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    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    When I was married to a Thai girl, Part 2

    So here it goes then, I was starting to realise my marriage wasn't what it really was, we'd just been to Thailand for the wedding and returned, to a somewhat dusty flat, but we made it back. First thing was to excitedly go and get my cat back from the neighbours place and tell her all about my adventures as a husband. The cat was rather unenthusiastc, much like my wife was becoming.
    One of the first instances of my realisation that a banana skin had been thrown in was when I withdrew some cash from an ATM at the Palmers Green branch of Abbey National using a Barclays card. The ATM charged me 30 pence for the privelege.

    When I got back and gave her the ATM slip she hit the roof at the 30p charge, telling me how stupud I was and how I never "save money". She told everybody at the restaurant, well all the Thais anyway. Some of them were indifferent to her attitude. Where some agreed that I was a stupid carefree farang who throws money away, some took my side in the matter, ie the Thais who were there who had been educated and brought up in London. Surprise surprise.

    That night as I lay on the sofa watching ...something to pass the time, I tried to cast my mind forward a year..what would I be doing? With whom? How much more would my current situation deteriorate? I had already envisaged a break up and had to accept it for real. I gave up having too much heart in the marriage after the Thailand trip and certain events that occurred, like when we were in a Bangkok sharks fin restaurant and she wanted to show her status to the staff, so she did it, by being rude and ignorant, and when I questioned her, she cast a sarcastic smile that said "So what can you do about it? this is my country", the same smile that she gave me when she was egging me on to hit her before she finally left not that long after. A smile she knew I f**king hated with a vengence.

    Back in the UK, she started again. On the phone to Thailand with the cheap phonecard, lousy reception so she would talk very loudly, and to save money she'd talk very fast. If you could imagine that for a second, it annoyed the fuck out of me, especially when she started talking to different regional Thais and using "sawadee Ja" instead of "kaa". It sounded so fucking false. Then I realised, she was being false. I'd say 75% of her existence was being false. Her workmates must have hated her at the restaurant she worked at, she could be a real spiteful bitch at times.

    I couldn't go to bed never mind sleep, I was insomniac, so I went to my neighbour, Anthony's place, and for the last time I was able to convince him that I was having a happy marriage with a girl who was "up for it" and never left me wanting sexually. How I fooled him, so I thought. I used to tell him bullshit tales of being at it all night and something to do with oysters, and he loved it, until now..

    "Pat" he said to me one day "Tell me the truth man" (he's Jamaican) "You ain't gettin shit are ya?" He was good at getting straight to the point.

    I may as well just tell him.
    "Nope and I haven't since April when we were in Thailand, and that was like having sexual relations with a large leg of beef, you know the shit you see hangin' up at the butchers...."

    "Ok Pat very funny....boy, you gotta sort that shit out, man, no bitch ain't gonna play that shit with me"

    "What the fuck do you want me to say? Does it not occur to you that our marriage is a sexual sham?"

    "Since when?"

    "Honestly, about 4 months after the first wedding in London, so almost 18 months"

    "Pat man you want out of that shit don't ya?"

    "You mean the dreaded "D" word?" I pretended to appear more shocked than I was.

    "Well if you wanna give it a name then yes, divorce"

    He stormed into the kitchen and made a cup of tea, and then threw it away when one of the biscuits he dunked in it collapsed and went into his
    steaming mug. He slammed it on the sideboard.

    "What you so worked up about?" I asked

    "No bitch fucks with my bro', you know what I'm sayin'?"

    "Chill man we'll talk later, I gotta go to Safeways to get some bin bags and bog roll"

    "Ok man, I'm coming with ya" And threw his coat on.

    "You see Pat, in life, girls will always come and go, but man will always be sitting on the porch chattin' about the times back in the day"

    "This ain't Boyz in the Hood man, be serious" I said half jokingly.

    "I am serious, that Italian gal did that same shit to me and I fucked her off, she tried to get the flat and all that but I'm smart, I know what these bitches want in life, stability and to take someone to the cleaners, that's a womans goal in life, to get her revenge on Adam for givin it to Eve up the chocolate tunnel in the Garden of Eden, just before she sucked off the snake in return for an apple"

    "You believe that?" I was forced to picture the scene he just envisaged.

    "Adam was black you know" He nodded as if he knew it was gospel "Kind of like a black olive colour"

    "Ok Spike Lee, spare me the sermon mate"

    Three days later I bought my fist bag of grass for ages, I was determined to be selfish and give myself some comforts rather than be trapped in this godforsaken arrangement. She's enjoying her life, controls the money, enjoys that too, does she think I'm enjoying mine? I don't think she gives a shit.

    I flew away that night with the aid of a few cans of beer and her cackling on the phone became a distant murmur as I flew away with the cat perched on my stomach as I lay on the sofa.

    I was woken startled a few minutes later by my wife screaming the words "Gan-jaa" several times out loud hysterically. She whacked the lights full on and I squinted.

    "Why you smoke? it's mai dee, for guy with 'jai dam' you know, it's no good, same same very bad"

    "Because I am trying to relax and I can't"


    What a fucking nerve, after all this time with her nocturnal phone habits she has the balls to ask me that.

