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  1. #51
    Thailand Expat

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    10-08-2020 @ 01:40 PM
    Joker in NYC is pronounced jok-ah.
    Mocha... toker...midnight smoker...

  2. #52
    Thailand Expat
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    Wat Thafookhisit near to Wat Chamakhorlit
    Dick, did you come across any Thais while you were there?
    Every time I went to Japan I'd see them in the laundrette, 7-11, Family mini-marts, passed them in the streets or shopping malls etc.

    There's so many Thais there in the towns and cities that they have their own taxi service called 'Arai Baay', meaning for 1 note (1,000yen) they'll pick you up and take you most anywhere within reason.

    They also have vans that do the rounds of where Thais live selling Thai food.

    Excellent thread btw.

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat

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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NZdick1983
    WTF rhymes with Fukuoka?
    Women's underwear...

  4. #54
    Thailand Expat
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    Wat Thafookhisit near to Wat Chamakhorlit
    Or Fuck You Okker.

  5. #55
    I'm in Jail

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    Dillinger reckons your a shifter dick, but I reckon he, s wrong fanastic report keep the pics coming mate

  6. #56
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    what is the picture on the wall supposed to mean ?

    nice suitcase - does it match your earrings and high heels ?

  7. #57
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    Nice pics and story.

  8. #58
    I'm in Jail

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    Oi dick. I've got a few pics of Fukuoka if it ok with you will post them up,on your thread? Great little city

  9. #59
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    You ponce.

    that's how a cheap n nasty hotel room should look.

  10. #60
    Thailand Expat

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    555 Cheap 'n nasty is how I *used to* like my women bro... not my hotel rooms.

    Sure, Beerlao... welcome to contribute (just no sheep porn please) heh

    Gaza, yeah mate... heaps of Thais... I hear them talking in Uniglo (clothing outlet *not a strange dialect) fantastic value and good quality for the price btw...
    now they have a free-visa deal with Thailand.. I plan to incorporate that into my business when living there... i.e. teach Japanese business people Thai, before they are transferred to Thai to work.. or find Thai tradies (painters/plasterers/tilers) and run a small team of workers in Japan (like I do in NZ)

    Must be some way to utilize my Thai language skills there, to my advantage. Just have to focus on learning Japanese before our move.

    Baldrick, the pink suitcase is my wife's... black Nike manly bag, is mine... (except on Sundays when we swap)..

  11. #61
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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    Dr Terence does some nasty shite on Sundays, too...Or so he said...And guess what day it is today?...Pink suitcase day, of course...

    Onya, NZ...You too, terry...

  12. #62
    Thailand Expat

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    55 you up early BB (you trouble maker)... what's the time there?

  13. #63
    Thailand Expat

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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    Check the time on your post...That's Thai time...Got up at 3:30 am this morning...Usually between 4 and 5, so I'm a little early...Part of the fitness "campaign"...Running and swimming at sunrise...20 minute walk to the beach as warm-up, then interval training after stretching...When a "gasket is blown" during the anaerobic explosions then I switch to swimming...

  14. #64
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    Are you training for the special Olympics bro? hehe... nah, times are converted to our own location.. here it's 9:38 am... I guessed you guys are about 6 hrs behind us.

    Sounds like hard training.. nice to live so close to a beach.. lucky you!

  15. #65
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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    Okay, it's now about 4:50 am...So maybe 5 hours difference...I'll need some springy steel legs and a shotgun before I'm "special"...

  16. #66
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    Top notch thread Dick, thanks for sharing.

  17. #67
    Thailand Expat

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    ^ All good, Chitty... cheers mate

  18. #68
    A Cockless Wonder
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    Top thread Dicky!

    Never been to Fukuoka but my trips to the wonderfully strange land of the rising sun have been among the most memorable of my life.

  19. #69
    Thailand Expat
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    Baan Nok Ubon / outback Australia
    I just read that some new law has / will be passed that makes it illegal for Airbnb (and the like) to rent out rooms for less then 1 week. To help the hotel industry. This might make your business idea a little harder....

    Nice thread by the way. Enjoyed the pics. Would love more thoughts / info on the prices for hotels and food etc.
    News is what someone, somewhere is trying to suppress - everything else is just advertising.

  20. #70
    I'm in Jail

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    Bungling in the jungle
    Great stuff NZ. I know It can be a pain to post pics so thanks for the thread. Looks like you all had a great time.

    Good luck with your hotel plans. Hope it works out for you.

    Nice bikes. Is it common to have the big bikes there? Again nice photos, Thnks.

  21. #71
    Thailand Expat

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    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick
    what is the picture on the wall supposed to mean ?
    It's an anti-drink driving campaign poster... (funny, I queried that poster when I was there as well)..

