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  1. #26
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    04-11-2013 @ 08:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by poorfalang View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by fresh
    in so many years i have never had a problem, so many provincys and places. many times i am the only falang in there

    Quote Originally Posted by fresh
    Never had the feeling in Kan that farangs aren't welcome
    Bullshit, you are paranoid and scared of a soi dog

    Quote Originally Posted by fresh
    thai-only, farangs allowed
    another one, do you look like freaks or something?
    i have always been welcomed everywhere/ dp you speak thai? any? not just
    (short time?)

    i would never swap my local karaoke just behind the pig farm for anything else,
    full of classy girls, that have never seen a falang (falong) and are waiting to see the beast.
    I never mention that farangs aren't welcome in kanchanaburi, maybe try to read well before comment, i really hope you aren't making a living out of teaching here, then i regret your students ! I only point out that some of the bars in kanchanaburi (outside tourist area) are visited by thai only, and where no farangs come, most of those girls never gone with a farang, so, they will not stand in line to go with you.So, being polite better ask if it's ok that you go there (polite, get it ? not paranoid)Yes, i do speak thai fluent, and no, not the bar-visitor thai. You didn't steal your name, that's for sure ... i'm sure that putting out xmass lights in a pig farm will do it for you

  2. #27
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    Flying in and flying out
    Is the place still full of Soi Dogs. Packs of the fuckers roaming about the last time i was there. I love animals but they were aggressive looking beasts. I noticed a couple from one pack had blue bandanas tied around their necks which made me think they might be affiliated to LA street gang The Crips.......i didn't hang around to find out.

  3. #28
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    17-02-2016 @ 12:33 PM
    yea thousands of half starved vicious rabid dogs, at night they howl in chorus with each other

  4. #29
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    26-06-2015 @ 11:42 AM
    Don't know the name of the road but it is directly across the main road as you exit the Train Station.... farang area. There are a couple of bars on the right just on the curve in the road. I was very surprised to find two lovely 19 year olds ready and available. One of them was a stunner and the other very nice... my partner and I barfined them 300 each plus 1000 to the girl. They were both very inexperienced but what then hell I just used them up and had a great time. However we had to sneak them into our room as most places here are gf unfriendly. Next night I'm back to discover they'll rent a room at the back of the back of the bar for 200. Had the stunner back in there in heartbeat for a happy short time.

  5. #30
    pescator's Avatar
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    07-02-2020 @ 10:49 PM
    On my last visit to `Kan I went there with 2 old geezers I hooked up with in Bkk.

    Nice fellas, one was thai married expat and he brought his thai stepdaughter along for the trip. The other one was a former employee of his, and the expat had paid for his trip to come see him.

    The expat was very anxious to show off his local knowledge and would insist on arranging the trip to 'Kan. Fine by me, now I for once could just sit back and relax.

    He was quite knowledgeable about the general area and told heaps of stuff about demographics, local products, the sights, military compounds in the area etc.

    I didn`t have the heart to let him know, that I had actually spent a month in Kanchanaburi prior to his first arrival to Thailand. I could see it made him feel good about himself to share his words of wisdom, and he was very knowledgeable about the area as it was his local turf.

    He was, however, linguistically challenged as he knew fok all thai and claimed that "Kwai" in River Kwai meant Buffalo River. Fine by me, I was just along for the ride.

    We were let off the minibus at Sam`s Place right on the river bank. A very affordable guest house in nice settings. All this travel activity had naturally built up quite an appetite, so we went on our merry way to the Jolly Frog Guest House. They had a very nice dining area and great food at bargain prices.

    The place was packed, so it took a while until our meals arrived. We were like 7-8 people in our group as some local expats had joined us.

    Everybody, except from my expat acquaintance was served at the same time. He did not appreciate that one bit. "Sorry sir, your food is right on the way, we are just very busy right now"

    I must admit that it took a while, and expat was starting to fume and complained loudly.

