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  1. #251
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    I aint dead just building up some impetus. As McArthur said "I shall return

  2. #252
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    promises promises

  3. #253
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    Well the hearing produced nothing. Back we went and now over 2 and a half months in. Walking the grounds one morning we noticed that one section really was unoccupied but looked nice about 8 cells that had an outdoor section and then a big old dirt pile in front of it all. Like a rectangle with walls around and a barb wire fence in front. One side the cells and the rest was just dirt.

    Yoyo was not as stupid as he seemed, this was to be our new home, but not before I got my first big surprise. I was not the only farung. Axel from Germany lived in the first cell of this compound by his wish and the wishes of the prison. I had never seen him. Of course we had not been allowed to this part of the prison before.

    Did others know of him? My gang did not as they came after me and he had been there over 2 years. The word went out. What's up with Axel? Th guards were the first to reply. He had been caught with about 100 grams of hash. So he was there for a while. But why had nobody seen him? He slept 6am till 8pm everday. He requested to stay where he did, he did not come out for meals or exercise. The guards wanted me to meet him as they thought of him as a wild man. Yet they never saw him except to deliver meals and take a head count.

    So it came to pass, escorted by a guard I was taken to his cell at 10pm, he had okayed the visit. Damn!! He had not shaved, combed or cut his hair and it seemed not brushed his teeth in the over two year period. No wonder they were afraid of him as he was about 185 cent, but now thin because he ate prison food. "" I cant speak English, I am uneducated, were his basic first words. ""Shaking my head I replied Spechen ze Deutch or whatever. But it soon became clear word by word we could communicate, but not speak.

    He was dealing the stuff and thats what he did all around the world. He had been offered at the first hearing to pay 7 thousand US and get out, but he would not do it. The result 9 years, which he had calculated to just over 3 more with good time and time served. He wanted no contact with anyone. His parents did not know where he was. So he slept when others were awake and did his things without ever going from the big cell he had and we were to have. About 3 meters by 6 meters, basically in two rooms.

    "Here I live alone, Time goes by, Alone is for me"" Well sorry buddy, I have to tell you the Balinese Mafia and I are moving in and renovating. That is the gist of what I had to tell him.. "Vill I be alone" Yes but its gonna be noisy during your sleeping hours for a few days.

    The next morning the move began. Choosing our cells by seniority. Needless to say but I got last choice. How can I describe the cell. It was like an old fashioned zoo, an outside area of about 9 sq meters, it did have a corrigated roof though. It had bars on the front. Then a smaller bolted door led into a cement cell the same size. You had to piss in a pot, and could not shit in your cell.

    But it was nicer, I was alone and not with 5. I had my prized items, my large coke cup with a plastic top that ants couldnt get in. The cleaned jar of vegemite I found to keep the sugar for my coffee in. The newspapers I had bought by the kilo to be the the padding for my bed. The first night I actually slept well. It helped knowing the reason we got this move was our promise to turn the dirt field into a garden.

    The Mafia guys really were mafia, you gave them and they gave back. The organized it all. We were to have over 50 happy workers who would get free fresh veggies for themselves, we had the seeds, the guards had bought them for us at double the price plus a dinner and a bottle of booze. Fertilizer was not a problem as we had an over supply of night soil as we all shit in a trough near where our block was.

    The garden adventures next, and the last trip to the court in the Black Mariah will follow soon.

    I apologise for my late reply, but a lot of things going at the job, plus I needed a break.

    But most of all thanks for the compliments and encouragement.
    Last edited by aging one; 14-09-2006 at 05:45 PM.

  4. #254
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    I had to read your last few posts to get back with the plot

  5. #255
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    So did I

  6. #256
    Thailand Expat
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    Why knock me down with a feather!

    nah seriously Ao, it's great to have you back and I am excited to find out the end to this part of the story.

