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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    check our where we are.

  2. #27
    Mmmm, Bowling......
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    So, another TD pissup at Jandajoy's! Sounds good, have any nightlife up there?

  3. #28
    blackgang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobs00
    Picture this: 30 years ago the village of 50 could take from the forest and the animals could reproduce in sufficient numbers to remain healthy. Now that same village has 250 people doing things the same way as their parents did 30 years ago. Which will not and cannot change overnight. __________________
    That same thing is going on all over the world and it can not last anywhere.

    When I was young, up until 50/60 or so years ago, My dad and I used to go out and shoot on opening morning or deer season and sometimes shoot a deer or 2, if not that day it would happen within a week.
    Then there started to come many folks from Portland and the Willamette Valley and the roads into town and on thru up to the woods were packed for the last day and nite before season opened, then it got so bad that every flat spot big enough for a tent had one on it and there are no more deer.
    Now you have to draw lots to be able to buy a deer or Elk tag and are limited to hunting time to a day or 2 and then it is over for you.
    Not because of the shortage of animals or due to a glitch in breeding, but due to overkill because there are just to many people trying to live off of the land that can only support 1/5 this many people.
    And that isn't why you see Thai wrestle a cow for the afterbirth, she wants to eat it because it is natural, and a Thai wants to eat it cause he is nasty and uncivilized.

  4. #29
    I am in Jail

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    amidst dogs and ducks
    We've been through all this in the other thread.

    All valid and worth repeating, though.

    Pity pottymouth has to add his poo:
    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    a Thai wants to eat it cause he is nasty and uncivilized.

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobs00
    So, another TD pissup at Jandajoy's! Sounds good, have any nightlife up there?
    Absolutely none.

    We're in the sticks mate.

  6. #31
    Tiger Bay
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    The people around my area way up north like you JJ, hunt in the forests etc, not because they are hungry, but because they are too fukkin lazy to do a proper job and earn money. If they have money from chopping down trees etc, they will rather spend it on Lao Khao.

    My village is named after teak trees (Mai sak), twenty six years ago they lined the roads and paths everywhere, not a single one left unless you go to the aboretum.

    They go out with their Davy Crockett guns shooting birds the size of a sparrow.

    To top it all, they have no fukkin idea about humane killing, especially large animals such as buffalo, cows, pigs and wild boar.
    "The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive."

  7. #32
    blackgang's Avatar
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    Damn shame to have folks like that as custodians of the country, Yes sir,, Damn shame.

  8. #33
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    Damn shame to have folks like that as custodians of the country, Yes sir,, Damn shame.
    Strange thing to say. The custodians of a country if they are the indigenous folk of that space must do, what they must do to survive in that country. I reckon they work it out over a few hundreds years. I think they generally achieve a balance.

  9. #34
    I am in Jail

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    amidst dogs and ducks
    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy
    I think they generally achieve a balance.
    A balance of what exactly?
    Have you ever heard of any animal being released instead of killed because it was too small, pregnant, or not many of them around anymore?

  10. #35
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Yes, pregnant fish are generally released back into the water. In fact, as far as I know, pregnant things are not generally slaughtered.

  11. #36
    Tiger Bay
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    Aaah, so you use rod and line up there in the bush.

    Pregnant fish my arse.

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharleyFarley
    Aaah, so you use rod and line up there in the bush. Pregnant fish my arse.
    Don't be a dick.

    I've watched pregnant fish chucked back, here in CR.

    I've certainly seen pregnant stuff released 'cos it was, in various spots.

    What's your problem?

  13. #38
    blackgang's Avatar
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    Bullshit, Clams with eggs are prime, shrimps with eggs also prime, crabs or anything else out of the water with the eggs brings top dollar.
    Dig up sea turtles nests and eat and sell the eggs, and that is done by all indigenous people everywhere unless made to stop.
    Salmon or any ocean fish is worth more with the eggs still in it, Sturgeon are caught just for the eggs and has about ruined the fishery.
    So I guess that the only indig people that try to perpetuate the wildlife by conservation are up at JJ's house.. cause I have been a lot of places and never seen any do it before.

  14. #39
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    So I guess that the only indig people that try to perpetuate the wildlife by conservation are up at JJ's house.. cause I have been a lot of places and never seen any do it before.
    Calling me a liar ???

  15. #40
    blackgang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy
    Calling me a liar ???
    If you are saying that the people up around your place are conservationists and doing all they can to prolong the wildlife, Flora and Fauna of your area Even after posting the pix of the snake feed that they must have killed in self defense,,saying that what I posted my last post is not fact,, then I guess maybe I am.,

  16. #41
    Northern Hermit
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    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy
    I think they generally achieve a balance.
    The balance is skewed now. The people that ate that Civet could have just as easily gone to the market bought some pig parts and had a barbecue.

