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  1. #151
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    ^ Coming along nicely BB, when is the toilet install?

  2. #152
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    Some time next week, as soon as we finish the walls , and put some tiles down, at least in the bathroom. I have not decided if I will tile the whole thing.
    But we definitely need a bathroom for the ladies. For us guys any old tree will do.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    yep, by plating i mean you'll see shops sell square metal plates with 4 holes drilled. The idea is you place these over the rebar on top of the concrete posts and weld the rebar to the top of them. The point being that the rebar in the posts isn't strong and any roof flexing in high winds "could" split the posts. The plate ties the rebar at the top and gives a sound base to weld your roof ring beams to.

    many Thais don't do it and weld the roof metal straight onto the rebar.
    I thought about the plate idea, and it makes sense, but in this case where you only have two squares is not encaser IMO
    one roof steel caches two rebars on one side and the assent one caches the other so at every point three rebars are connected.
    Got the land, now what?-rebar-location-jpg

    In addition , as I said , I used massively oversized columns for such a project, Simply because it was all that was available at my local supplier at the time,and they were cheap.
    In retrospect a mistake because they were so heavy and hard to move and position precisely, consequently one of the columns was a little bit off.
    It is a learning experience for me. If I had to do it again I would pore my own columns. I was looking at Thai Watsadu and I saw they were selling the rebar cages already made.
    The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.

  4. #154
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    Almost done with the storage shed and bathroom.
    wetting for the walls to dry so I can apply a coat of primer. and the weather to cool down a bit so I can doo some ornamental steel and shera wood around the top of the porch.
    It wasd 104 f yesterday. I was there for less than an hour and could not take the heat,
    Got the land, now what?-atorage-jpg

    Planted these bush sticks around the fence , wife says they will grow quick and hide the fence, also says that they will have thorns and will prevent the dogs from digging under it. We will see.
    we certainly need some rain. Cant remember the last time it rained in these woods.
    Got the land, now what?-fence-trees-jpg

    Will post more pictures now that things have slowed down a bit and I have more time.. Ut certainly was a lot of work. next time I do something like this (if there is a next time) , I will contract someone to do the whole thing and I will just show up to make sure they do everything right.
    Also , you were right. The vegetable farming thing is for the birds. I think trees left alog to do their thing is the way to go. LOL
    Got the land, now what?-rong-mak-jpg

  5. #155
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    Looks good so far. Any chance you could post a picture of the building, what would you actually call this, from the end showing the roof lines.
    It looks to me you have sloped the back roof up over the front roof which if you have left openings under the roof sheets should allow good air flow no matter the wind direction.
    Also I understand that you want the lock up area to be secure but it looks very dark in there did you not put in any windows.
    If you want light but not windows then a couple of rows of glass blocks at the top of the walls would IMHO work well.

    Did you wife also tell you that the Thais eat those thorny bushes you planted. around here they eat them but only the fresh new shoots at the tips of the branches so the missus is always hacking the branches off to get new shoots to eat. Therfore they might not get as big as you think.

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    Also I understand that you want the lock up area to be secure but it looks very dark in there did you not put in any windows.
    as you can see it has the window in the front that for security purposes has bars, and there is another window, looking at the room on the right side. Not plenty of light but sufficient for its purpose.
    I wish I had thought of the Glass block idea, excellent suggestion!
    I have a seven inch diamond covered , concrete circular saw blade , it it cuts through these cement blocks like butter. If I drill a hole on all four corners so I can find the cut on both sides and cut a portion out and replace it with glass block . I can do it under a horizontal beam for support.