    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    The cleaned jar of vegemite I found
    Wow, who would have thought that from that time 20 or so years ago to just last month would seperate you from an empty jar from a full jar! (I met with AO last month and gave him a full jar of vegemite, not knowing that he had already had some sort of experience with the stuff in a Balinese jail, and see even though it was emoty it was still his prized possesion )

    AO, you mentioned about the German mans appearance after 2 years in the hole. How was your body handling it? How was your weight and general cleanliness? Also what did the German think after you had moved in?
    News is what someone, somewhere is trying to suppress - everything else is just advertising.

  7. #257
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    Mostly in Northern Thailand.
    Now we're rockin' again!

  8. #258
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    As for eating in their I was fine. We did not eat the grog that the other prisoners ate. Because of YoYo and the gangs power we sent out for two meals a day. About 11 we would have lunch, usually nasi campur, a sort of mixed veggie and meat over rice dish, we made our own sambal or hot sauce from tomatoes, chilies, fish paste, oninions and garlic, that was pocked pocked up and then fried. I still think its the worlds best hot sauce. A lot of peanuts were added for protein as well. I worked out as all those guys were into kick boxing. We had a bag and honestly it may have been the best shape of my life. We gave each other haircuts, and bathed from an old bucket well everyday.

    Because it was always so hot we did not spend much time in the sun, so to those who did not know I was in prison I had a lot of explaining to do as to why I was pale coming from Bali.

    Axel was not really happy with what came down as he preferred his privacy. But he had his own cell which he covered in cardboard so nobody could look in at him. About once a week, he would call me to come and visit him for an hour or so. But what to say to a guy so gone? He would rather spend 5 years in jail than part with money he did have in germany. He had become a man on a mission to make 5 years go by without going mad, the problem being he was already mad. He must have been very angry inside, as only 5 of us had the run of the prison, and he also had helpers who did our work for us. The rest were locked down from 4pm until 6am. But we were free to roam, just get in the cells by 9 so as to keep the peace. Funny having a key to your own cell in a prison.

    For dinners we would send our for better food. Satay, baby pig, rice cakes and usually a wife or a girlfriend of one of the boys would bring veggies and better rice than the joint had. We also were delivered about 6 or 8 ounces of Arak which was 40 percent, which we drank to laugh and forget about our plights. For me it turned my brain off as I was the only one who didnt know what the sentence was. Being that there were two farung women in there as well, Deborah and Linda, we would buy them an 8 ounce bag of Arak as well, and fling it over the wall into their compound so they could take the edge off as well.

    It was wierd wanting to go to court, so you could find out what the hell was gonna happen. Books, books and more books were also a major part of everyday. James Clavell was the most prized of books as you could lose yourself for hours.

  9. #259
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    It really was lucky for you that you hooked up with the mafia in there. Do you think if you hadn't you may have become like the German man?

    He intrests me, after you got out did you ever hear of him again?

  10. #260
    I am in Jail
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    11-12-2013 @ 11:30 AM
    Thanks for taking the time to write this up AO. This is great reading.

  11. #261
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    Great stuff AO. Glad you got it goin' again.

  12. #262
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    MeMock I would have been fucked. And no the German never even came out to say goodbye the day I was released. I doubt he ever was the same again. 5 years at least in the cell. He made no attempt to learn Indonesian, requested no translator or help from his embassy. He just did what they told him. Sad. For all I know he may still be in the new prison out with Michelle Corby.

  13. #263
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    Monday morning time for the garden. The guys had scrounged up 3 spades, 3 shovels and a couple of buckets. Not easy to get this stuff in a prison but we did. Off to the main dorm of the inmates. " Who wants fresh veggies in 2 or 3 months?" The answer was all as those who could not send out for food were barely surviving. A few bit of leaves, and fish heads were the main diet, cooked up in a gruel 3 times a day. We had beans, a veggie like the Thai pakana, spinich, tomatoes, and a type of pumpkin.

