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  1. #76
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    It is a corner lot, so there are neighbors at only one side.
    You wish

    You can dream of a pond, but don't dream of getting any fish.

    Your non-existing neighbors will take care of that.

    (I had a pond in Khon Kaen)


  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    You wish

    You can dream of a pond, but don't dream of getting any fish.

    Your non-existing neighbors will take care of that.

    (I had a pond in Khon Kaen)

    I know what mean ,
    As I have mentioned before, we have some property we inherited from wife's father, the title is "Only for farming" , and I have no intention of doing any of it, so we subleased to her uncle who grows rise (He pays us in rice LOL)
    He is recently retired from working in BK, and wants to play fuemer, but he does not live on the farm.
    Anyway, he had a pond dug and stocked with fish . A few weeks ago, he told us that someone stole most of his fish,
    So I guess he also "Did not have neighbors"

    The more I read Mandip's pond thread, and more think about it, fish are cheap to buy ,and a pond sounds like a lot of work and trouble.
    Especially since I developed an allergic reaction to work. Whenever I do any, my body gets achy and I get very tired .
    The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.

  3. #78
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    Administrators, can we change the title of this thread to,
    Life in the not so north as Lampang, but more north and to the east of Korat.
    So we had 30 trucks of topsoil spread out last week
    Got the land, now what?-din-jpg

    Amd this week , we started planting about 10 coconut trees, a few mango, lime , and some others the wife gor that I dont know what they are .

    Got the land, now what?-lvely-pair-coconuts-jpg

    Got the land, now what?-lime-tree-12-jpg

    and of course Kee Noi was there to help.
    Got the land, now what?-kee-n-oi-jpg

    Tomorrow I will go there and plant some Papaya plants that wife grew from seed, and we will throw some sees around and see what happens.

  4. #79
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    ^ did you bury the whole nut when you planted?

  5. #80
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    Have you got a water supply there BB? It looks very dry and those new plants will need plenty of water to get them going.

    Your barber seems to have trained at the same school as mine... how much do they charge in Khon Kaen for that style?

  6. #81
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    And buy a mattock, you won't be disappointed

  7. #82
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Life in the not so north as Lampang, but more north and to the east of Korat.
    No reason to change, you are in the right forum section: Isaan forum

    That ground looks like concrete. Gonna take a damn good shovel to dig them holes.

    Btw is that an Isaan standard hair cut for foreigners? I saw quite a few back when I worked there that seemed to visit the same "Hair stylist" . 40 baht?

  8. #83
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    ^ You won't get that for 40 Baht any more, not with this cost of living crisis. At least 80 Baht in Korat now, maybe 60 THB in a backwater like Khon Kaen?

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    ^ You won't get that for 40 Baht any more, not with this cost of living crisis. At least 80 Baht in Korat now, maybe 60 THB in a backwater like Khon Kaen?

    Lord that is some serious baht for a number #2 over the top and done.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumpy View Post
    No reason to change, you are in the right forum section: Isaan forum

    That ground looks like concrete. Gonna take a damn good shovel to dig them holes.

    Btw is that an Isaan standard hair cut for foreigners? I saw quite a few back when I worked there that seemed to visit the same "Hair stylist" . 40 baht?
    I was growing a beard, and I thought my normally short crew cut would look stupid, or more stupid than in the picture,
    But I could not stand the itching and just shaved the proto-beard off . So tomorrow morning I will rejoin the civilised world and get a haircut . Bt since I go to much classier establishment my hair cut will cost a whopping 80 baht, but no problem I have been saving up for it.
    We have not had any rain for a while , but since it has been only a few days since we spread the dirt, only the top couple of inches were hard. I resolved that problem by first scratching a small indentation in the areas I was going to dig and pouring water. By the time I got back to the first hole area , the dirt had soften up enough to make the job easier.

    Anyway, as I was typing this post, I heard this strange sound coming from the kitchen. Upon investigation a bat flew out ,well ,,,, like a but out of hell , and started flying around the Living room, and crashing into things.
    Wife run out of the room screeching, and locked herself in the bedroom, leaving me to my doom.
    Now I know who to depend on when the chips are down.
    Anyway, finally the bat , landed on the floor, and I quickly threw a bath towel over it, picked it up, and released the bat outside.
    Sorry no pictures of my horrifying adventure as I was too busy capturing the beast.
    I am happy to report , that I suffered no physical damage in the process, but the emotional scars will take time to heal.
    Last edited by Buckaroo Banzai; 29-12-2022 at 08:16 PM.

