This is a roundabout way of bringing attention to something I've mentioned before. We have a photography forum, but it is the last sub-forum on Teakdoor in the multimedia forum, it's a place where threads are born to die.

In my opinion photography is an art and since this art forum has been created I think the photography sub-forum should be moved here.

I'm highlighting this again after looking at pictures from the Nikon Small World competition, pictures like this..

Dr John H Brackenbury, University of Cambridge, UK: Water droplet containing a pair of mosquito larvae (Laser-triggered high-speed macrophotography)

..and this...

Yanping Wang, Beijing Planetarium: Sand

..and let you know that this years entries can be viewed and voted on here: Nikon Small World - Photomicrography Competition but if I posted it in the photography sub-forum, no-one would ever see it.

So is photography art or technology?