    When the food finally arrived, he lashed out at the tray carrying his meal and it flew all over the place. Geez, that was really embarrasing. One of the local guys dining with us, left immediately and I could not blame him for that.

    I pulled the waiter aside and had a chat with him, slipped him a 100 baht note, gave him an apology and said we shall leave now.

    Walking back to our guest house, expat geezer claimed the incident was a total "accident". Hmm....

    "By the way, did you speak thai to that waiter"? "Yes" "You speak thai"?? "Yes" "You never told me!" "Why would I mention such a trivial detail"?

    Now old geezer no. 2 Åge, a sweet old guy in his 70`ies said. "Enough of this shit, now I wanna have a beer. Best suggestion of the day, so we got a couple of samlors to take us to the girlie bars. Expat`s stepdaughter was sound asleep by now.

    Åge got his beer And he was quite happy with that, especially since he was served by a nice wench who sat down with him and kept him company.

    I was approached by the mamasan who had noticed that I spoke thai with the staff. "We have a new girl in our bar, will you speak with her and try to make her comfortable"? "She is a bit scared of farang"

    "Hmm, does that include free beers"? "No, but she speaks no English, she has never spoken to a farang before"

    "Okay then, bring her on, but not before you serve me one of your finest ales" "Oh, a beer Chang"? "Magnificent".

    The poor lass arrived and sat herself down at the opposite side of the table. To say that she was "a bit scared of farang" was the understatement of the century.

    She was scared outta her wits. I tried to speak with her, offered her a soda. But all she could do was shaking her head while tears were flowing from her eyes.

    "Now, lassie, evidently you are not cut out for this line of job and I for one most certainly understand that, what I suggest to you is this. Get your gear and head straight back home"

    "Kha" Only word I ever got out of her.

    Well, we all got a few more beers along with `Kan`s finest women.....Truth to be told, they were a rather rough bunch, but nice enough.

    I called it a day, as I was off to an early start the following morning to visit the waterfalls in the area, but not before I had to arrange a deal for the night with my expat acquaintance and one of the luvelies in the bar. He had by now forgotten all about his thai wife.

    I went straight back to my bungalow and was sound asleep when I heard a knock on the door. WTF? It is nearly midnight. It was expat.

    "Pescator, you gotta help me, Åge and I got separated and I cannot find him, he suffers from a mild case of dementia and he cannot find the way back on his own!"

    Damn! We went through all of the bars, no trace of Åge. Then I heard some weird singing from a karaoke joint right next to the bars. It sure sounded Danish and lo and behold, it was Åge who to much applause was entertaining the entire crowd of the Karaoke bar. Entire crowd consisting of 2 local drunks and a toothless hooker.

    Well, Åge had had a ball, but was now only too happy to go back to get some shut-eye.

    We all arrived safely at our guest house and we hit the sack when I thought I heard yet another knock on my door. It was not a knock on my door but a knock on the door of the adjoining room which was Åge`s room.

    It turned out to be the luvely from the bar that expat had made an arrangement with, she had mixed up the room numbers. As a true gentleman, Åge took her "under his wing" and spent the night with her.

    Åge, you go strong buddy!

    Expat did not mind the mixup the next day, "I want Åge to have a good time, and this way I did not cheat on my wife, only tried to" .....

  6. #31
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    what a hoot!!!

  7. #32
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    29-08-2015 @ 01:19 AM
    if only you new .most of you talk so much shit .i wont enlighten you because you dont deserve it .i have been to kan for many years .its the best place . its not all about the bridge and cemetry .open up youre minds if thats possible

  8. #33
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    My friend who lives there absolutely loves it.

    Seems to spend half his life in a place called onemorebar, which means the food must be good there.

    The fishing is good there too.

  9. #34
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    BANGKOK / Kanchanaburi
    No, not much nightlife in Kanchanaburi. Best to stay away.


  10. #35
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    Was there the other week biking and stayed overnight. There were a few bars, Turkish style with the looks but ok for me as it wasn't too noisy with sad twats looking for cheap pussy!