    "You won't let me shut the living room door and all I can hear is you screaming at Thailand all night"

    "It's for business, for us together in Thailand, it's important, you want that right? Or you want girl from a go-go give you hiv?"
    She was obsessed with that last statemant and I counted that as the 16th time of her saying it.

    "Right now I wanna be happy, that's all, and when I say now, I mean now, as in now, at 1.47am, here in my living room, I wanna relax at home and be allowed to. what about Thai men? Are they allowed to relax? Hell yeah"

    I slammed the living room door shut as she left to go back to the bedroom. A small victory for yours truely. 1-0 to me so far. What was next?

    As it was now October and I was preparing for the annual december slog of gigs back to back day after day, she went to Chiang Mai for the wedding of a good Thai friend we had met when he studied at St. Martins Art School in London. We had helped him with small favours like storage and loans and he always siad he'd look after us in the future.

    His best man at the wedding was Thaksin Shinawatra's brother, and my wife being the person she was, had her picture taken with Thaksin himself, and that picture still to this day hangs framed in her restaurant in Nakhon Pathom. It brings in hordes of customer, coupled with the fact that her father used to be the mayor, it makes for a very high status-looking position to be in.

    I had a glorious ten days at home alone or with at my neighbours, getting out of it once again like kids and talking about women and what we think they'd make good uses as. "Someone to love who'll do a bit of ironing for you" was the verdict.

    To be continued.

  2. #2
    Dougal's Avatar
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    What happened to part 1?

  3. #3


    dirtydog's Avatar
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    part 1 was ages ago. do a search.

  4. #4
    klongmaster's Avatar
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    I fokin hate this shit which you have already posted on t'other channel...

    why do you need to cross-post it?...

  5. #5
    Not a Mod. Begbie's Avatar
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    Some of us don't vist the other channel. Well done Pat.

  6. #6
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by klongmaster
    I fokin hate this shit which you have already posted on t'other channel...

    why do you need to cross-post it?...
    You should calm down or you'll give yourself a heart attack.

  7. #7
    punk douche bag
    ChiangMai noon's Avatar
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    o dan y bryn
    Good post Pat.

  8. #8
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    NickA's Avatar
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    Good "Good post Pat" post CMN

  9. #9
    klongmaster's Avatar
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    ok cvntie...cross-posting is the name of the game...

    here's the part from your thread over there that you didn't post but which was much more interesting

    Originally posted on t’other channel in the CD Player’s thread by DunceCap

    So, there I was fresh off the plane and enjoying the Thai sunshine. I strolled around abit trying to see many sites. An old temple here, an open market there. That's when, being of the horny american variety, I decided to check out some of the other things Thailand has to offer.
    It took me little time to find pat pong, and was amazed at the night scenery. I peeked in a few go-gos, drank a few beers the toured around some more. There is a lot to see in all the nooks and cranies. I wanted to see it all. I sampled some of the goods and was not displeased. Although at the pat pong it does get crowded, so I decided to maybe see if there were some other places.
    I had bought a map to help me navigate around bkk. I was trying to find this place i had heard about...a soi cowboy. try as I may, i could not find it on foot. I tried for over a week-no luck. Finally, i broke down and took a cab. Ten minutes later I am walking down soi! what a difference from pat pong. Night after night I tried a new place. Man what a great little haven in this world. I would experience some difficulties, like cabbies ripping me off or the occasional girl who would not be so fun, and other nuances of life here in Thailand that we all experience in our own time. then upon talking with a guy from England, I learned about a place called, Nana. It was easy to find. Not directed to the open objective of soi cowboy, but it had its own character. So, I started to alternate between Nana and cowboy on different nights. The morning came and always the same thing, I would give them a little extra if i felt satisfied as a consumer-a tip if you will.

    After about two months of this, i decided that pattaya would be a place to hang out for a break from bkk. I arrived checked into a hotel and stayed for the next two months...had a couple regulars but pretty much moved on. It was not much different from Bkk just more well populated by seekers and escapists as well as genuine tourists. My routine became stagnant so i headed back to Bangkok for the real Thai experience.

