WEll, djpat started it with a cut and paste of a sorta chili recipe then Poolie went and threw up on a plate and called it chili. Few mor folks talk a good game. but let Frankie show ya how good ol' american chili & beans is really made.
True Chili or Chil Colorado is made with flavorful yet tough cuts of meat properly cut into bite sized pieces and simmered in a spiced tomato sauce for hours until the meat is melt in yur mouth tender, this is then served with flour tortillas and a few negro modelo beers.
Tonight; what we're havin' is the workin' mans cheap quick easy pot o' chili.
We'll be usin' some of the stuff shown below in various amounts so pay attention This is Frisco Frankies third-genration, hand-me-down from father to son Chili bean recipe (adapted to ingredients available here in the Rim Ping Super Market on the spur of the moment).

Now, what you see up 'ar is (in No particular order) 500 Gr minced beef, the mice here is shite; not enough fat and of a fine mince. Coarser grind Chuck is the premier chili bean beef. you take what you can get when you're in a hurry.
There's a can of tomatoes n juic, two cans of tomoato paste, Again the paste available her is just as bad as the beef! Tomoato paste should be made from dried tomoatoes and be vert thick, almost dry this is more like an evaporated tomato puree, but it's tomato and it's thick, we'll deal with it. We've got one large onion, one medium size of red kidney beans, Pintos are traditional but they're hard to find and I like the slightly tougher kidneys.
Down in front we've got Oregano, Cumin and chili powder. now There are a few chilies in the back ground and for me these are absolutely mandatory, some of you girlie men may want to omit a few of 'em.
I did not use the fresh tomatoes or the ground chili, I had intended to but then the little woman tasted the chili and declared it "pet gurn bye" The fresh fruit was in case the canned ones were shitty, they weren't. Adding fresh tomatoes will give teh sauce a slightly more scid flavor, on I like in a bolagnaise with lots 'o fresh basil but not in a chili.
Ok enopugh chit chat more pics:

Toss the beef into a med-hot skillet cast iron is best but this thing 'll do. once a bit of fat begins to run add the chilies, and spices and start choppin' up the onion.

Chop it up nice and coarse, and toss that baby in stir it around a bit and go open that can of beans.
Rinse the beans soes to get rid of the thick gooey stuff in the can. Better yet, plan ahead! cook up some beans the day before you only need about 1 - 2 cups of cooked beans. Canned are easy. I was workin all fuckin' day

Add the beans, stir 'em around and go open another can, tomoatoes.

Wait a bit unti lthe the onions are just startng to go translucent then,Toss the whole damn can in there, keep the can, your gonna need some water, fill the can up with clean (or not, up to your taste) water and dump about half that in there, Go open another can! The paste this time
Let the water come to a rapid boil add a can of tomoato paste stir that in and add the rest of that can of water. Should look somthin' like this:

now's a good time to chweck for flavor, You'll probably want to add more cumin and chili powder. do this now. Thing about powdered spices like this you really have no idea how long the stuff has been around and have to start short and then add until the flaovor is right. Add a couple shakes, sir it in and taste, the flavors will meld a bitt here I about doubled what you saw n the first pic. The brand of oregano is nice, Impossible to get mexican oregano here so crank open the fuckin' jar before you buy some of the shit here has an aroma like medicine. This brand is close to mexican. Still lookin' for a decent chili powder. The one pictured is OK. Nothng like the stuff I'd buy at the local Carneceria in glassine packets back home.
Now let that simmer for abt 20 30 minutes adding water if necessary, but remember this stuff ain't soup it should be thick and hearty. Season to taste.
best served with fresh finely chopped onion, and freshly grated Jack or cheddar a slab of corn bread or some thick, crusty sourdough (Carrefour does a good one up here) this meal screams out for a hearty brew.
Something with substance to it; a Bass would be my choice of the girlie beers; a decent Fullsail or the (Home Town) Lagunitas Amber or bitter pale ale would go very well indeed.
Anchor Steam Beer might be nice...