Last Sunday tyhe ol' lady and i took a short road trip out to Bo Sang where they have the umbrella factory. Picked up some Teak wall lamps for a member here. We decided to take some of the minor roads to home rather than the same old hiways.

We came across a small village "Talat Nat" Loosely translated it's alocal flea market. I'd brought my brand new 38 X 380 mm fixed lens auto everything manual everything whiz-bang Finepix camera with me on the trip and thought I'd take some pics and get the feel for the thing. What the hell I was there, teh market was there and we needd to get some shit for dinner.

I picked up a decent choppin' board for a 100 baht:

"I got that big 'n in the back. Not bad for the price it's made of out of Tamarind wood dense, heavy and only half-seasoned.

They got produce so fresh it doesn't know it's been picked

We bought some them big green peppers in the pic above and some o' that fresh tender ginger in the lower one for dinner
They got more than veggies. Man, the got fresh mushrooms of every kind.

They had fresh fish

Fresh pork

but the fesh beef was kinda picked over:

No matter, that litte piece o' pork; in the center of the pic, minced, with some o' that fresh, tender ginger, few onions, garlic and pak chee made a real nice stuffin' for them long green peppers; fried I had about half a dozen or so...

They even had some traditional medicines for sale.

Got to walk down the street packed with folks for about a scant kilometer packed with fresh foods, try out my new camera, things got more buttons and whiz-bang features than Thai's cell phone. Hopefully my pictures will improve real soon.