    The next night I was at pat pong again. Not for the ladies but getting the cd's and Dvd's that didn't yet have..................that is when it happened.....I saw her!
    This angel. This piece of heaven. Her eyes a glow with the wonder of life. And that irresistable smile. She didn't say much. I didn't say much. But it was there that definite yet undefinable connection. Yes, we had chemistry alright, but it seemed more than that......something more. the night ended with me trying to speak Thai and understand what she was saying and hoping she understood some of what I was saying. I climbed aboard the skytrain with renewed strength, gusto, and a look to the future. I tossed and turned all night. What is it about this girl? Yes, she was beautiful, but that really didn't get to it.
    I woke the next day with a resolve to explore this avenue. I stayed away from all other haunts. To pat pong I would go night after night just to see if she would be there. She sold lamp shades. I would sometimes arrive early and help her set up. We would try to talk but the language barrier was quite large. A friend of hers, who spoke some English, helped with some of the conversations. I was able to let her know where i was from, my age, and that I was independently wealthy from a family inheritance. I learned that she was only 18 and from some city to the north and east. 18 yrs old! I was shocked. too, young. way too young! but that smile. Them eyes....she had this laugh. We would eat together on her breaks. She was never allowed to leave the pat pong night market area. Some mafia boss ran part of the business there and had bought all the girls who worked there. He had purchased them directly from their families. The girls were to be trained as workers; selling this mans wares. They were kept in big houses and driven to pat pong in vans every day-seven days a week.
    After 2 months of visiting her nightly.....I had decided...that maybe she wasn't so young...TiT.
    The plan was we would make a break for it. But there were problems. She was from some small village, Bkk is huge and scary. When the boss noticed I was a more than a regular customer, he started to move her around. Turns out he had stahls all over the city. At times it took me a week to relocate her. it was always a joyful reunion-but sad. We knew they would just move her again. Upon a bold plan I took her in hand one night and boldly strolled off to the skytrain. Near the bottom of the escalator we were pounced on. I didn't see them coming. I don't know how many there were. I woke up not far from the escalator. my head bleeding and sore, but I was lucky to be alive.
    I searched in vain for 3 months. No sign of her. I tried to involve the police but was told I was mistaken about things. The girls all said they were happy to work for this man. I had learned from a another guy that sometimes money can sway the thinking of the Thai police. I discreetly offered some doe. It was given back and I was told that any further attempt would be met with severe punishment or deportation. I went back to my hotel and opened a beer. Where is she? Is she dead? Fear for her life crept into my mind all that night.
    I didn't give up, however, during the next week I canvassed all of pat pong and other stahl locations. I didn't find her. But i did find the other girl. the girl that had helped us have our first real conversation. She let me know that we had to act fast and get to a place we could talk away from others. Next thing I know I climbing over the wall into some bathroom that stinks like a Thai sewer pipe. She was in there waiting for me when i got over. She explained my friend's disappearance.
    After our hurried discussion, i rescaled the wall and headed for my hotel room.
    .....sorry I didn't realize I was blabberin so much.
    We got together in the end.

    The next chapter.......
    She had been sent back home to her village, after they beat her for causing trouble. With a phone number supplied by the friend, I called some house in her village(I called....I can't speak thai) so someone answered and spoke thia, I couldn't understand a word. I located an interpreter and made a new call. It was the right village and she was just down the road. I marked the location on my trusty Thailand map and boarded a bus. I arrived two days later. I was met at the bus station by a horde of Thais. Some were her family and the rest were from around the village. They had come to see the farang. But, alas, she was there too!

    She lived in a corner of a shed(thai house in isaan). I met her entire family. I did my best to be polite. I was shown that I would sleep on the other side of the room-away from their daughter. So for a few days we ate, drank, looked at each other and smiled. I couldn't speak thai, and they couldn't speak eng. They certainly knew why I was there. Though we took some day walks, it was strictly hands off. One afternoon, we were gathered together on their front porch, and out comes a writing tablet and a pencil. Now there is one language we all speak-numbers. They wrote down a number. I shook my head. I wrote down a number. they shook their heads. This 18 yr old girl sat in the middle smiling as the tablet got passed back and forth. Food and drinks were brought in. We wrote passed and shook all afternoon. Finally, my starry eyed 18 yr old child of destiny, smiles at me and gives me a look of profound insight at what might possibly be instore for me, if I could just agree to a number--I looked at the tablet and nodded my head. They smiled. They partied. They danced and sung. Farmers came from all around to join in the celebration. I ordered lots of beer and wiskey. I was sent to stay at a hotel in the next town over. This was so they could prepare, but it also gave me time to arrange things for myself.

    I made phone calls and got my finances in order. I went to a local bank and after a couple of hours left with a sizeable amount of cash. She is so beautiful. She is so niave to this world. She knows rice farming and lamp shade sales. The things I will show her, teach her, give her.

