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  1. #76


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    Well time to show these yanks how to cook a real mans chili.
    Now the art of cooking is a great skill, you need to know which spices blends with which and how much of each spice to use, also you need everything to hand, so that's the first job, yep that's right stick all the stuff your going to need on the counter top, done like this is just fine.

    Now I have heard that Americans use seedless tomatos, well us English are well hard and we eat the seeds, although I did deseed the capsicums.

    Right first off is to open the tins, chuck the tomatos in the blender machine thingy, lovely shade of blue isn't it, also chuck a few pieces of garlic into there aswell.

    As you can see in this picture I brown the old beef off in a frying pan to get some of the fat content down as I don't want to be obese and have people shouting at me go home you yankee ****

    I normally like to chuck in a tin of freshly picked button muchrooms aswell, for some reason I forgot to buy a can though

  2. #77


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    Next up is chuck the browned beef on top of all the other stuff and give it all a big stir, I would like to disclose the spices I used, but I promised Aunty Maple on her death bed that it would remain a family secret, but obviously there is chili powder and salt and garlic powder, also cummin, we are now about 10 minutes away from the final test, will more spices be added we ask ourselves? will this be a ring burning success?

    This post was brought to you live by me whilst preraring this fine meal

  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog
    normally like to chuck in a tin of freshly picked button muchrooms aswell, for some reason I forgot to buy a can though
    Chili does not have button mushrooms. Okay the first person to pm me with a valid address I will mail a packet of Carroll Shelby's worlds best chili fixins to. This stuff will really blow your minds, not in spicyness but in just full rich deep chili flavor.

  4. #79

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    17-01-2011 @ 08:05 PM
    I destroyed a real pyrex dish on the hob once-it was very messy.

  5. #80
    Northern Hermit
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    Fuckin' A dog that looks damn near good enought to eat! I 'magine a few beers'd help it go down right nice. I'd eat a few bowls of it. Thankfully, you didn't add no taters. I particularly like this one:
    Quote Originally Posted by DD
    I normally like to chuck in a tin of freshly picked button muchrooms

    Looks delicious, really does. Not much fire, but then, you Foggy lsle types are known to be pansies when it come to spice. WTF a little prik naam plaa or a handful of chillies thrown in ust before dippin a spoon oughta be damn good.
    But, it ain't really chili now with out chillies now is it?

    Foggy Isle folks -- 0
    Scumbag fuckin' convicts -- 5

    You know I'm...
    Still the king!!!
    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty -- T. Jefferson

  6. #81
    Thailand Expat
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    That spice blend looks very very good. It might be something off the net, and in the cookbooks you have stored to download. If it get real slow I will have a look. That spice blend gets at least 9/10. Colors are even looking good.

  7. #82
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    DD can you explain what this pic is doing in your Gallery?

  8. #83
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by friscofrankie
    But, it ain't really chili now with out chillies now is it?

    I reckon DD is a bit of a mincer....

  9. #84
    Northern Hermit
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    Ok next up we have our very own {b]Welsman[/b] been threatnin' to show us what's what.
    CMN? you're up! It's Monday you know.

  10. #85
    punk douche bag
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    Sorry Frank, not had the time today what with being busy boozing and posting and such, golfing tomorrow, so I'm afraid it'll have to be Wednesday. It will of course be worth the wait.

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbilly
    Then I remove the beans and meat.

    While the meat is still warm, I add the secret ingredients...
    After stirring in my secret package of ingredients, I toss in a few squashed tomatoes, maybe a pepper or two, add the beans and let the entire pot begin to simmer. I mean a fire as fine as a gnats ass hair. Cover and then wait. A good half day...

    Oh, I forgot. Generally, to the mixture i add a can of beer. Which beer? That my friends remains one of the secrets of hillbilly's chilli...

    And we aint done yet...
    Last edited by hillbilly; 27-02-2006 at 06:31 PM.

  12. #87
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    Good you are off the wagon! I must have missed that post.

  13. #88
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    AO, I have a post for ya...

    You will be begging to eat the hillbilly's chilli later on!

    Chilli still simmering...

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xzyte

    DD can you explain what this pic is doing in your Gallery?
    Kause he really wants to cook the chilli like the Yanks do!!

  15. #90
    Northern Hermit
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    So we've heard from part of the Foggy Isle Outfit. That Welshman's awful damn quiet. The Yank mastery of all things chili and DD's excellent contribution have, I believe, scared he young lad off.

    Was the dude simply sellin' wolf-tickets?

    Or will he actualy attempt what may be an impossible task and try and beat the "Chili King's" entry??? Waiting with bated breath. Will he show 'is semi-bald little head or has he ran, ducked for cover; permanently?

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by friscofrankie
    So we've heard from part of the Foggy Isle Outfit. That Welshman's awful damn quiet. The Yank mastery of all things chili and DD's excellent contribution have, I believe, scared he young lad off.

    Was the dude simply sellin' wolf-tickets?

    Or will he actualy attempt what may be an impossible task and try and beat the "Chili King's" entry??? Waiting with bated breath. Will he show 'is semi-bald little head or has he ran, ducked for cover; permanently?
    Careful mate - he'll burn your house down given half a chance.

  17. #92
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    I got a dog:

    Tear 'im t'bits, she will.

  18. #93
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    Damn that looks like my dog Lucky Boy!! Its not a golden retriever is it?? That could be my dog!!! Younger though.

  19. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one
    Its not a golden retriever is it??
    Well, it ain't a poodle!

  20. #95
    punk douche bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie
    So we've heard from part of the Foggy Isle Outfit. That Welshman's awful damn quiet. The Yank mastery of all things chili and DD's excellent contribution have, I believe, scared he young lad off.

    Was the dude simply sellin' wolf-tickets?

    Or will he actualy attempt what may be an impossible task and try and beat the "Chili King's" entry??? Waiting with bated breath. Will he show 'is semi-bald little head or has he ran, ducked for cover; permanently?
    Nonsense Frank, I'm not at all scared, simply extremely busy, well relatively anyway.
    I shall woop your entry, I will.
    I merely seek an extension of the entry date till about Sunday at the latest.

    Just you wait.

  21. #96


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    It's quite obvious even to me that the taffy has bottled out, he is now right at this moment searching the web for pictures to steal, we will scrutinise your pics carefully taffy, take that as a warning against cheating

  22. #97
    Northern Hermit
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    First it was "wait utnil monday." Then; there was "too busy have to be Thursday." Now asking for another weeks extension? Methinks his google expertise rivals his Photoshop. This could be a most interesting recipe.
    Rate this is goin' Marmite could even get some silly potato based recipe up 'ere 'for CMN finds

    Uh, AO marmit answered your question; I think. but yeah Golden retriever, fat bitch gotta go 40 - 45 kilos. Got home this afternoon and she's sleepin'; got a brand new chewie layin' across her snout. Couldn't be bothered to wake up for jerky.
    Last edited by friscofrankie; 02-03-2006 at 04:49 PM.

  23. #98
    punk douche bag
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    Sunday at the latest, just you wait..

  24. #99
    Northern Hermit
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    Tikcy tocky take your time. We know you need it.

  25. #100
    punk douche bag
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    Maybe Monday, you just wait..

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