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  1. #151
    Cacoethes scribendi
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    Lanchester and Nong Bua Deng
    A great conversion Wasp! Well told and nicely photographed. It doesn't really matter that you didn't start it from scratch, it's the tale that counts. Love those pillars.

  2. #152
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    01-04-2024 @ 03:22 PM
    koman : " Not that bad an idea really. At the present time we have nearly everything sitting around in cardboard boxes and it seem to work fine.....actually easier to find stuff than rooting through a dozen wall mounted cupboards ..."

    Only too true actually !!

    ....................... W.

    I'll put you down for just the 600 columns . Mix of Roman King and Greek Goddess and anything other design we can think of. Delivery any day now .

    Last edited by Wasp; 07-01-2014 at 02:50 PM.

  3. #153
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    01-04-2024 @ 03:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Loombucket View Post
    A great conversion Wasp! Well told and nicely photographed. It doesn't really matter that you didn't start it from scratch, it's the tale that counts. Love those pillars.

    Bankao ! Bankao !!! Look at this !!!!!!

    Another potential customer !!!! Look at the drooling desire implied in Loombucket's words !!!

    Should be good for a few Goddesses I would think ? Just ship him an initial 200 and see how it goes !!!!!

    ............Thank you Loombucket . It's nice of you to say this .

    It's pretty obvious I didn't have an instructional house-build to show the World so I just tried to construct an entertaining tale ...... and THAT counts as a construction doesn't it ? So you get two .

    But when you say you like the telling of it that's really good for my little heart ..... Honestly . I'm not being sarcastic .

    ALSO ..... I think when I answer you I move back up the chart a little bit again !

    Makes me sad to watch my tale sliding down and slowly disappearing .

    Sincerely - Thank You .

    Last edited by Wasp; 07-01-2014 at 02:54 PM.

  4. #154
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    Don't worry about you tale disappearring you will eventually get over it, but just to tease you a little I have replied to bump it back up to the top again.

    Maybe you can recriprocate and bump my threads back up, you will find my house build on about page 10 of the constrcution forum. It's called "ootai's wife builds a house". Maybe you can also find my story about my shed, it's called "evolution of the shed", it should be lingering on about page 6.

    I am afraid to say, that being an engineer, I am a bit more pragmatic than you so don't expect such an exciting tale as the one you have created here.
    If you want more positive feedback then, this is it as I have replied to your thread 3 times I think, which is more replies than I have posted in probably the last year.

  5. #155
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    01-04-2024 @ 03:22 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    Don't worry about you tale disappearring you will eventually get over it, but just to tease you a little I have replied to bump it back up to the top again.

    Maybe you can recriprocate and bump my threads back up, you will find my house build on about page 10 of the constrcution forum. It's called "ootai's wife builds a house". Maybe you can also find my story about my shed, it's called "evolution of the shed", it should be lingering on about page 6.

    I am afraid to say, that being an engineer, I am a bit more pragmatic than you so don't expect such an exciting tale as the one you have created here.
    If you want more positive feedback then, this is it as I have replied to your thread 3 times I think, which is more replies than I have posted in probably the last year.

    Hi Oots !!! .

    Actually I should let it disappear now . Don't stay too long on the stage .

    But Loombucket appeared and that kicked me off again .

    I will indeed look for your thread so it will suddenly appear at the top .

    I'm enjoying reading a few threads but I get confused between the various builds . However right now - today - it's time for me to drink too much coffee and try to do my tax return .

    All the pages are pretty much blank as I have very little income now .... but I still have to carefully fill in 24 bleedin pages .

    Followed by headaches .

    Followed by the joy of starting to read maybe 2 new thread ... including yours .

    Now - more to the point -how many Greek Goddesses would you like ?

    ............................. Wasp


  6. #156
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    Just got back from reading over at Roobarb's patch, his place is looking great as well. I just seen your comments about Thai's and should warn you that I think you are figthing a losing battle there trying to convince some of the people here that they have good points.
    I always told my missus that when people in aussie looked at her like she was stupid when she didn't understand them properly, to speak to them in Thai and when they said, "I don't understand she should tell them, "now you know how I feel". The differences, while frustrating at times (sorry most times), are what makes it all so very interesting.