    The next day finds me showered and bag in hand waiting to be brought back to the house to get this thing over with. I arrive not to her house, but the neighbor's. We line-up like a big parade and walk to her house. They are shouting, singing, dancing-I'm drinking and anticipating. It's hot and the sun is cooking us as we parade on over to her place.
    Man what a sight there is tons of food, tons of people, gallons of beer, and happy faces all around. Now they lead me over to a group of people and a lady comes forward, in eng. she says she is a teacher at the local school. She said she would guide me through this ceremony. But that, This first group I am brought to, represents the silver door, and a gift must be given in order to pass. There is music and dancing and staring as I stand there contemplating this gift. So, I reach in my bag and pull out some cash. The teacher points to an old lady. I recognize her as the grandmother. I hand her the cash and suddenly they dance to the side letting me and my group pass. Next we are brought closer to the house where they wash my feet in water lift me up and set me on the first step. I am told this is the golden gate and a deep wai and a gift as well must be given. In the bag i go again this time knowing gold is more valuable then silver, i pull out more cash. I wai the grandfather who approaches and give him this wad of cash. He steps to the side and i am allowed to pass. I get to the front door, but they indicate for me to go to the middle of the porch. I go and am told to sit down. The music suddenly stops. The people become amazingly quiet. Out from the door steps this heavenly site. It's my girl all beautified Isaan style. She was a stunner. My eyes grew wide in anticipation and delight. She glides over next to me and sits very delicately. In front of us is this water basin made of bronze some other ornamentation and odd looking things. An old man, dressed rather stragnely, walks over and places his hands atop both our heads and begins chanting. This is repeated several times while everyone else is still being very quiet. he then takes a hand broom like thing and splashes water on us while speaking mystical cantations of protection-my guess. Then arrives two carefully handled bowls of which I am told i am not allowed to touch with my hands, but that i must drink from one. I watch in amazement as my 18 yr old beauty bride to be, picks up one of the bowls with her mouth, scoops water from the large bronze bowl, tilts her head back, then lets the bowl fall to the ground. there are gasps from the crowd and everyone seems to be interested in how her bowl landed. I do my best to copy this feat. I got wet. I choked. But I got it done. Again there were gasps from the crowd. They drew in close and watched the bowls fall as this was repeated three times.
    It was hot out but at least the porch was shaded. As soon as the bowls were cleared away, out comes some small plates and a dead chicken. It looked cooked. it was wrapped in some banana leaves which were browned. The old shaman starts chanting away again, while ripping open this chicken. He pulls out a bone or two and examines them carefully, before displaying them to the crowd. There are whispers and such from the onlookers. I am told that again i am not to use my hands but that i must eat three pieces of chicken. Just then and there I was about to protest at my lack of skills in doing such a thing, when the old man tears away some pieces of the chicken and places them on our plates. Thankfully making this much easier. My bride to be leans down and picks up a piece in her mouth and sits back up so that all can see her eat it. Now, feeling that i was pretty far out of my element, i had to admire the way she gobbled down that chicken. And the way she cleaned her lips afterward sent me straight down to pick up my first piece. Up I came chewing away. Down she went for her next piece. We completed this task soon enough. She did a much more delicate job then me. Someone from behind us reached around with some tissue and wiped both our faces. The old man did some more chanting putting his hands on our heads a few times. Then the longest parade of people came and tied strings around our wrists and arms. All the while smiling and sayings nice sounding things. This done we went to one of the tables for some food. I drank some beer ate some food and waied some older folks that came to smile and wai me.
    Music was played, people danced, then in the evening we were led from the table to the house. Slowly we entered the house, which for the first time, I saw had been carefully cleaned and rearranged. Some drapery was hung to divide the room in half. To one side of the drape sat her mother and father on a mat. next to them was the ceremonial bronze bowl. Behind them was hung a large portrait of his majesty. My bride to be led me over to sit in front of them. They waied, I waied, we all waied. Then we waied the king and the bronze bowl. They said some things in Thai that sounded very different then the thai I had heard before. Then we just sat there staring at one another. Some time passed. Still we stared. Finally, the father takes from beneath his shirt a tablet upon which are some carefully written numbers. I suddenly realized, I had not yet paid for speaking i had not paid for my part of the agreement. I slowly got up and went to the porch and got my bag. I sat down and and produced what we had agreed. They smiled. They really smiled. I couldn't see there ears.

    The money was spread in some weird layered pattern on the floor while others came in to look or take pictures. After this, we posed for more pictures than I thought were necessary- an awful lot. I must say that I don't think I was smiling in all of them.
    Now it was later in the evening and many people had gone. We were still in the little room in the house. The teacher, being one of the last to leave, told me that everyone else would be sleeping somewhere else tonight as this would give us the privacy appropriate for the occasion. I smiled. I really smiled. You couldn't see my ears.
    Well we all know what happens when boys and girls get together. Not all's well that ends well, if you care to read some of the other horror stories on these threads.

    And so it came to pass---------- I will never tell how much I paid for that one night of ....... let's just call it a fanatsy night made real....real.......real......real farking expensive. A lot of time has passed since then.....she has had a baby...cute little thing......Not mine!

    They say money can't buy happiness.....

    I wasn't about to clear a spot and build a house next to ma and pa Isaan, so I packed up the new wife and headed for BKK. We stayed in a hotel for awhile, and looked for a place suitable for western style habitation. We would set out each day consulting different sources for a decent place. I must admit I felt strange at times walking with her because I would get the weirdest looks from people. Here is this older guy and this young beauty-Cradle robber was the feeling. At night there was no cradle to be seen.
    She was a fast learner!
    We found a place out near "the land of coconut trees," or Lad Prao as it is commonly called. She had very little in the way of luggage and I needed only to move my things from the other hotel. The place was very empty. We started with a mat on the floor in one of the upper rooms. We would crank the AC. and I would go about teaching ner the things she needed most to know, if this was going to work. I started with English, and, like I said, she was a quick learner. I started with anatomy-the important stuff.
    We made trips to all kinds of shops and stores to fill that house and make it liveable. One day I was out hunting for a good computer as my lap top was of the older variety, and I come home to her cooking dinner.......which was a nice thing to do, but I hadn't realized the impact of her culinary arts training. There were bags of all sorts of food stuffs all over the floor in the kitchen, plates and bowls full of chopped this and that were set in neat rows on the floor near the wall. There she sat in the middle banging away with some stick like thing in a big marble bowl. Bak-Bak, she smiled up at me. I looked at her and smiled. Here was this lovely 18 yr old newlywed trying her best to do her instinctual wifely duties. I glanced around the room. From the looks of things she had been at it for awhile. The entire kitchen floor was covered with her hard work. However, there sat the large table I had bought-empty. I looked at the counter-empty. She had learned to cook in the dirt back home. Try as I may to get her to use the counter; she preferred the floor-for many things.
    The first real trouble we had arrived about 2 months after we got the house. Ding-dong! Hi, its cousin suzie from our village back home. Suzie was a backward niave hillbilly from the word go. But, now my wife had someone with whom she could converse more regularly. And talk they did. The first talking was about how they needed mobile phones to let the people back home know how life in Bkk was going. Off we went to the nearest phone shop and we each got a shiny new gizmo. They never had phones before, but they were quick learners. Their phones rang day and night. Then came the new TV and UBC. Then one day when I was hammering away on the computer she took an interest. Off to the computer shop. About a week later, they installed my internet connection.
    I had made one of the rooms up stairs my office. This was where I could close the door and spend some personal time.
    I came down stairs one evening to find both of them prancing around the livingroom in their underwear giggling. A sight pleasing to the eyes, but why they were doing it was a bit of a shocker. It turns out they have figured out how to chat on messenger, and some guy has convinced them to show themselves. When I look at the computer screen here is this guy yanking on mr wally while watching this exotic performance. I didn't yell; just calmly shut the computer down and tried to explain that what they were doing was a bit over the line.
    Innocence was fading fast it seems. My wife and her cousin had made their first semi-porno. I felt we needed to get away from this non-sense, so all three of us headed to Jomtien beach for a breather. We got a nice hotel on the beach and played in the water. At night we walked along the water's edge. My wife's cousin would stay behind at times to give us together time on some of these walks. Then I had the crazy idea of showing them real life. What Thai girls with poor educations end up doing.
    We took a song taew over to Pattaya. Their eyes grew wide at all the girls. We stopped at a few bars. They talked with the girls while I drank and watched. This would open their eyes was my thought.