    Quote Originally Posted by Looper
    Would love more thoughts / info on the prices for hotels and food etc.
    Thanks Looper, I will provide cost details for you very soon..

  22. #72
    Thailand Expat

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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    Money is no object for the dickster, it seems...Heh...

    Morning, NZ...

  23. #73
    Thailand Expat

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    ^ Morning, BB... how was your run/swim?

    Quote Originally Posted by BaitongBoy
    Money is no object for the dickster, it seems...Heh...
    ^ I wish 55... the big family banquet dinners were sponsored/hosted i.e. paid for by uncle... we also had free use of his car while we were there...

    My wife pays/paid 50% of everything... in fact, this time.. I think she paid more than me.. she works for a travel company, so we get very cheap airfares..

    $800 each (return) from Auckland to Japan.

    Our first trip to Saga, with Steven San and his wife/kids... hotel was $160 per night...(including buffet break/dinner)... extra $15 for all you can drink (5 - 7 pm)..

    I drove about 1,000 km in Japan during our 3 weeks... filled up the tank once, cost 7,000 yen (about $70 NZ).. 1 liter of petrol 98 RON is about $1 ($2 in NZ) so half the price. Steven said in America gas is even cheaper than Japan...

    The fancy Hotel in Miyazaki next to the beach was on special... around $200 per night (down from $450)... my wife is a clever cookie at finding seemingly hi-so accommodation at reasonable prices..

    Very nice hotel in Yokohama was around $180 again after a big discount.

    What else... umm big bowl of Ramen (famous in Fukuoka) $8
    If we were to rent an Eco-car (hybrid) as we intended - it would have been $250 per week.

    For a couple to eat at a Yakatori restaurant (with beer) $40..
    you can eat well for $20 per person...

    The rest of the money we spent was on cosmetics (half the price as in NZ) cologne (I bought Eternity for men Summer, Calvin Clein) 100 mls for $40
    clothes are much cheaper, Nike Kiashi running shoes $60 in Japan $130 in NZ

    Umm Diesel watches (I collect them) and sell them in NZ... not available in NZ.

    We negate the cost of our trip/expenses by stocking up on stuff we will need for the following year. Big bottles of shampoo, face wash, etc..
    She paid an extra $60 for an extra 23 kg of stuff...

    We stayed with her mum, so that had a big impact on saving money as well.
    All up, in 3 weeks... I'd say we spent about $2,000 NZ each (including our own personal gifts to ourselves and friends/family).
    *Not including tickets, of course.

    Hmmm... I should upload pics of the stuff we bought, can I show that stuff off a bit?

    I guess the question on some of your minds would be, seeing that I've spent so much of my life in Thailand and have just recently gone 'crazy for Japan'...(at least I'm honest 55) compare the prices between the two very different places..

    To Dick's humble (slightly deranged, mind) of course Thailand wins, if judged purely on being cheaper (not in all things, but most)...

    Japan, simply can't beat Thailand on 'cheapness', but where Japan beats Thailand hands down, is on quality.

    My $8 (200 baht approx) Ramen noodles are much more expensive than your 40 baht bowl of (gor deow guy) chicken noodle soup... but I guarantee the ingredients are fresher and of higher quality and nutritional value.

    (Not a good example) and I don't want to look down on Thai food (which I love just as much as Japanese food) but my point is, in general, Japanese food is higher quality and more healthy. Obviously, taste is a personal preference...

    Travel cost is expensive in Japan.. a rail pass (for the Shinkansen bullet train) is around $600 per month... but local short distance normal or express trains cost is much cheaper.. just a few dollars.

    Rent for a nice new apartment in Fukuoka (per month) is around $600 - $800 NZ.

    I bought all the ingredients for the spaghetti and noticed meat, most fruit/veges, etc.. to be considerably cheaper than in NZ... probably around 30%

    So for cheapness... Thailand wins

    for quality... Japan all day, every day..

    Not just food (which is debatable) but electronics, made in Japan are expected to last 10 years minimum... my wife's hair dryer (for instance) that she brought from Japan
    to NZ, 8 years ago, is still going strong... whereas the ones that she buys in NZ last no longer than a year.
    The Japanese are perfectionists in the extreme...
    Last edited by NZdick1983; 13-06-2016 at 12:43 PM.

  24. #74
    Thailand Expat
    Headworx's Avatar
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    ^And a fine looking spaghetti it was too Richard, along with all the other pics you've posted in this outstanding thread.

    Thank you for that.

  25. #75
    Thailand Expat

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    ^ Really?? 55 cheers, Headworx!

    some of the new Diesel watches I bought $400 for all four ($799 each! in NZ).

    I have advertised them for sale..

    Oh, G-Shock watches, are real cheap there too... I have heaps of G-Shock....Seiko are cheaper there too! (obviously I'm comparing to NZ - where every bloody thing is over-priced)

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