    As for ordering Greek Godesses, no thanks. I had had my quota of building houses. So far I have extended the original family house, then built a new house for the family away from the highway, then built the "new" house for the wife and after all that built a house out on the farm. Sorry forgot about building the shed as well. I just remembered I have to build a pig house when I get home next as the missus now has a friend who delivers chicken food and it so happens he manages to have a couple of bags fall off the truck each day which she will be able to get and use to feed a couple of sows. I don't want to go into fattening pigs just breed a few and sell them at about 10kg for someone else to fatten.

    I used to think living in thailand was going to send me over the top but where I work now the Indonesians are not much different.

  7. #157
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    Just got back from reading over at Roobarb's patch, his place is looking great as well. I just seen your comments about Thai's and should warn you that I think you are figthing a losing battle there trying to convince some of the people here that they have good points.

    Well Oots ...............

    I know you're right . I know I will not win that one .

    But just look at Roobarb's house ..... The guy is a village builder not Balfour Beatty .

    Look at what Roobarb wanted and his very relaxed attitude to it all and I think they are doing a GREAT job ! There are errors - but Roobarb says all the time that there would be less errors if he was on site .

    Then look what English builders do . There are tv programmes about deplorable workmanship and shysters who don't complete the job or they'll happily cut the corners that they think they can get away with .

    And they'll bugger off at 2 in the afternoon on Friday and come back Tuesday morning then disappear for 3 weeks on another job .

    You won't get them staying on site to finish a job and they'll do as much bodging as they can get away with .

    Look again at Roobarb's place . Those guys have got an awful lot splendidly right and if Roobarb wasn't away earning the shekels to pay for it all the builders would have it perfect I'm sure .

    And now look at koman's build where he did employ a professional to oversee everything .

    Fantastic workmanship levels !

    I've been showing the pictures of the roof on koman's house to a roofer here in England and he was shaking his head saying it was wonderful stuff .

    A day and a half to install 3000 roof tiles !! ..... all drilled and clipped into place plus all the ridges and fascias .

    A DAY AND A HALF !!!! Way better than you'll get here .

    More than 3000 tiles ? A week minimum .

    If someone wants to argue with me - and there's always somebody - undoubtedly you're right and I'll lose .

    ...... but I still think I'm right and that people are way too harsh about the Thai builders .

    The Thais make mistakes if there's noone around to check . Sure .

    But they don't park up in the truck to eat bacon butties and read the Daily Mirror for an hour and a half ....skiving around as much as possible .

    A supervised English crew can do a very good job .

    And so can a supervised Thai crew but they'll do it with more smiles and they'll stay there 'til it's finished .

    An unsupervised English crew will be far nastier than an unsupervised Thai crew whose errors are honest-to-goodness errors rather than malicious deceit and cover-up .

    Let's give them a bit more credit .

    Look at hillbilly's place . And sabang's . Lovely work .

    ......................... Wasp
    Last edited by Wasp; 07-01-2014 at 08:23 PM.

  8. #158
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    Well said Mr. Wasp. I agree 120% with you. There are many good workers here and they are capable of excellent results as long as they are instructed properly and given good support and guidance.

    If they do cock-up...they are only too happy to fix things up and most of them are great fun to have around. There's nobody walking around with a dog-eared union rule book sticking out of his back pocket looking for reasons to down tools.

    Thank you for your complimentary assessment of my fact it's quite an ordinary roof and not really different to what you will find on any site belonging to one of the better development companies. I lived quite close to a new development where the standards were very high....and so were the prices...but mostly because of the land values rather than the building costs.

    One of the thing's I've learned here is that price and quality don't necessarily have a direct relationship. You can pay 2000thb for a hotel room which is not as nice as an 800Thb room in other hotels.....or pay 4-5 times the price for food in an upscale restaurant with indifferent service and very ordinary cooking as opposed to great food and service from a small family owned place.

    From all the cost research and analysis I did before starting to build my place, I figure that hiring a professional manager with skills, experience and connections has probably save me over a million baht.....I kid you not....and once we're at a point where I know exactly what the end costs are, I will be happy to show everyone what I'm talking about.

    I can't comment on English building crews, because I've been away from the place far too long, but in Canada I could hardly finish a decent kitchen for what this whole house will cost....and quite frankly I don't think the workmanship would be that much better....even at 3000 Thb an hour instead of 300-400 a day....