    Now here is where I would like to interject and say that this all started as a little blib about my 18 yr old thai seems it has gotten out of hand. But there is a little more.......a little more of what we would call......yes, like that....she was like that......

    Skipping passed the Pattaya thing.....the cousin met some Thai guy and they married soon after. (In case you are wondering---no I didn't.)
    We were back to Bkk and life of newlyweds. Being married and trying to be a good provider, I got her a credit card and a bank account. I kept it strictly separate from mine.
    She was in the shower, when her phone rang. I answered it and some guy on the other end says, "who are you?"
    That's where I'll end this one...........(and no he's not the father)
    Last edited by klongmaster; 13-06-2006 at 08:30 PM.

  10. #10
    klongmaster's Avatar
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    After a few PM's I (DunceCap) have decided to continue this.

    There is a reason they call it a broken heart.......

    "NO, who the fuck are you?" I shouted back into the phone. But who ever it was just hung up. I looked at the numbers on her phone. A lot of men's names that were western. There were Thai names but I couldn't tell you if they were male or female. Before she came out from the bathroom I got out a writing tablet and listed the names and numbers. Something was definitely not right about this.
    I was watching TV and thinking when she came down stairs. She asked me if I had seen her phone. I said yes, it's in the kitchen. I had put it there as a tactic to see if there was more to this plot than the ordinary horny scrog with some lustful chap. She got her phone and was headed back up stairs when I asked her to have a seat so we could talk. I had invested a lot in this relationship, so it seemed a fair amount of open-mindedness might do me a good deal here. She sat close to me on the sofa, and I could feel the cool soothing touch of her skin on my arm. I thought the best place to start would be a direct frontal assault.
    "When you were in the shower a man called on the phone. When I answered it, he asked me who I was." she moved over slightly and diverted her eyes briefly. I continued, "Who is this guy and why would he ask a question like that?" I watched her eyes searching for something.
    She smiled that wicked sinning smile. The one I can't hide my self from. She played with her phone for a minute, then said, "That was Mike. I met him at Sala daeng near the skytrain. But, I don't know why he would ask who you are. He doesn't even know I'm married." She finished this looking very innocent.
    Not expecting this I said, "So, you have been telling people you are not married?" I said this to her, but it echoed round in my head. There was some underlying substance here. If I could have just grasped it then, things would be much different now.
    "If i say I am married, they won't talk to me," she said this looking straight in my eyes. There was no shift in eye pattern. I truly believe that she could not comprehend at that time the depth of what she was saying.
    After baiting my hook, I decided to cast my line to see if the fish would really bite. "How many times have you spoken to this 'Mike'?" I asked this in as non-chalant way as possible. If she knew how loaded it was, she would never answer.
    "He calls about twice a week. he is a nice guy. He is a business man in BKK. He comes from New York. he just came back to Thailand a couple months ago. He didn't see me selling anymore. A friend gave him my number." She said this all either as a test or just because it is so, and the culture barrier for behavior and being forward about the truth, and the reality just left my head spinning.

    So in truth and in fact as it turns out this "mike" fellow had known her before I even met her. He used to pass her selling stahl sometimes in the evening. He also spoke perfect Thai. They had shared dinner a few times and felt a fondness for one another. She had shown me a picture and he was a handsome guy much more so than myself, and younger too. While we were getting married and stuff he had gone back to the states. Upon his return, they soon came into contact, and started seeing each other. From this vantage point you must be asking yourself, "why didn't this DunceCap see this or detect some bull larky was going on?" I say that is a fair question. Well for one I do not draw lines perfectly straight. Life in America taught me to look past failings to find the center. I am not the jealous type, the owner type, the clinger to sexual monogamy in the sense of actual human behavior. I am older than her. If she wants to have relations with someone else, that is what she wants. Your rules do not apply to my life, or my boundaries, nor my ability to love passed physical affections, however temporary they are. So, maybe in this respect we are different. She could have relations with others and I cared not. She would be following her path. She was still growing up. She has a lot more growing to do.
    What crossed my boundary was the lying. The truth shall set you free. But lies will for ever trap you in their deceit. I can not live with a liar. There seemed to be no end to her lies. Much more that I have not said. Mike was one of the many in a long line. Arguing day and night about these things. Smashing cell phones and buying new ones. Gone for a couple days to return to the inquisition. Grilling constantly. It was madness on my part and on hers.

