Hi all, I'm now in Taiwan, in the city of Hualien. It's on the eastern side. It's my annual holiday - I try to travel outside of my country at least once a year. I'll go on a tour of the Taroko Gorge today, but later. It's raining (drizzling) outside and I was lazy to catch the early trips. So I figured that I might as well pass the time by writing/blogging and make use of the fast wifi of this hostel. I'm posting from a phone, so pardon my spelling or grammar mistakes. (Attention: grammar nazis! Heh) I don't know if I'll be able to post pics of this trip, since when I get back home, I'll be very busy and have to attend a training. So this blog will have to suffice for now. After all, it's the fad now on TD. Heh.