  9. #159
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    6ft from the telly
    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by crocman View Post
    A top read. Love your style and your sense of humour.

    crocman ........... quite a few of you have got a little ID photo next to your name .

    In your case a pair of yellow crocs . ( hence the yellow font ).

    How do you do that ? I've tried the obvious place " My Profile " but I don't see where one does this .

    Never thought I'd be asking a croc to help me .

    Hey Wasp,

    Top left of the page click on " user cp"

    Click on " edit profile"

    Click on " edit avatar"

    Follow the instructions and pretty soon we should see a photo or something else to express your persona
    You're fat,Ill fro you in the river

  10. #160
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    ............ Koman :.......

    "Well said Mr. Wasp. I agree 120% with you. There are many good workers here and they are capable of excellent results ....... "

    Good for you koman .

    There are many Construction Threads on here which get lots of good comments about the end result .

    Well who built these things ?

    Even my own little renovation got lovely comments about the transformation that took place .

    It has its faults . Now I know I could have avoided those ..... but my own home is still in the UK and I can find plenty of faults there .

    I had a bathroom leakage in the UK and when I lifted the floorboards there was a plastic pipe bodged onto a copper pipe bodged onto a lead pipe !!

    Many many of the Building Threads here end with fellow fallangs praising the end result so I just don't understand why people are praising the constructions but making disparaging comment about the people who built them .

    When it's done with care ( yours ) people can't praise it enough !

    You say you can't comment on English crews but I assure you I have had a lot of experience of building gangs who want to knock off on Thursday afternoon at 4 o clock and come back " maybe on Tuesday ".
    It's no exaggeration at all to say that 3000 tiles plus the ridging and fascias is at minimum a lot of whistling , blowing of cheeks , rolling of eyes and then " A week - minimum " ...... meaning two and a half weeks with Double time on a Saturday .

    Good for you to be speaking this way in support of the Thais who have done such a good job .

    I think they're treated pretty harshly in some of the comments on these sites .

    ....... And I want to add ....... I have no delusions here .

    I can already see that the next generation of Thais are not likely to be anywhere near as hardworking as the guys who have done all the great work we see on these threads .
    I spoke on my Thread about the indolent brother . A guy who is young , strong , a skilled electrician - and bone idle .
    Has no money but doesn't work if he can avoid it .

    It was sabang who spoke movingly about ... " This is a woman who laboured all her life to ensure her children received the best she could give them, and who also took care of the rest of the family in Ubon on what she could send back from Bangkok on her measly wages.
    There is no more deserving Happiness- this woman Humbles me.
    Will we see the same kind of hard-working selflessness from the new generations who aspire only to iPhone 5 and KFC in the Mall ?

    I think not .

    But the guys on all these Construction threads are old enough still to have some ambition and hopes and I'd like to see less criticism of people who have produced many fine builds .

    .......................... Wasp

    Last edited by Wasp; 08-01-2014 at 05:20 PM.

  11. #161
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    There are still some folk looking at this Thread and the big promise was that there would be a surprising ending .

    Showing the extent of Missy's changes .

    This was back in Post #112 and I've just been made aware that the big " reveal " photo is now not there .

    I'm sorry about that . Undoubtedly my fault when I was moving the " Gallery " Thread .

    But it's impossible ( apparently ) to reinsert that photo in that place where it would be most appropriate ( can you help me here Marmite , Roobarb , Bettyboo , koman ? ).

    So I have to somewhat ruin that ending and put the photo here .

    Sorry to have mucked that up .


    Last edited by Wasp; 29-01-2014 at 08:31 PM.

  12. #162
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    Hello Wasp, it seems a while since you've been on the scene.

    I'm not too sure that there's a way of re-inserting a photo once you've moved it in Photobucket.

    Looking on the bright side it does mean that people will now have the chance to read through a few more posts before the grand finale. You did promise it at the end of the thread so the lazy ones can also now flick to the last page and see it.

    You see, you've actually done everyone a favour

    Hope you're keeping well...

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roobarb View Post
    Hello Wasp, it seems a while since you've been on the scene.

    I'm not too sure that there's a way of re-inserting a photo once you've moved it in Photobucket.

    Looking on the bright side it does mean that people will now have the chance to read through a few more posts before the grand finale. You did promise it at the end of the thread so the lazy ones can also now flick to the last page and see it.

    You see, you've actually done everyone a favour

    Hope you're keeping well...