    The big break came. I received a urgent call from back home. I jumped on an airplane and went back to the states. The urgency was my finances were in jeopardy. My ex-amer wife was trying to sieze my assets. Like I mentioned back in the beginning, I was independently wealthy. I had inherited large sums of money. She was trying to get her canine variety paws on them. I met with my lawyer and settled on a strategy that would work. I got my best friend to sit on a transit account that would be a deposit point for accounts payable. I would message him dates and places he would do the work and i would pay him. The rest of the money flew back to LOS with me in the form of a cashier's check. I triple barried the money. This took some doing but because it was such a large amount of money the Thai bankers I dealt with all hired interpreters who spoke very good English, I ended up footing the bill for all this but I was glad to have the money hidden away from the American Gov.
    In my haste, I had forgotten her, and I was unaware of the bankers allowing wives and others access to accounts that should not have access.
    In 3 months time I was penniless, they had fixed me good. Some of it was her doing, some fault lays with the bankers, the others involved I could not find and remain shadows on the elusive landscape. When I returned to the house in Lad prao it was chained, empty, and she was no where to be found.
    Broke, unable to return to the states, I met a monk who changed my life.
    The baby I am referring to that she had that is not mine was born this year. I found her, yes I did

    The Eastern sun shines at my Western door......

    Standing in the hotel lobby yanking credit cards out of my wallet. frozen, frozen, frozen....that she thing in america was up to her old tricks. I phoned my old friend and had him wire me some cash. I found a hotel near the main branch of the bank where my money used to be. The next day I went in and demanded they give me an accouting of all the transactions regarding my accounts. After all the translating and cold glasses of water they brought me, i was led to a small room in the back. they set me down at a table and a young man came in speaking in perfect English.
    "Hi, Mr. DunceCap, i have here a list of all your transaction since your first deposit," he sat down across from me and slid a packet of papers over to me.
    I said, "thanks," and looked at the papers. My initial deposit, a few transfers to the US, then her name came up, and up, and up. Each time a bigger number until it was all gone. "Look here," I said, looking him right in the eye. "This can't just happen. Didn't you think something was fishy when she was taking it all out?" My voice was rising, despite my wanting to remain calm.
    "She has full access to this account. If she wants to take it all out, that is her doing. We just keep the money safe," he said this smartly.
    And smart it did. "No!" I started shouting stuff about crooked conspiracy theories and seeing the stupid farang coming. They called the police. I was still in that room shouting at anyone who dared enter when they came and escorted me outside. I looked quite the spectacle when i got outside. All the people were staring and I just continued on giving them my opinion of Thai banks. Fear of being taken to jail did start to set in as the police didn't leave but stayed on to watch the crazy farang. I marched down the sidewalk, and for the first time since I had been in Thailand, people moved out of my way as I approached giving me a free stroll.
    I walked until a new plan formed in my head. The barried triple account structure I had set up should lead to the other culprits. I just couldn't believe she was smart enough to pull this off alone. Waving down a taxi I pulled out my phone to check the numbers I had stored on it. The people she had been calling. If I was smart enough, I could find away to track them down. But just as the taxi pulled over, the phone slipped out of my hand. I watched as it slid under the tire. There was a popping sound and a crunch. I yelled at the driver to pull forward. He didn't understand what happened, so yelled something back in Thai and sped away. My phone lay there shattered. I stepped off the curb to get it, but didn't look first. The next thing I know I'm knee deep in the front of a motorcycle. Which knocks me down. The bike goes down as well. The driver slides along the curb. I land on my ass and skid backwards. Again there is a crowd of people come to look at the Farang. Someone helps me up. I am in a little bit of a shock. The driver gets up cussing something fierce, and starts walking towards me. People step back. I realise what he wants but a second too late as he pops me one on the chin. Really dazed now, but sensing he may try it again, I raise my hands in self defense. Wrong move! Left right left, and I'm on the ground again. They pull him away, and i get up and run off. I ran oh boy did i run. At first I ran wildly, just from the adrenaline, I knocked over a few people in my attempt to get away. Others, not seeing anything else, just a farang pushing Thai people gave chase. So this frenzied mass of people go running down the street. Me for my life, them, who knows really, just get the farang!
    They didn't catch me. but I figured the whole police force was looking for me. I made it back to the house in Lad Prao. The gate was still chained, so I scaled the wall. My pants got caught on the top and i went for a tumble. This time I landed hard on my knee. I couldn't get up. there were shooting pains up my leg. I was sure the knee was broke. I just lay there. screw it! screw them! screw thailand! I was contemplating all these profound thoughts as the sun slowly went down.
    Monks come out in the morning........

