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  1. #76
    Thailand Expat HermantheGerman's Avatar
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    25-05-2024 @ 12:43 PM
    I love this Forum !
    Think we can make a movie out of this?
    Which actor will play the leading role?

    >It was bad, lets just say somewhere on the trail there is a pair of 32-32 Levis to this day cause nobody would want those. I did have another pair and got them on and continued to the next Inn, stomach gurgling all the way.<

    I realy laughed out loud when I read this part.
    I can picture the scene now:
    Robin Williams behind a tree taking off his shity pants.
    Two weeks later some poor SOB finds the jeans and puts it on!
    Last edited by HermantheGerman; 31-03-2006 at 03:16 AM.

  2. #77
    Thailand Expat
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    AO before we head back to Thailand I would like to ask you your thoughts on the tsunami. What went through your mind when you first heard about the devesation at bandar ache?

  3. #78
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    awesome thread - in fact MM you could make that last question into a thread also!

  4. #79
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    My first thought is what happened to Nias Island as it was out unprotected 125 miles off the coast. It was decimated, and many many died. As for Banda Aceh I just felt pity that these poor muslims who have had the government of Indonesia screwing them over for 40 years got wiped out. They have been trying to be their own place and basically cecede from Indonesia for those 40 years.

    Hopefully things will finally be getting a bit better. The tsunami helped in getting both sides back to the bargaining table and in putting the guns down.

    Sadly I guess I worried more about Thailand than what happened in Indonesia.

  5. #80
    Thailand Expat
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    So you safely made it back to Thailand (phuket) what happened next? Was it time to settle down a little?

  6. #81
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    That shall come probably on monday. 2 weeks in Phuket back to the USA for 9 months. It shall probably be summerized as I dont know how long this should run.

  7. #82
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    Summerized is probebly a good thing as I know everyone is waiting for you to get to the bit about being thrown in the slammer in Bali so we shouldn't keep em waiting too long

    This can go for as long as you want it to AO - if you remain happy to answer my questions then I sure as hell am gonna keep asking them as you are a great interview.
    News is what someone, somewhere is trying to suppress - everything else is just advertising.

  8. #83
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    Bali was another trip.

  9. #84

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    17-01-2011 @ 08:05 PM
    Great post aging one,
    You must be older than me,I first came to thailand in the late 1970's.
    Loved the music history.

  10. #85
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    Same Mark, I am trying to remember if it was 77 or 78 when I first arrived. Graduated with my BA in 1974
    Last edited by aging one; 02-04-2006 at 12:43 PM.

  11. #86
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    "How do we get to Patong?" This was the only beach we knew by name. It seems the first time I wanted to go to Patong there was no real bus, songtaw, or taxi service. Finally a guy driving an ice truck said he would take us. Damn its cold sitting on a ton of ice in blocks, butt was damn near frozen to the tarp covering the ice even in the mid March heat.

    The hill leading to Patong was steep and rutted as pavement had not yet come to this island. 3 or maybe 5 kilometers an hour as we chugged up the hill, finally we crested the top and I was awestruck. Below me was a blue green ocean, white sands and palms swaying in the wind. But it was unspoiled nothing seemed to be there.

    As we pulled into Patong circa 1978 there was one hotel, 3 stories and about 80 rooms. We were let off there. We enquired as to the price and back then it was a grand. So we started walking. Passed the Phuket Cabana being built, lovely huts and restaurant right on the beach, but only a few of the rooms were open and the were occupied. Another hundred meters down the road we saw Viking bungalows, well they werent bungalows in reality but a long row of square brick rooms. Looking around for reception we heard screaming and shouting. Soon a rather fat Thai woman came running out followed by a white guy who was quite pink. They were arguing about something.