    Thank you Roobarb .

    Yes I am well but in a state of indecisive paralysis . The intention was always to retire to Thailand much in the way that so many guys say on here .
    And as long as that was in the near-future it was fine . But I've arrived at the time and it scares me and I keep putting it off .

    Of the collection of guys here your words are closest to my thinking when you talk about all the various upcoming tasks giving you something to do .
    Because that's what I need too most of all . Something to do . I can't sit on that bikini all day reading and drinking and keeping an eye out for Harry Potter.

    Somebody else that I respect said that to be truly content you need ... Somewhere to Live ... Someone to Love ... and Something to Do .
    I have the first 2 but I'm not sure about the 3rd in Thailand .
    I can build a couple more extensions I suppose . So I'm definitely at the time to be going but it's less scarey not to !

    I was going to try to write to you Roob about something else entirely .
    I was watching a TV Series ... The Bridge ... a detective series from Sweden on BBC . Anyway ... in an episode last week the guy walks up to his front door and pulls it open and the thing was hinged in a way I've never seen before . And straight away I thought " Roobarb would love that ".
    I don't know why you in particular . Maybe memories of your quirky microwave oven bunkhouse . But it just seemed right for you .

    Now maybe this is not all that special at all . Maybe there are thousands of doors pivoting like that , but I have never seen it before and I saw its quirkiness appealing to you.
    So I widened your front door and drew in where these two pivots would locate ( but they are meant to be concealed.)

    Obviously you lose a little on the left as it swings in but I thought it was a brilliant-looking set-up .

    Thanks for writing Roobs.

    I do love how your house is turning out .


    ............... Wasp

    Last edited by Wasp; 29-01-2014 at 10:34 PM.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp
    Yes I am well but in a state of indecisive paralysis . The intention was always to retire to Thailand much in the way that so many guys say on here . And as long as that was in the near-future it was fine . But I've arrived at the time and it scares me and I keep putting it off .
    I'm a way off being able to retire at the moment, but the only suggestion I would have is give it a go and take each day as it comes. Ultimately the UK is only a 12 hour flight away and you are free to return whenever you want.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp
    Somebody else that I respect said that to be truly content you need ... Somewhere to Live ... Someone to Love ... and Something to Do . I have the first 2 but I'm not sure about the 3rd in Thailand . I can build a couple more extensions I suppose .
    Lots to do - keep chickens, photograph and catalogue changing village life, invent a better mousetrap. The great thing is that you can do anything you please. So long as it doesn't greatly inconvenience anyone else then it's a completely open book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp
    So I'm definitely at the time to be going
    That's the spirit

    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp
    the guy walks up to his front door and pulls it open and the thing was hinged in a way I've never seen before
    I'm not sure what they are called, I think it's a balanced door hinge or something. I have seen them before in hotels and things. I like the way the mechanism is completely hidden. You get something similar on glass office doors.

    There are some that have pretty complicated hinges so you don't lose that bit on the left:

    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp
    I do love how your house is turning out .
    Last edited by Roobarb; 30-01-2014 at 11:10 AM.

  15. #165
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    09-05-2023 @ 11:36 AM
    I agree with can always find things to do...or even learn to love doing nothing... I used to get bored quite quickly if I was not working or involved in some challenging project....but when I started long distance sailing (usually alone) I learned to relax and enjoy doing "nothing".... I was actually quite busy, adjusting sails, checking my position, watching the ocean and the sky, making meals and a hundred and one other things that for those without imagination would constitute "nothing".. Boredom is just a state of mind....and it can be eliminated with a bit of concentration and above all imagination.

    I say go for seem like the kind of fellow who could do very well here actually.....and there's always those Romanesque columns to manufacture and distribute.....

  16. #166
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    ^ There you go, two more options on stuff to do in Isaan from Koman - manufacturing Roman columns or ocean voyaging...

    Joking apart, get a little boat and chart a reservoir or lake or something. Why not?

    You could even install some of your Roman columns at the bottom, claim to have found Atlantis and set it up as a tourist attraction....?

    As Koman says there's plenty to do, but my guess is that you won't find it before you are in the position to look for it.