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat Airportwo's Avatar
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    Fcuk me! thought I had problems as I don't know what TV to buy!

  12. #12
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    And your cut and paste point is??

  13. #13
    klongmaster's Avatar
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    that cut & pastes are fokin boring...

    if one wants to read's available over there...

    this cdplaying cvnt cross-posts over numerous forums and it gets on the goat after a while...
    time to mention it...

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat

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    In a rather cold and dark place

    Look post the rest please

  15. #15
    Thailand Expat lom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by klongmaster
    if one wants to read's available over there...
    I'm not a member over there Klongy , and I don't intend to become one.
    I find Pat's story interesting and I want to read more of it.

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat
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    Moved to someplace where they care...

  17. #17
    Aspiring Guru
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    27-07-2006 @ 09:21 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by klongmaster
    that cut & pastes are fokin boring...

    if one wants to read's available over there...

    this cdplaying cvnt cross-posts over numerous forums and it gets on the goat after a while...
    time to mention it...
    So fucking what klongy. I don't read ajarn so shut the fuck up.

    You're a right whiny cnut aren't you?

  18. #18
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    I thoroughly enjoyed Dunce Cap's story. Why do you think I would be jealous of his story? He went into great detail and set the scene brilliantly with his writing, why create a rift by saying his one is better? Maybe it is, I think it is because my own story I have relived a thousand times.

    Like to see you write something worth reading, other than the fact that I play CDs (I do, well done) and I'm a cvunt (what's one of those?)

    Lighten up or I'll kick you into the klong.

  19. #19
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    When I was married to a Thai girl, Part 3

    So there we were, at Brent Cross shopping centre once again to purchase an industrial pack of mama noodles and pick up some cut price phone cards from the Chinese supermarket so she could continue with her moonlight mission of completely depriving me of any shuteye.

    Anthony was waiting for us in the car park. It was the August bank holiday, and he had a day off, the reason why he was happily driving me and my wife back and forth to Brent Cross was that I had agreed to attend the last day of the Notting Hill carnival that evening, much to my wife's not knowing. I honestly couldn't give a shit either way, hell, she could even come with us and get seduced by a bajan steel drum player for all I cared. She had now become a thorn in my side, and was enjoying it.

    I was constantly tired from late nights and getting out of bed 'when I could still roll over for another two hours'. It was taking its toll and one of my agents complained that I looked so miserable whilst playing on stage one night that she was considering placing me at the side of the stage behind a curtain at the following months event. I agreed to this.

    Another work friend of mine said that I now posessed a permanent 'furrowed brow' and that he hadn't seen me smile since 1998. Thanks!

    "So whats goin on later Pat are we bussin' down carnival or what?"

    "Yeah course man, anyone else coming?"

    My wife caught wind of this just like I thought she would "Where you go tonight? You not stay home and save money?"

    "I want to have some fun with friends tonight, it's bank holiday and I'm not staying at home on a night off, I'll need some money too"

    "How mutt?"

    "Give me 60 quid"

    "What? no way paeng mak mak, I give you 20" She sarcastically said

    "F*cking hell it's my cash, if I want 60 give me 60" I raised my voice, Anthony winked at me.

    "But this money for us to have business..huh..huh" She started her fake sobbing, tears came down her cheeks at the drop of a hat, she was great at that.
    Same as when I had to raise my voice at Heathrow airport after she tried to get out of our agreement that I have 1000 Pounds for our ten day trip to Bangkok. She tried to palm me off with 400 that day and I vowed she'd never pull a fast one again.

    Many people think or assume that raining ones voice is a step towards being violent, but I disagree. There the physical movement of bringing yourself to hit somebody that I find very difficult. For some it's easy, for some it's easy after a few drinks, I can't either way.

    "Money for business bla bla bla" I said under my breath. Even Anthony sighed when he heard that.

    I found that I was constantly trying to find a way out of this trap of a marriage, I knew it would be a big bombshell to drop and had to choose the correct time . It had to coincide with all the staff at the restaurant knowing about my situation, and 'something' happening to ignite it. But what?

    The restaurant was easy work really, the deputy manager, Pablo, a Spaniard was great, he'd managed restaurants in Spain and Gran Canaria, and was the stereotypical Spanish waiter who was good with most customers and as a bonus was great at mixing the cocktails. I was great at the financial side of the restaurant, but not much else. Upsetting customers I was good at I suppose.

    The waiting staff were a mixed bunch, which we did deliberately. A Thai restaurant with a relaxed setting. No Thai music and regular staff, but fabulous food. With relaxing music too. No wailing Isarn or crappy traditional music.

    I finally had to tell my allies at the restaurant of my charade which they told me later on that they had suspected all along, that my 'wife' didn't really love me, but loved my ability for her to recieve indefinite leave to remain via my marriage. I had blacked out that last sentence deliberately from my mind for fears of believing it but it was slowly coming to light.

    Anthony was fully aware of it and he now the first person to know when I had some new evidence of her activities. Funny thing was though, she didn't appear to be in contact with another man, there wasn't that air of dread that you feel when a loved one is going with another person. So that's why i was able to keep my head above water. My friends were vitally important to me. I was always miserable, stoned, drunk and depressed when alone at home in the living room at night.