    " Can we take 15 or 20 people each day to start the garden?" We asked the guards? " Can we help to?" Was the surprise we never expected. So by 8am in the heat of the Bali sun we started. First to turn all the compacted earth over. With only the equipment we had it took about 2 days with the guards basically supervising but doing some work as they wanted the food as well. By the third day we were ready for the rought bits. " Okay who is brave enough to jump in the shit trough and fill buckets with nightsoil so these veggies will grow" Damn the Balinese are such natural farmers and had been using this form of fertilizer for years. So in jumped two or three and began filling the buckets which were passed man to man until the whole area was covered. We let it sit for a day or two to dry and then the hard work began.

    Five, 10 to 12 meter long raised beds were created, each about 25 to 30 centimeters high, each one contained a different veggie. For this the guards let about 50 guys out so they could enjoy the planting ceremony. Now the only problem was it hadnt rained for 2 months, and we were afraid we would deplete the one well we had without rainfall. So out came the Balinese rain makers.

    Damn if it wasnt like a bunch of Dakota Indians doing the dance. We had incense, fruit, candles and the whole thing. Of course it was a bit nuts as well as we had the guards putting on the latest Indonesian pop songs to make us all dance a little harder for the rain. I swear to God about midnight the heavens opened up and it rained for 18 hours. There was some damage to the raised beds but nothing a good romp in the mud could not fix. To our surprise and delight the well was now damn near full also. All we could do was wait.

    In only two weeks everything was up and we were scrounging bamboo to tie the beans to, as well as the tomatoes. We knew that in only another couple of weeks we could eat the young shoots of pakana. Then I had one of the strangest thoughts of the whole adventure. If I got out as I wanted I might not ever be able to eat the fruits of my labor. It was a strange and even scary feeling.

    " Mr Cannon you and Miss Klinkenborg will be going to court in 3 days, get your decent clothes clean and ironed". Oh shit what now I thought. One of the nicer guards a young Balinese guy was able to find out that at the next court session the "secret evidence" would be revealed and it did not look good for Deborah and I. The next three nights I got 2 6 ounce bags of Arak for myself or I would have never slept. Agung, the intellectual who had been to court many times advised me to try to get the guards to take me early, as the prosecutor would meet with us before and present the evidence. In this way we might have a chance to buy our way out before it got to open court. Needless to say even with the booze I did not sleep well and Deborah only knew what I could write on a note and throw over the fence into her compound. But at least we would know something. Limbo is a very shitty place to be especially after over 4 months now.
    Last edited by aging one; 15-09-2006 at 02:40 PM.

  14. #264
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    I feel like I am reading some movie script reading about all the prisinors and guards getting together to make a garden, its almost warm and fuzzy if it wasn't so serious.

  15. #265
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    The Balinese warders were sweet guys really, but the Javanese were alot like the Japanese up on the death railway. Many of the Balinese guards knew family members in there. This was not a violent crime thing on Bali. Stolen motorbikes, bad checks, fleecing ozzie's with scams, I think YoYo and the gang were the only ones with any violent background. And YoYo himself the only one who had committed premeditated murder.

    And MeMock, thanks for the 10 month update, I am damn proud I got to meet her.
    Last edited by aging one; 15-09-2006 at 05:51 PM.

  16. #266
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    No worries mate, i am glad as well even if it was for a short while. Actually that photo was taken the very next morning after you met her.

  17. #267
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    Should be able to post more just got banned until 5pm the 25th on Ajarn.


  18. #268
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    I'd have given you a longer cooling off period.
    Bloody troublemaking, too much time on their hands Americans.

  19. #269
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    I can see deep into the crystal ball farungs falling off of rented motorcycles. Yes, Yes they could very well be Israeli's.

  20. #270
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    04-04-2009 @ 01:45 AM
    bloody troublemaker. whacha been doin' with mr danger?

  21. #271
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    Living the life he didnt, and its driving him nuts!

    6am, and up, today was to be a day of change. Coffee was exchanged all around. And I mean nice Balinese coffee, the finely ground powder almost disolved in the glass. 8am came quickly and I was called to the phone. "The honorary consulate has been called to Jakarta so you will not have representation at all" Oh now this is really great, sure now I can speak and understand the basics of bahasa Indonesian, but court languate come on. Panic was in the air as Deborah did not know yet.