  17. #167
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    them doors are called 'pivot doors'.
    used for larger openings and look great.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by koman View Post
    I agree with can always find things to do...or even learn to love doing nothing... I used to get bored quite quickly if I was not working or involved in some challenging project....but when I started long distance sailing (usually alone) I learned to relax and enjoy doing "nothing".... I was actually quite busy, adjusting sails, checking my position, watching the ocean and the sky, making meals and a hundred and one other things that for those without imagination would constitute "nothing".. Boredom is just a state of mind....and it can be eliminated with a bit of concentration and above all imagination.

    I say go for seem like the kind of fellow who could do very well here actually.....and there's always those Romanesque columns to manufacture and distribute.....

    Sincere thanks to both of you . Sincere .

    THE problem is that the leaving plan was always based on having to sell my place in England for the retirement funds . And it's that feeling of being unable to escape Thailand if it's all too much that is the problem .

    I could go to Thailand for a year and not be worried . Two years even . But being constrained to stay there as I have no place back in England any more is the huge worry .

    The boat on the lake is a great idea ........ BUT , koman , I am an utterly crap sailor though I love it .
    We hired a boat in the Whitsunday Islands one time . How they let us 3 idiots out on their rental is still a worrying mystery but we sailed around the Whitsundays .

    I was the skipper because I was the only person that knew that " Port " was on the left .
    And I only knew this because just before we set sail ( more like started the 30 year old diesel engine ) someone said to me " ' Don't forget the question ' Is there any Port left ? ' " So you see with some quick mumbling I could work out where Port was .
    And that was a lot more knowledge than the other 2 had .

    So I have been on a boat and we should have died but we didn't . And to add to my credentials ..... I stress this is honestly absolutely true ..... I panicked when I thought we were being trailed by a huge dark shape in the water .

    All the great books of sailing tragedy leapt into my mind .
    " Moby Dick " " In The Heart of The Sea " " Janet and John Go To Torquay "

    Doing at least 2 knots I was trying to get away from this monster which was clearly following us .
    Until I realised we were in very shallow water and this 'creature' was the shadow of our sail .

    I'm sure you'll admire the way this modern Captain Smith hadn't uttered a word to the crew ..... one of who was happily sitting on ' that pointy bit ' in front while the other was busy manipulating the bikini top .
    He always worried me that guy .

    But yes ....... a boat could be quite a preoccupation .

    As I said - it's the giving up of a base in England that's the difficulty .
    There's no family left that I could return to and I'm not really going to come back and stay in a hotel.

    I'd like a small chalet in Austria but my funds would maybe cover the front door bell and a pair of concealed hinges !

    But my thanks again .To you both .

    .................. Wasp

    Last edited by Wasp; 30-01-2014 at 03:27 PM.

  19. #169
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    My Dear Wasp

    Sometimes in life you just have to say bollox Im off.
    I planned and planned, can't do it now next year next year.
    I spent a few years as a Prison officer and had the option of taking my pension early.
    After 5 years in Blighty my Wife finally got homesick even though she had a job and a lot of English friends.
    So we bit the bullet and just did it. I agree with Koman you will always find something to do.

    Life is short and you only get one.
    My Sister fought and won a battle against Cancer, on the day she was given the all clear her Husband got his results. Terminal !! they dreamed off emigrating to Canada but put it off and put it off. It was to late for my BiL he has now passed away. My Sister on her own went for it 3 weeks ago and now resides it Canada.

    To re iterate just go for it live for today tomorrow may never come.

    If our column business doesn't work you can invest in my Turtle driveway venture.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by bankao dreamer
    If our column business doesn't work you can invest in my Turtle driveway venture.
    You see....this is EXACTLY what I was talking about.. opportunities abound fact it's almost impossible not to make truckloads of money even if you don't really care about the stuff....

    "Sometimes in life you just have to say bollox Im off."

    Now that's something I've done a good many times...and somehow it always just seemed to work out OK......

  21. #171
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    Bankao and koman .


    Even for just answering .

    The fear is really a fear from all the really bad stories from Thailand . In my own experience my ex-boss lost over 20 million Baht in Thailand and instead of living out his life with the Thai partner with whom he was besotted he is back in Australia living on a poor pension . Just getting through the days. Not at all what he thought his life would end up being . And there are countless stories of farangs being taken for everything and having to leave .

