Post whatever black and white pictures you find interesting. You can post some back-ground info if you want, or not. Just a picture will do if you find it interesting. They don't have to be old, just black and white.

I got the idea after stumbling on this blog.

Interesting Black and White Photos from Past

Helen Levitt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Levitt grew up in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY. She dropped out of high school and went to work for a commercial photographer. There, she taught herself photography. While teaching art classes to children in 1937, Levitt became intrigued with the transitory chalk drawings that were part of the New York children's street culture of the time. She purchased a Leica camera and began to photograph these works, as well as the children who made them. The resulting photographs were ultimately published in 1987 as In The Street: chalk drawings and messages, New York City 1938–1948.

One for the King Willy of Indonesia.

Arnold trying to grab a granny or two. The testosterone must have been giving him the horn something awful.

Looks like her hand is squeezing something in a bag judging by the expression on the blokes face.