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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat

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    25-01-2022 @ 04:27 AM
    Ballarat Australia

    Can we purchase a town house without travelling t Thailand.

    My Thai wife and myself live in Australia...what we would like to do is purchase a town house in Nakhon Sawon Thailand...Can this be legally done without us or my wife having to travel Thailand..

  2. #2
    Philippine Expat
    Davis Knowlton's Avatar
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    Buying anything, anywhere, sight unseen is lunacy.

  3. #3
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    ^^Are you out of your mind?

  4. #4
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    Neo's Avatar
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    ^ Ignore these old fools ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    My Thai wife and myself live in Australia...what we would like to do is purchase a town house in Nakhon Sawon Thailand...Can this be legally done without us or my wife having to travel Thailand..
    The answer of course is, yes you can. And I know how you can save a lot of money in the process.

    The regional housing authority has a list of properties that have been repossessed due to credit default.
    That list is circulated internally and most of those houses are bought up for a fraction of the price before they ever get to public auction.

    For a modest fee, cash up front, I know a man who knows a woman that can get you access to that list
    Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat

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    ^ I can do even better.
    I know a man who has a house, built on it's own sturdy bridge over a quiet river, that is going for less than half it's value.
    Just 5 million and it's yours. I'll accept 500 000 as my commission.
    Wire me the 5.5 and I'll set it all up for you.

    OP, joking aside, you probably can buy with a proxy, but you'd have to be damned certain of your proxy (and I don't mean choosing the most expensive lawyer in the phone book). I seriously doubt you can do it remotely. Thai paperwork alone needs ID's and signatures for Africa.
    As has been said, it's a little bit of a crazy idea. This isn't Palm Beach, Sydney with reputable land agents or lawyers. For the investment, consider a 5% extra cost in scoping it out yourslef and doing the documents yourself as money well spent.
    Your wife didn't suggest the idea by any chance?
    Furthermore, the cost of the proxy may be even more than the cost of the trip for you two.

  6. #6
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Depends on the office and officers.

    So probably, for a fee.

    But for the love of Lulu, don't.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat

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    25-01-2022 @ 04:27 AM
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    I should now offer more information... I put $$$ into a set of Town Houses I built with a friend in Nakhon Sawon. The deal is I can have one of the 8 units for payment ..So i know the property..see through many stages of construction..I know the person I would purchase from etc.. It is she who has made the to gert one in my or our name is at this stage better than nothing at all...We can sell it of at a later date... BUT we dont want to travel to Thailand if the transaction can be done through a proxy etc...

  8. #8
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    That's a little bit different.
    Then get your hands on it ASAP.
    There may be a hiccup if you are going to be 49% owner. Your wife, as 51% owner with a farang may have to show that what she paid for the house was paid with her own money. Since it's a contra it might get complicated.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo View Post
    ^ Ignore these old fools ^^

    The answer of course is, yes you can. And I know how you can save a lot of money in the process.

    The regional housing authority has a list of properties that have been repossessed due to credit default.
    That list is circulated internally and most of those houses are bought up for a fraction of the price before they ever get to public auction.

    For a modest fee, cash up front, I know a man who knows a woman that can get you access to that list
    Would you accept Pies as payment ... I'm good for them

  10. #10
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    Buying anything, anywhere, sight unseen is lunacy.
    Of course.
    I'm stunned that such an idiotic inquiry, and venture, needs to be posed, less the more reasoned of us that need to state the obvious.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuangLao View Post
    I'm stunned that such an idiotic inquiry, and venture, needs to be posed,
    Quote Originally Posted by HuangLao View Post
    less the more reasoned of us that need to state the obvious.
    And yet the OP has clarified.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    I put $$$ into a set of Town Houses I built with a friend in Nakhon Sawon. The deal is I can have one of the 8 units for payment ..So i know the property..see through many stages of construction..I know the person I would purchase from etc.. It is she who has made the offer
    So, who are "the more reasoned"?

  13. #13
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    The naive never survive, Manny....