    I will take more pictures tomorrow when I go back, but you are right about the roof observation. Air enters from the lower part , rises ,and as you can see from the picture , exits from the opening on the top, creating a convection cycle.
    The mistake I made is using concrete block on the walls , and would never do it again.
    ACC block is the way to go.
    It might cost a bit more but it saves on labor, it is faster, looks better, is IMO stronger, you can nail or screw in it almost like wood. and makes a cleaner finish.
    I can feel the heat on the rear sun exposed wall, radiating into the room.
    But I got cheap, and as every time I get cheap, I pay the price.
    You would think I would had learn by now, but you would be wrong LOL

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Almost done with the storage shed and bathroom.
    Did you extend the roof far enough to park under it? Useful both in the sunshine and in the rain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    the weather to cool down a bit
    We have a while to wait yet. I was out watering the plants this morning and had to give up before I had finished, just too hot. On the plus side, the washing is dry almost as soon as it is hung out.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    Did you extend the roof far enough to park under it? Useful both in the sunshine and in the rain.
    Remember when I said "I could not remember the last time it rained" ? well now I remember.
    On and off all day today. LOL . If I was a bit more paranoid I would swear God is screwing with me.
    Heavy rain, wind and thunder . Ohh myy!
    Got the land, now what?-ohh-mayy-jpg
    It is Nong Noi's (puppy we got a few months ago) first rain. She dont know what to make of it. While all the other dogs are smart enough to get out of the rain, Nong Noi (AKA Kee Noi) is running all over the place trying to bite the rain and is all wet and covered in mud.

    As you can see from the picture, I left a 4mX4m covered section open, but for hanging out under it and nor for driving.
    If it becomes a problem , either a small rump to be able and drive on it, or a covered carport next to it might be in order.
    Should be easy enough to make .
    I am trying to sneak these thing in piecemeal hopping the wife will not notice LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    We have a while to wait yet. I was out watering the plants this morning and had to give up before I had finished, just too hot. On the plus side, the washing is dry almost as soon as it is hung out.
    I know what you mean . When the wife mentioned a few days ago that we were entering the dry season, I said. "And what do you call what we had the past few month"?
    Anyway. Today's rain was a welcome reprieve and it did help to cool things down and clear the air for a while.

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    I know what you mean . When the wife mentioned a few days ago that we were entering the dry season, I said. "And what do you call what we had the past few month"?
    Anyway. Today's rain was a welcome reprieve and it did help to cool things down and clear the air for a while.
    It hit 40C here yesterday afternoon. We have had 3 days with some light rain in the past 4 months. Feel free to send some rain up here.

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    It hit 40C here yesterday afternoon. We have had 3 days with some light rain in the past 4 months. Feel free to send some rain up here.
    beware what you wish for.
    later on I got a call from a neighbor from the farm, Seems there was a wind event at that area , perhaps a minor tornado touched down , and blew my wife's bamboo Sala a few hundred meters into the neighbors property.
    Got the land, now what?-sala-behind-jpg

    in the distance you can see the storage shed I am building.
    Got the land, now what?-sala-truck-jpg

    collected all the parts and will attempt to put it back together again, but I am not very optimistic.
    Perhaps I will buy another one that looks the same and tell the wife it is the old one that I put together, If she says that it looks a bit different I will simply say that I made a few improvements while putting it together

    Around the corner from out property there is a fishing/cafe/ restaurant. . Aside from all the food they have on their manu. they will also cook any fish you catch.
    They also had significant damage.
    Got the land, now what?-fishing-cafe-jpg

    Got the land, now what?-fishing-cafe-2-jpg

  11. #161
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    Don't know if you saw any news out this way BB, about a week ago we had high winds blowing roofs off houses in Lampang and CM and had hail in the surrounding mountains. My weather station at the house tracked wind gusts at 40+ Mph. We had 3 days of on and off good rain which was nice. Now its an inferno again and temps clipping 100F to 102F.

    Just another day in Thailand.

  12. #162
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    ^ I was in Lampang yesterday. It was so beautiful with all the old trees blooming around town.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    ^ I was in Lampang yesterday. It was so beautiful with all the old trees blooming around town.
    Yeah MK. Those big white flowering trees are in full bloom all over. Kind of like Cherry Blossoms. Not sure tree species.

    Back to you BB.

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