predators might be? lions and tigers and bears oh my? I am used to dealing with coyotes with a rifle. not sure id want to protect my pigs from a tiger, with a machete...good dogs will help, but idk really what to expect.

of note: I do not need the animals to survive, don't need to market them. I have a retirement that should cover all expenses if I live in town. But If I can live cheaper with animals and privacy,peace and quiet. I would prefer this. even if it required a long trip to "town".

Thanks in advance for any advice, tips, locations, or information you can give on this.