    Soon the only white collar criminal Agung who was of a higher caste came to my help. "I do on the early docket, you go after 1pm"" "" I'm sure for 10 bucks I can stay and ride home with you and Deborah."" Some hope as his English was very good as he had worked at the Oberai before his incarceration.

    So we waited until 11o am to leave I had on khaki's and a long sleeve light blue ivy league shirt, Deborah had on a calf length khaki skirt as well with a dark blue french sailor top, the best we had. Into the Black Mariah, for the spectacle. Stop for lunch and leave us in the van with black bars that are seen through. One hour of that, then around the long way of Denpassar to the courts so all could see.

    We arrived and no Agung to be found, and it was only 40 minutes until court convened. We were ushered into the prosecutor office once again.
    He had an evil smile on his face and was trying to grow a moustache. ""The letter from Singapore is nothing" Damn no Agung but that was clear as a bell. "" But the 1.5 grams or heroin are another matter"" What the fuck!!, I had never used heroin or even thought of it. In my most polite and decent Indonesian I asked "" Where did you find heroin"". We did not and do not have any heroin and you forced us to open mail from an unknown sender that started all of this.

    Agung could then be see waving at the open door of the prosecutor as all doors were open, there was no air con back then in the Balinese court or penal system. He came in "You have been doing well I am so sorry, I was late but I had to eat" Same everywhere in Asia. I knew we had done nothing at all like that, we had done nothing. "" if they have it its a plant Agung I whispered". "" What is a plant he repied"", "" Agung this is the biggest question of my life, Can I ask them to see it as I have never had or used the stuff"'. He stood up and asked for permission to speak, "" Can Mr AO and Ms, Deborah see the evidence?"

    Holy shit they allowed it. When it was shown we knew just what it was but for damn sure it was not heroin or even a drug, and they were so sure it was our ticket to time. Or their ticket to money. ""Agung they have nothing"" was my intial response "". "You will see the prosector today, he will give you the figure if there is one." I aint paying, we did nothing wrong........."" We were to wait 6 more weeks till the next hearing , but not without really making a prosecutor angry for rejecting his offer of a huge payout.
    Last edited by aging one; 19-09-2006 at 07:39 PM.

  22. #272
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    27-11-2006 @ 09:00 AM
    Is this still the Lisa woman who was the honorary consul?

    I had some nasty dealings with her (I think it's the same woman) back in about 1984 or 85. My wife at the time was a citizen of the "Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands"; a US protectorate. We went to Bali for vacation; no visas for either of us. Unfortunately, the Balinese had no idea of what the "Trust Territory" was and put my wife into custody for illegally entering the country. The consulate showed up later and managed to negotiate a three day stay and then just abandoned us. No friggin' help at all. (Her parents had just arrived so she was too busy to actually do anything.)

    Fortunately, in Bali money talks so a few portraits of President Lincoln donated to the Immigration office got my wife a two week stay.

    The ironic thing is that when we were ready to leave they didn't want her to go. They figured she was Indonesian trying to leave the country on a fake passport.

    (To be fair, the Trust Territory passport looked way more bogus than anything you could pick up on Khao San Road....)


    Just got finished re-reading this wonderful thread. Amazing stories AO; mine are bland by comparison.

  23. #273
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    It's really hotting uo now AO, no questions from me yet just keep it coming!

  24. #274
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    17-12-2010 @ 12:06 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    As for eating in their I was fine. We did not eat the grog that the other prisoners ate. Because of YoYo and the gangs power we sent out for two meals a day...
    AO, who was paying for these protective luxuries, how much was it costing you and how long would your reserves have lasted at that rate?

  25. #275
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    We all had access to cash in the jail. It was costing me about 2 bucks a day for food and other necessary items. Money was pooled it was very communal. Luckily I had about a grand US plus travellers checks when it came down. So I had enough to help the boys plus Deborah and I. Cost me about 10% to a guard to exchange the dollars to rupes.

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