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    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    (Yet) Another Construction Photo-Essay Thread

    Right, inspired by the really good threads on here in a similar vein I've decided to detail the current renovations to our house. So here it is - number 1 in a series of, oooh, probably just this one really because I'm really rather useless that way.

    Anyways the decision to cause undue stress and prompt arguments in our relationship was made for one reason and one reason only. Well, actually two reasons both of which are due to be joining us on Jan 1st. In a nutshell the Mrs is pregnant. With twins. Oh how life can change...

    So first thing we thought was we need more room. More living space to be precise, bedrooms are already sufficent. Also we needed more parking space as I've already brought one of those Toyota Wish 'people-mover' things in anticipation of speeding down the highway of life and crashing at the intersection of Previous Freedom and Responsible Middle-Aged St.

    Firstly our house pre-renovation:

    Note if you will the stupid little 'car-port' that even with the Mrs old car (tiny little Honda City) you pretty much had to park half the nose inside the actual house to get the car out of the weather.

    The second thing to note is that due to the assinine decision in the original plans to build a barely usable car-port in the first place it also meant that you were left with a barely livable living-room:

    This first pic was taken some time ago (when we first moved in I think), this second one is more recent and notable for the new TV that I spent months convincing my wife we needed to buy, finally got her to conceed, and now never watch because she always is :

    As you can see it's pretty small. Ok for us now but certainly not when there are two of my demon-spawn mobile and charging around the place.You can see from the 1st pic in particular that the car-port effectively 'intrudes' on the space - the walls behind the bookcase and TV basically being the interior walls, so imagine if you will the carport directly outside of them.

    [To be continued...]
    Last edited by AntRobertson; 03-08-2007 at 04:10 PM.

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