    Not that they are malicious, just ignorant. This is just the way the powers that be (in power) like 'em. As sad as the elimination of so many species is, so too, is the fact that sustenance hunting is a thing of the past. The culprits here are not the people that killed and ate the animal. The real culprit is the ruling classes that intentionally keepthe population uneducated, and ignorant.

    Fresh killed game is a delicacy. the ramifications of harvesting that game are not something these folks understand completely. Keeping a population poor and ignorant does have it's cost. Has people continue to multiply there may coem the time when animals living in their natural setting, undomesticated , will be nothing but a history lesson.

    There ain't no simple answer; Less babies would be one solution, albeit a long term one. Less people on the planet might help us strike some kind of 'balance.' As long as the majority of people on the planet are not educated enough to understand the ramifications of their collective actions and habits they will only seek to avoid detection when they violate the laws set down to protect the future of the few remaining places truly wild.

    I guess nature will rebound after we begin to die off. Humanity has been compared to a virus so many times it almost seems cliche. The comparison is valid. We have infested our host, slowly proceeding to eliminate it's ability to sustain us. Unusual in the animal kingdom, we have the intellectual ability to recognize a self-destructive path and avert catastrophe should we choose to do so.

    Educating the masses, not just in preserving nature but in using their brains to think on their own. Unfortunately, too many have recognized that an ignorant populace is a resource to be exploited for profit, doling out the privelage of real education as if it were gold.

    Ingnorant people do stupid things, without realizing much more than a fine or jail time is at stake. To tell some one "This is Wrong" Means jack-shit. To tell them WHY it is wrong means hardly anythign extra. To give them the critical thinking skills to UNDERSTAND why a thing might be counter-productive? Who'd a thunk it?

    Looked ike a beautiful animal, probably tasted like shit. Sad waste but I just can't hold those that had a bite completely to blame.
    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty -- T. Jefferson

  17. #42
    klongmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackgang
    just to many people trying to live off of the land
    you're a twat BG: but of course it's been said many times before...

    none of the people you described are trying to live off the land...they are shooting for the kill...not to fill empty tummies...

    just keeping you honest here...

  18. #43
    EmperorTud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog
    I doubt they watch the National Geographic channel to see which animals are endangered.
    Why not? They all have TrueVisions Platinum up there.

  19. #44
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by mobs00 View Post
    It's called a Binturong. Similar to Civets and the Sun Bear. Another highly endangered mammal in Thailand.
    yes, that's it's species name more specifically actually in the same familial group as Civet Cats..

  20. #45
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by mobs00 View Post
    So, another TD pissup at Jandajoy's! Sounds good, have any nightlife up there?
    he just showed it to you....

  21. #46
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by friscofrankie
    Looked ike a beautiful animal,
    very smart and affectionate too, they have also been known to make good pets.. also nocturnal so likely they killed the poor thing lounging in a tree somewhere after a night of foraging and probably never checked to see if it was pregers either before they killed it..

  22. #47
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by friscofrankie
    Fresh killed game is a delicacy. the ramifications of harvesting that game are not something these folks understand completely. Keeping a population poor and ignorant does have it's cost.
    Never a truer statement typed here on Teak Door.

    Just like when the rural poor burn off the amazon or the Indonesia rainforests they cause untold damage to the environment but cannot be really blamed because they know no better.

    It should be the responsibility of each government to provide education and or at least some alternative way for these tribal communities to exist and be able to feed their families.

    Unfortunately these governments don't see any short term gain in doing just that!

    Can't add much more than what Frankie stated.

  23. #48
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    Well, considering Thai generals used to think it was great sport to comandeer a military helicopter and fly over National Parks, blasting game out of existence from the air, perhaps the education should start at the top.

    They had a helicopter that crashed in Khao Yai National Park doing exactly that.
    Unfortunately, no fatalities.

  24. #49
    toslti's Avatar
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    I think that your butterfly is actually a moth.

  25. #50
    The cold, wet one
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    Quote Originally Posted by klongmaster
    think you made it pretty clear that you are not condoning it...
    To us, yes.

    Have you talked to Joy or any of the villagers about it, JJ? I would think you're ideally placed to explain what 'endangered' means. Much better than any of us or even 'National Geographic' on True.

    As for the rest of it, agree with many on here. A lot of sense being aired.

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