    It was time to increase the odds and I announced that I would be keeping all my DJ salary but she still got my restaurant money to pay the bills. She tried to use the Thai business excuse but she knew that I knew it was wearing thin.

    When ever we spoke to eachother on the phone our conversations religiously ended with "Love you" wherever we were but up to about 6 months ago I'd changed this into a mumbled "lubb ooh" from the side of my mouth whenever I was in public or at the restaurant. It was a tiresome exercise that was getting so cliched it was almost ridiculous. Other couples were happy under more extreme circumstances so why hadn't ours worked?

    I scratched my head and came up with one reason: She's Thai, and they have this ridiculous and illusioned outlook on the world, even worse when they get rich and leave the land of snides, they have virtues however and these outweighed the negatives. Never try and change a Thai though, it's nigh on impossible. that was my philosophy almost 7 years ago, and it's remained unchanged.

    Anthony was having a road rage incident meanwhile when a lady driver in front didn't race off the second the green light showed and he beeped his horn furiously saying

    "Hurry up yer damned woman, you can't drive, you should be at home cookin ya stupid bitch"

    She leaned out and turned round, "At least I drive a car you prick" she retorted.

    She had a point, Anthony was still driving an Italian plated Renault 19, over seven years old, and a left hand drive. It was his ex-wifes car.

    "You need to get a new car man" I advised him

    "Oh thanks man, wanna give me the loan clever?"

    I looked at my wife in the mirror sitting in the back seat and said "Well that may be sooner than you think"

    The carnival was pretty unspectacular, I stayed sober much to the temptation of drinking, there was the stereotypical policeman grooving to some reggae while a young singer called Craig David's voice boomed out of almost every two-step stage. Anthony did the rounds, recognising door staff from various west end clubs, shaking hands then chilling out with his old friend who was a DJ at Choice FM, a black music station based in London.

    Walked into my flat at midnight and was greeted with the lights full on and my wife packing her bags. I was all excited inside.

    She was moving most of her stuff to a friends and gearing herself up so she could leave completely in one go I worked out, though I knew, she thought I was too stupid to work that out so I left it at that. Playing stupid was proving useful, it made me find out that she was almost just as dumb.

    I went to the front room and whacked the tv on, cracked a beer from the fridge, then kicked the living room door shut after hearing the familiar beeps of the phone digits as she was beginning to dial.

    What a life I'm living, its all so false but at least deep down I'm winning in a way, all who think I'm stupid, ie the Thai restaurant staff and my wife, know f*ck all about what I can leave this relationship with, because there is nothing she can take. The furniture? Wouldn't be worth it. The carpets are expensive, but I can't imagine that. The kitchen stuff? Who cares, I never do much more that boil eggs in there anyway and feed the cat. The cat? No they hate one another. The cat often tries to be humane towards my wife, but my wife being Thai, typically doesn't have that 'depth' required to feel love.

    Anthony came round unexpectedly, cursing the fact he'd run out of grass.

    "I got that gals phone number you know" He beamed

    "What girl's that?" I was baffled, I hadn't seen him talk to any girls tonight, just touch fists with his homies all evening.

    "At Brent Cross, the one at the Yakult tasting booth"

    I vaguely remembered, but was standing with my wife at the time, doing my best not to acknowledge Anthony playfully toying with a blond girl's emotions whilst easily obtaining her phone number. The reason being that I always wanted my wife to be as far removed from anything sexual as possible, it was my own personal obsession, don't know why, probably a legacy of when I did indeed love her, to stop her getting or starting to get any ideas about loving an alternative person than me. Looking back, what a ridiculous and stupid way to go.

    "She's coming to dinner next friday, I'm cooking"

    "You lucky bastard" I was jealous

    "Well once she tries black, there'll be no turning back" He said whilst licking the gum of his rizla to stick his joint together

    "And" he continued, "She's got a nice friend she said she'll bring to meet you"

    "So that's why you came round tonight" I laughed

    I had another, new game I played now. The phone plug was located in the living room and each time I got up to visit the toilet I pulled it out, cutting my wife off in mid-sentence in the bedroom next door.

    To be continued, again.

  20. #20
    The Pikey Hunter
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    You could pay a psychologist to get this off your chest you know......

  21. #21
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    It's almost all off, don't wanna bore the pants off the TD members.

  22. #22


    dirtydog's Avatar
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    I was thinking of putting this lot into the famous threads section, I thought it was quite good.

  23. #23
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    ^^ If you do, wait til I put all four together and un-edit to be a more comfortable but longer, more complete read.

  24. #24
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Pat
    She's Thai, and they have this ridiculous and illusioned outlook on the world, even worse when they get rich and leave the land of snides, they have virtues however and these outweighed the negatives. Never try and change a Thai though, it's nigh on impossible. that was my philosophy almost 7 years ago, and it's remained unchanged.
    So why did you come to thailand if its full of a people you believe are like this ?

    you malign all the backpackers , but somehow I think they have a better chance of learning from their travels then you with a close minded attitude such as the one you have expressed above.

    and I thought it was mainly americans who needed trick cyclists.
    If you torture data for enough time , you can get it to say what you want.

  25. #25
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog
    I was thinking of putting this lot into the famous threads section, I thought it was quite good.
    They're all a good read.
    You ain't boring me, Pat...

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