    Now it's perfectly true also that I have experienced far more kindness in Thailand and I've had more fun than I experienced in England .
    Like you bankao at one stage all I wanted to do was get out of my job.
    When you , koman , Roobarb write like this I think yes . Get on with it . You speak of your sister's difficulties and I feel I'm being a Shrimp .
    But really it's just like those people who have a bungee elastic tied around them .
    They go to jump - hesitate - hesitate again - lean forward - tell themselves to get on with it - OK let's go - lean a bit more - and then rock back and say " Not yet " .

    Makes you want to push them off . I know. I know.

    Maybe I'm just into my third hesitate. Your sister will be on my mind all day now . As will the Turtle driveway possibilities .

    ... and thanks again koman .



  22. #172
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    If we expats can't support each other financially we can always advise or offer moral support. At the end of the day we choose to live here horror stories are there but so are many happy content stories also.

    I think you will be ok when you do go for it.

    My Sister is ok she is loving her new life I follow her blog every day.

    Turtles lots and lots of turtles

  23. #173
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    09-05-2023 @ 11:36 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp
    And there are countless stories of farangs being taken for everything and having to leave .
    Indeed there are.....because there are countless farangs who for some reason don't heed the advise given about limiting you financial exposure and using the legal remedies available to protect whatever investments you do make in Thailand.

    My own golden rule is "never expose more than 20% of your net worth to the risks of Thailand" The second rule is to spend a few bhahtskis on legal remedies such as a Usafruct agreement or lease, on any real estate properties you purchase.

    I have purchased, and sold (in my wife's name of course) several pieces of land over the last few years and in each case the land office would not put pen to paper when it came to transfer time, without my express authority. I actually had to appear in person complete with passport and sign off on the chanote, before they would transfer the land to the new owner, so there was no way for my wife to sell it out from under me....not that she would, but I take the precautions anyway.

    A lot of guys hop of the plane at Swampy and in not time at all are shacked up with some bimbo they met in a Pattaya girly bar; get all horned up because they have not had a decent looking female even give them the time of day for 30 years, and then spend their life savings trying to impress her and her predatory family.

    It's quite bizarre the things some farangs do in Thailand....but getting starry eyed is a common ailment in the LOS and if you can't keep you feet firmly planted on the ground and think objectively and clearly, it can be a dangerous place financially as well as in other ways.

    The thing is, you can and should protect yourself from predatory women. ( and not just in Thailand.. ) There are ways to do so...just make sure you understand these remedies and be prepared to use them. Clinging to the familiar and safety of home territory has prevented a lot of people from having a really good life. Carpe Diem......

  24. #174
    Thailand Expat
    Wasp's Avatar
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    01-04-2024 @ 03:22 PM
    [QUOTE=koman;2687673][QUOTE="Wasp"]And there are countless stories of farangs being taken for everything and having to leave . [/QUOTE]

    koman :

    " My own golden rule is "never expose more than 20% of your net worth to the risks of Thailand" The second rule is to spend a few bhahtskis on legal remedies such as a Usafruct agreement or lease, on any real estate properties you purchase. "

    I have actually wondered from time to time how you , old monkey , stevefarang et cetera can be comfortable making the spending that you clearly have done . Without apparently worrying about the ultimate owner ( the Thai lady ) turning around and saying " Thank You - you can go now "

    I wondered ..... but it's too personal to ask .
    I had never heard of this Usafruct agreement and I still don't know what it is but I will look into it .

    In the case of my former boss ..... I even started a Thread somewhere with the title " It's only those that you trust who can do you harm " .
    Despite all of which I would never never have foreseen that the lady would do the damage she did .

    Missy is not of that ilk .I'm sure.
    I think my problem is the bungee jumper fear . A fear they share with Parachute jumpers and in fact anybody who gets married !!

    That house that Missy developed .... has a hunk of her own money in it and my contribution I was happy to gift . I'm not in the firing line yet . But I may be soon as we are trying to buy a piece of land with river frontage . And that will be my money .

    I'll most certainly look into this Usafruct provision .



    Last edited by Wasp; 30-01-2014 at 09:36 PM.

  25. #175
    BKKBILL's Avatar
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    Mae Taeng, Chiang Mai
    Wasp, here is a start for your search. Koman, BD and all the rest are right no matter where you should be protecting yourself. Many farang rent as it is not that costly, possibly renting your place back home that should cover most of the cost of living here taking away that “ can’t go home worry.

    Turtles indeed

    Thailand Usufruct Agreement - Interactive Thailand

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