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    here were a few bars, Turkish style with the looks but ok for me as it wasn't too noisy with sad twats looking for cheap pussy!
    Hmm only looking for expensive pussy then?

    How HiSo

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    here were a few bars, Turkish style with the looks but ok for me as it wasn't too noisy with sad twats looking for cheap pussy!
    Hmm only looking for expensive pussy then?

    How HiSo
    Don't pay for it. My wife has a perfectly good pussy in working order. She is Hiso thought.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones
    here were a few bars, Turkish style with the looks but ok for me as it wasn't too noisy with sad twats looking for cheap pussy!
    Hmm only looking for expensive pussy then?

    How HiSo
    Don't pay for it. My wife has a perfectly good pussy in working order. She is Hiso thought.

    HiSo pussy. Nice.

  14. #39
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    What does hiso pussy mean?
    She only sold it 1000 times
    So it's still in good working order

  15. #40
    I am in Jail

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    Depends what kinda nightlife you want. It's a quite town, girls are easy going and not pushy. Nice place to sip a few beers. Rent a kayak and go for a paddle. Plenty of places along the way to stop for a drink/food.

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones View Post

    Don't pay for it. My wife has a perfectly good pussy in working order. She is Hiso thought.
    If it is ok with you I would rather pay for it, nothing against your wife.

  17. #42
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    The ONLY place I have ever heard that was in Hatyai, 22 yrs ago, they prefer Malaysian clientele, because Malaysian chinese spend more and are even more stupid than westerners.
    From the horses mouth, when I was asked to leave and asked why.

  18. #43
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    kanchanaburi update ?


    Anything new there ?

    I can't stand bkk or patters anymore and only like the friendly provincial girls <3

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by stickmansucks View Post

    Anything new there ?

    I can't stand bkk or patters anymore and only like the friendly provincial girls <3
    Wouldn't be a difficult task.
    There are quite a number of Thai provinces to choose from detached from Farang ghettos.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by fresh View Post
    blah-blah-blah, bullshit, bullshit, blah-blah-blah. SNIPPED FOR BREVITY-
    Yes, i do speak thai fluent, and no, not the bar-visitor thai.
    You "speak thai fluent" wtf? Shouldn't that be "speak fluent thai" or "speak thai fluently"? Engrish ain't your first language huh "fresh"?? Keep up on the ESL classes, you'll get there! We can only pray you are NOT an engrish teacher here.

    Now the real question is; Why on earth, if as you allege, you speak thai fluent, would you participate in idle bar talk with other foreigners? I mean why not just ask the thaiz. Last time I checked they're thick as ticks on a houndog's back here. In fact, come to think about it, thaiz have been in every province I've ever been too here, go figure..

    You sure you're not "effluent" in thai?
    "Whoever said `Money can`t buy you love or joy` obviously was not making enough money." <- quote by Gene $immon$ of the rock group KISS

  21. #46
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    ^He may be by now since his post is almost 1 1/2 yrs old...

  22. #47
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    Also Todd Have you every been driving around & stop to ask a Thai for direction 20 kilometre's away. they don't know as most have only been a 5 to 10 Kilometre's from there home.

    Good afternoon BB

  23. #48
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    ^Cheers and good day, Rat...

  24. #49
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    In a Madhouse
    Took my wifes mum once to BKK, wanted to come back the next day wouldn't leave the house without wife and wouldn't go the shooping malls told my wife within 3 days to take her home.

    never again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ratchaburi View Post
    Also Todd Have you every been driving around & stop to ask a Thai for direction 20 kilometre's away. they don't know as most have only been a 5 to 10 Kilometre's from there home.

    Good afternoon BB

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaitongBoy View Post
    ^He may be by now since his post is almost 1 1/2 yrs old...
    Better chance that Todd's post was for us or himself...irrelevant of the OPs whereabouts or inactive status.

    I've rather appreciated Todd's posts and approach over the time anyway.
    He has a different tact.


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