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  1. #1
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn

    Show us your commute to work.

    Thursday is a paticularly busy day for me with an early 2.00pm start.
    So bleary eyed, I set off on my 15 minute commute at 1.30 pm.

    I live in Amphur Sansai, some 12 kilometres from the City centre.
    This is my home and my bike.

    This is the view I have every time I drive off in the wee small hours of the mid afternoon.

  2. #2
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    Just around the corner near the security gates live the rich people.
    they don't mix with us one story scum.
    How much do you think they are worth?

    I must say that they have done a nice job on this lake.
    Apart from me and my noisy bike, the village is quite peaceful.

  3. #3
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    Now out into the lanes for around 2 or 3 kilometers.
    It's basically all paddy field and reclaimed paddy up here.

    There's a fishing lake thing here that I have never managed to catch a single fish in.
    Beer chang is 40 baht for a large bottle.

    This restaurant is excellent and is at the end of the lane before I hit the big ring road.
    It has very fond memories for me because this is where I watched Portugal beating England in the last World cup.

  4. #4
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    Now out onto the ring road for about a kilometre before making a right turn towards the city.

    Take a right at these lights.
    They are nearly always red when I get to them so i usually enjoy a cigarette.

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat

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    Great idea. I hope more will follow.

    (If only I had a job....)

  6. #6
    I am in Jail
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  7. #7
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    Take a left and go behind the back of Carrefour.
    Here you will find the German micro brewery which has a large range of tasty beers.

    A good friend of mine opened a mini golf course here.
    Sadly the business was not a success to say the least and they closed around a year ago.
    The course is still there.
    18 crazy golf holes with a world them from 18 countries.


    there is also one of those cultural centres there, the ones where you eat on the floor and watch girls dancing traditionally.

  8. #8
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    Now for the worst part.
    Only a short little u turn on the godawful superhighway.
    The place is a fucking mess and dangerous as hell.

    the outside of the super highway for around a kilometre on the Lamphun road and then a u-turn back towards chiang Mai around another kilometre.

    Look at the fuking state on these roadworks.
    the work on the super highway has been going on for as long as I've been here and is showing no sign of ending.

  9. #9
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    I then turn off the superhighway and drive past the arcade bus station.
    this is the main station serving the city, around 5 kilometres from the city centre and about 2 kilometres from my work place.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    Here you will find the German micro brewery which has a large range of tasty beers.
    What sort of German snacks do they serve with the beer buffet?

  11. #11
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    I have no idea what's going on with this building.
    It must have been closed for years.
    It was certainly closed when I arrived 5 years ago.
    anyone else know?

    A left turn onto one of the main drags into the city centre, heading towards the Ping River and just another 2 kilometres to go.

    Past Bud's ice cream.

    I often buy my lunch from these outdoor vendors.

  12. #12
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    And finally into the car park....
    Usually takes around 12 minutes if I'm not stopping to take pictures.

    The view from my office.

    And signing in for a busy afternoon's work.

  13. #13
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    BANGKOK / Kanchanaburi
    i did mine a while ago

    ofcourse my place is not that place anymore. its another place

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon View Post
    Thursday is a paticularly busy day for me with an early 2.00pm start.
    So bleary eyed, I set off on my 15 minute commute at 1.30 pm.

    This is the view I have every time I drive off in the wee small hours of the mid afternoon.


  15. #15
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    you going to show us your commute to work willy or are you just going to be a wanker?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon View Post
    you going to show us your commute to work willy or are you just going to be a wanker?

    gimmi a chance to go out an take the piccies bro!

  17. #17
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    out of range
    How come some pics are 'normal' size, while others blow the screen?

    Do you know how to se the TD gallery, CMN?

  18. #18
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    Fek, CMN, you thread stealing whore, I had this idea ages ago.....

    I will do my "commute" over the weekend if I remember.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    Usually takes around 12 minutes if I'm not stopping to take pictures.

  19. #19
    punk douche bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroller
    Do you know how to se the TD gallery, CMN?
    I made the ones I wanted to be bigger...bigger by clicking on the normal size pic and making it grow.
    I actually didn't know i could do this.

    They hardly blow the screen at 800x600.

  20. #20
    punk douche bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickA
    Fek, CMN, you thread stealing whore, I had this idea ages ago

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    They hardly blow the scree at 800x600.
    They would on that shitty little monitor you got at work

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    Jolly good old chap

  23. #23
    Somewhere Travelling
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    21-10-2012 @ 07:09 PM
    Here's mine (highlighted in yellow left->right). As I mentioned to Herr Stroller in CM two weeks ago I must go through about 10 traffic lights (the red dots) just to go about 4 miles. So much regulation here it's ridiculous.

  24. #24
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    You should probably jog.
    Anyway a green for you for actually showing your commute.

  25. #25
    Somewhere Travelling
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    Maybe tomorrow I can show you what it really looks like.

    Now that the rainy season has stopped I'll get my bike out and use that during the day.

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