Firstly, I would like to thank DD, because without his help i would not of be able to create this posting. Also I have not been active on TD for a very long time as change of job and also the arrival of my daughter, have kept me away from my computer.

After we purchased our land 2 Rai in total for the princeley sum of 160.000 Baht, back in 2008 we then decided that it would be a good idea get it infilled for future construction of our planned house. originally we thought that it would only be about 2 years before we would build, but this has all changed for the time being.

After much discusion with the family, it was decided that we would dig a lake on my inlaws land and use the spoil from that for our infill,that way it would not cost us to by in the required material,and anyway Farther inlaw has already left the land to my wife, once he departs this mortal spire.

This is a image of our 2 Rai in it's naked state, if you notice in the centre of the pic there is a power pole just outside our front boundry

And this pic is my father inlaw waiting in anticipation of the new lake.

The Cavalrey are coming!!!

This is part of the crew, the Boss has the Brown T shirt on,and then in the Blue shirt we have Walkabout as i nicknamed him,as that all he seemed to do.

The First Wagon is ready to go too our land.

And then the next,I must admitt that this is the first time i have seen a que forming in Thailand.

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch!!!

Work has started on infill,and

THE PLOT THICKENSAlso we have the arrival of cousin who works at the Ampher. not only does he come, he brings a cowley level with him so that we can set up some levels on the fence posts around the perimeter. you will be able to see these sprayed onto the concrete posts

Thats it until later today as Daughter has just woken up