    "Got two room"? They had and the request calmed them down. Lars from Norway, a merchant seaman who had married Tida a local girl who liked to eat alot were going to be our hosts. The rooms were spartan but cool, due to the cement walls, floors and ceiling, just a small fan kept them nice. But back then my requirements were much less. Soon we had checked in and were on the beach. Crystal clear water and just beach and trees, not a hotel or bungalow one. We got a ball and started kicking it around, soon more farungs came to see what was going on, and we soon had a six on six football game.

    Then we found the old fishing net,and bamboo poles and Patongs first beach volleyball tourney was underway. If we were not exploring Kata, Karon and Nai Harn, we were playing volleyball from sunup to sun down. But the time I left 12 days later I was black, I mean really black. 10 hours of summer sun a day with no lotion. Only dips in the sea every 20 minutes or so.
    Kata probably had the best early tourist infrastructure, as they had built the bungalows cantilevered into the hill with bouganvilla's cascading down between the huts, incredibly beautiful, looked like something out of a surreal movie.

    Everyone was a character, Max from Belgium, he wore only leather even in the March heat. Thomas from Bristol had gone native only sarongs, and no shirt, he refused to eat western food. William who was gonna lose his leg to gangrene but stayed so drunk he didnt care. Such a different breed of adventurers on the road back then.

    This trip was coming to an end but I was meeting Deborah on Maui, Hawaii, on the way back so I wasnt too sad. When I got to Hawaii I was in for a big shock at 75 farenheit the water was too cold to swim in I had become to spoiled by Patongs 88 to 90 degree summer water temperature.

    I would be back in Asia soon, but this time it would be for longer. I wanted to see Bali and buy a ticket back on UTA French airlines that I had seen in BKK. 499$ Singapore, Jakarta, Noumea, Sydney, Aukland, Nandi, Papaeete, LAX.
    Last edited by aging one; 02-04-2006 at 01:15 PM.

  12. #87
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    I really hope that we will see some of your photos soon as Phuket sounds like a distant planet compared to what it is now.

    I wont ask any questions this time as you are on a roll and will let you continue.

  13. #88
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    MM, the only photos you are gonna see of Thailand are Samui, and Mai Hong Song from 78 up till about 85 or 86. The rest either burned up in the fire, or my old gf Deborah has them. Sorry, but they are pretty good photos anyway!!! Cheers.

  14. #89
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    Poppy fields outside of Mae Hong Song first trip, not covered in the interview.

    Not exactly the size I had in mind.

  15. #90
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    The fire? *tucks that piece of info away to bring up at a later stage*

  16. #91
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    Is this better?

    Remember to click on the image to make it big before copying its URL.

  17. #92
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    Which hippy are you AO.
    I'm going for the one on the right.

  18. #93
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    I think your right because as far as I am aware AO isn't gay.

  19. #94
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    I reckon the one in the middle...

  20. #95
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    The one in the middle I bet ... but I already saw some of these pictures in the gallery section earlier today. Had a feeling they were AO. I mean, like, duh ? Dude standing in a dope field.

  21. #96
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    YaFin!!! I am in the middle, on the right is Steve McGuinness, the owner of Plum Blossum Gallery in HKG, the guy on the other side is a Shan guide we had to find the fields and the working elephants. What a time that was.

  22. #97
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    In a rather cold and dark place
    Do you look like one of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers AO?

    I always thought you must look like one of them

  23. #98
    born of a jackal
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one
    YaFin!!! I am in the middle

    that's odd , I was sure you'd be the one on the left....

    now what's with the old gay t-shirt as Memock incorrectly guessed - are you a homo AO?

  24. #99
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    Not as far as i know mate, speaking to CMN. First trip to Asia and it was hot. I always wore that kind of shirt for summer baseball practice.

    Homosapien yes sexual no.

    I look straight as hell Squirrell. Look in the gallery thats me before the aging process hit. Still have a full head of hair, and can wear shorts though!!!
    About a half an inch shorter and 9 pounds lighter!! Than you mate.
    Last edited by aging one; 03-04-2006 at 07:17 PM.

  25. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog
    I reckon the one in the middle...
    You cheated

    Oh and sorry AO for calling you gay!

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