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat

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    25-01-2022 @ 04:27 AM
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    Maanaam...So what do you think I should do for maybe the best...put it in my wife's name %100

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    Maanaam...So what do you think I should do for maybe the best...put it in my wife's name %100
    I am not an expert. I'd suggest you look into the law. What I said about your wife needing to show her input when purchasing a property with a farang is only from what I've read on online forums. Check out Thaivisa Forum legal subforum.
    Personally, I'd be comfortable with it 100% in my wife's name. Everyone is different of course.
    That your deal is a contra and that a farang is involved MIGHT be suspicious in an older Thai official's eyes and thus bureacratic hurdles might be presented.

    I think get ownership ASAP, and if the quickest and easiest is for the title to be transferred to your wife, then do it. The two of you can sort out joint ownership later., if you're so inclined. Your wife owning it outright is better than the current owner having a change of mind if things drag on. I'd trust my wife more than the current owner is what I'm saying.

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat

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    I agree with everything you say....thats the direction I will take....I will take a look at Thaivisa Forum. I should know or would like to know about what to do over the next few days...i will let you know how I go
    Thanx mate..

  17. #17

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    04-11-2023 @ 10:02 AM
    A foreigner cannot own land in Thailand only a Thai national/citizen can, so if you are talking about one of the townhouses built in blocks of say 5 and sitting on its own plot of land you cannot own the land,I have met people in Thailand who own the buildings only and not the land they are on, total B/S do not fall for it
    You are better of with a 30 year lease if as a foreigner you want to hold property in your own name

  18. #18
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    No, Peter. A farang can own land jointly with a Thai as long as his/her ownership is less than 50%. So 49-51 with his wife is legal.
    But when purchasing land jointly, some authorities require to see that the wife's portion was purchased with her own money. Dumb closed mindedness. It makes no sense.

    And in this case it's a contra (with or without extra cash we don't know). So best bet is to take ownership in the OP's wife's name, and then sort out joint ownership later. At least the property will be in the family.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    I agree with everything you say....thats the direction I will take....I will take a look at Thaivisa Forum. I should know or would like to know about what to do over the next few days...i will let you know how I go
    Thanx mate..
    whatever you do, don't take legal advice from ThaiVisa Forum, or you will be sorry

    that could be very expensive personally,

  20. #20
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    A farang can own land jointly with a Thai as long as his/her ownership is less than 50%.

  21. #21
    Thailand Expat

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    ^ Explain your laughter, Thai law expert who can't figure out immigration law in conjunction with other Thai law.

    But then...insecure little rat man never enters into dialogue. Emojis are his language.

    Lulu, You're implying I'm wrong. Please explain to all and sundry why. It would be helpful.

  22. #22
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Big Dimwit View Post
    A farang can own land jointly with a Thai as long as his/her ownership is less than 50%.

    Gets funnier every time I read it.

  23. #23
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    No wonder you've been roped into working illegally and risking 5 years imprisonment for the criminal undertaking.

    Never mind the tax evasion.

    Who told you that pearler?

    The same guy that said 'You work here no work permit no ploblem, not irregal jing jing'?

    Talk about clueless about Thailand.

  24. #24
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    Lulu, You're implying I'm wrong. Please explain to all and sundry why.
    I'm not implying you're wrong.

    You are wrong.

    You obviously haven't got a clue about land laws, labour laws or immigration laws, but for some reason think that you do (stupid people aren't aware that they're stupid?).

    Ya big silly billy moron.

  25. #25
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    in t' naughty lass
    Isn't the distinction that in a marriage, assets gained after the marriage are usually divided 50-50 upon divorce (unless there's a prenup I guess), but they would have to be liquidated for that to happen, and that isn't very likely to happen?
    Just make sure if she has the house in Thailand, that you have the house in your country - or the equivalent in assets, the 50-50 is mebbies easier?
    It doesn't phase me, as I was so skint when I got married that I couldn't even afford a ring made out of paperclips - she lent me 50 baht for the form to sign, and her pencil.

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