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    I quickly threw a bath towel over it, picked it up, and released the bat outside
    Shoulda bundled it into the air-fryer on full blast for 6 minutes

    Chinese crunchy poppadom crispy wings!

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Have you got a water supply there BB? It looks very dry and those new plants will need plenty of water to get them going.
    Your barber seems to have trained at the same school as mine... how much do they charge in Khon Kaen for that style?
    My haircut is always very easy,. Close to the skin on the sides, a little bit on the top.
    this coiffure, Oh la la, cost me will cost me 80 baht,

    We have a well , but will not have electric for a couple of week, I only live 5 min away , so I bring four contained full of water with me. I think you can see a couple of them in the picture below
    Got the land, now what?-water-jpg

    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    ^ did you bury the whole nut when you planted?
    the whole nut.
    Did I do good? I know less than nothing about these things.

  13. #88
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    ^ I don't think you want to bury the nuts all the way in but it's been a long time since I was involved in such things.

    My haircut also costs 80 Baht now... well, 100 Baht because being flash I always tip 20 Baht so long as he's quick. I say, 'Number 2, lao lao kaap' and the record has been in and out the door in 5 minutes 35 seconds.

    By the way, watch out for those bats as they can be rabies carriers... and I wouldn't be surprised if they could carry some nasty corona viruses as well.

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    I don't think you want to bury the nuts all the way in but it's been a long time since I was involved in such things

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    My haircut also costs 80 Baht
    I am fortunate as my wife is my hair stylist so it's free. That 80 baht is a 500ml of Stella for crying out loud.

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    My haircut also costs 80 Baht now... well, 100 Baht because being flash I always tip 20 Baht so long as he's quick. I say, 'Number 2, lao lao kaap' and the record has been in and out the door in 5 minutes 35 seconds.

  16. #91
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    I spat my moring coffee out Dilly...............Bastard...................

  17. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    By the way, watch out for those bats as they can be rabies carriers... and I wouldn't be surprised if they could carry some nasty corona viruses as well.
    Yea , I had to resist the overwhelming urge to pet it, LOL
    I just threw a towel over it, and after I released it, the towel went into the laundry.
    I have no idea how it got into the house, all the windows, and the front door have screens. The only place I see that it could had got in is the exhaust fan cover seems to have a couple of inches gap on the top. Of course it should not have been able to com in that way , because inside there is a plastic air duct, but I think I did hear something rattling around in there earlier. will have to pull it off and check the air duct to see if it is still intact.

  18. #93
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    Busy day today
    We had a fundraising event at the local school, to raise money for the kids.
    Wife and her sister had cooked food, and had candy and snacks for the kids.
    Got the land, now what?-food-table-jpg

    of course I did my part
    Got the land, now what?-but-shit-crazy-jpg

    there was the obligatory Money Tree
    Got the land, now what?-money-tree-jpg

    and the monks to bless things.
    Got the land, now what?-monks-jpg

    10 meters away from our table there was a truck with big speakers (you know the kind)
    My head is still vibrating LOL
    But all and all , we all had a good time.

    Happy New Year !!

  19. #94
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    Good Stuff BB. Keep the pics coming.

  20. #95
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Got the land, now what?-but-shit-crazy-jpg

    Got the land, now what?-download-16-jpg

    Loose the hat and twist your hands in a more horisontal position, and you'll be there

    Ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος

  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Busy day today
    We had a fundraising event at the local school, to raise money for the kids.
    Wife and her sister had cooked food, and had candy and snacks for the kids.
    Looks like a great time had by all. A happy New Year to you and yours as well mate.

  22. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος
    Happy New Year to you and yours Helge

  23. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Did I do good? I know less than nothing about these things.
    i did he same the first few lots i planted and they took forever to get going, apparently you should only bury them 1/2 wat at most which i suppose given they self seed and propagate by dropping off the tree onto the surface normally on their sides and send out the tap root and sprout they sort themselves out. If it were me i'd gently lift them and replant higher.

  24. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    i did he same the first few lots i planted and they took forever to get going, apparently you should only bury them 1/2 wat at most which i suppose given they self seed and propagate by dropping off the tree onto the surface normally on their sides and send out the tap root and sprout they sort themselves out. If it were me i'd gently lift them and replant higher.
    Ok, I will do that, also I have to pull out every other one out , because I planted them too close together.
    I read they need to be planted 6m apart and I planted them 3 m apart.
    I guess I should had researched it before I went and did it.

  25. #100
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    ^ we've all mucked up planting density, i ended up removing nearly 1/2 the trees on a plot we had as i'd cocked up, became obvious after 6-7 years

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