image captionCrowds have been flocking to see the new artwork in Admiralty Road, Great Yarmouth, one of a number to appear in East Anglian coastal towns in recent days

After a week of speculation, the artist Banksy has finally claimed responsibility for pieces of street art that have appeared on the east coast of England, releasing a video on his Instagram page entitled "A Great British Spraycation". BBC News looks at where the pieces are, what their significance could be and what might happen to them.


Where is it? Nicholas Everitt Park, Oulton Broad, Suffolk.

What does it show? Three children near a boat structure next to the tagline "We're all in the same boat".


What is happening to it? Oulton Broad Parish Council removed the metal "boat" over flooding fears as it was blocking a drain and rain was forecast. But a spokeswoman promised it would be put back.

What is an expert's view? Prof Paul Gough, principal and vice chancellor of Arts University Bournemouth, said: "The team will have been scouting possible venues across East Anglian coast for some time: nothing is left to chance with Banksy's public artwork.

"Unlike your average tag, his stencils are pre-planned, prepared and perfectly positioned.

"Banksy is also adept at recycling stuff left lying around - a bicycle tyre, a pile of sand - or here at Oulton Broad, a corrugated metal sheet that doubles as a boat to convey a powerful environmental warning, as the children bail out the sinking ship."


Where is it? Katwijk Way, Lowestoft, Suffolk.

What does it show? A gull on the side of a property appearing to try to eat "chips" - made from pieces of insulation material - from a skip.


What is happening to it? The artwork is one of three in the town. Before Banksy posted a video on his Instagram page confirming his they were his, East Suffolk Council had said it was awaiting confirmation they were genuine but was considering protecting the pieces.

What is an expert's view? Prof Gough said that gulls had "made fleeting appearances" in Banksy's previous seaside locations.

"Here a vast seagull, painted on a gable wall in a more elaborate manner than one often sees in his work, hovers over a skip filled with huge carved chips - a reference to the incorrigible bin-picking tendencies of the ferocious urban gulls that can terrorise our resorts."


Where is it? London Road North, Lowestoft.

What does it show? A child with a crowbar next to a sandcastle and a lifted paving slab.


What is happening to it? This is the second of three pieces in the town. East Suffolk Council has yet to announce what action it might take after it was confirmed they were genuine Banksys.

What is an expert's view? Prof Gough said that across East Anglia, Banksy had "combined playfulness and light relief with something a little menacing".

"Particularly here in Lowestoft as a child builds a sandcastle, not with bucket and spade, but with a crowbar," he said.

He believes the artist is referencing the student uprising in Paris in 1968, which had the slogan "sous les pavés, la plage!", which means "beneath the pavement, the beach", and questions whether the "crowbar is a reference to a world of eviction and squatting".


Where is it? The bottom of Links Hill, North Beach, Lowestoft.

What does it show? A rat leaning back in a deckchair drinking a cocktail.


What is happening to it? As with the other Lowestoft pieces, the council is considering protecting the work.

What is an expert's view? Prof Gough said rats had been the artist's "rodent of choice for decades: irreverent, playful characters that have popped up during his Covid-inspired period".

"Here in Lowestoft a rat enjoys a cocktail on the seawall, a few inches below a drain that drips waste water.

"Banksy and his team will have scouted these locations very carefully, leaving nothing to chance, and always fastidious when selecting a site. It's what makes him and his work so very powerful."


Where is it? Admiralty Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.

What does it show? Three people on top of a bus shelter: two dancing and another playing an accordion.


What is happening to it? The piece is one of two accessible to the public in the Great Yarmouth Borough Council area, and the authority said it had inquired as to their authenticity.

What is an expert's view? "Banksy has taken the roof of a bus shelter as the floor of a dance hall, and painted several very fine figures," said Prof Gough.

"Working at life-size scale, we are looking at a painter in his prime. Very few street artists can use stencils as expertly as this; and certainly no-one capable of doing so at speed from a very exposed perch."


Where is it? The seafront at Gorleston, Norfolk.

What does it show? An arcade-style grabber crane above a bench.

What is happening to it? As with the Admiralty Road piece, Great Yarmouth Borough Council is viewing it as an artwork and considering ways to protect it. It has yet to comment since Banksy confirmed it was his. On Tuesday it was spotted that six teddy bears had been stencilled beneath it, along with the words "Banksy Collaboration Emo" and the work has since been defaced.

What is an expert's view? "Banksy has a love-hate relationship with the seaside, especially its amusement arcades," said Prof Gough.

"What he's done at Gorleston is to use a powerful silhouette at scale to intimidate anyone on the bench, but also to pay homage to one of the most memorial emblems of the arcade."


Where is it? Merrivale Model Village, Great Yarmouth.

What does it show? Graffiti on a miniature stable, with Banksy's name and a tagline: "Go big or go home". A rat can be seen standing on a cartwheel propped against the wall.

What is happening to it? The model village said a model it "had never seen before" was sitting amongst its little cottages. The attraction's owner Frank Newsome had been trying to ascertain whether or not it was genuine. He said the model was removed at night and secured off-site.

It is now being put on show for visitors only between 13:00 and 15:00 BST, and has been placed in a protective box. An email to the BBC to say there was originally a figure next to the building appears to be backed up by Banksy's website, which shows the back of a girl who has dropped a basket of apples.

image captionThe model has been placed in a protective box
What is an expert's view? "Banksy has a crew of animators, model-makers and fabricators he can recruit to create the most exquisite miniatures and models," said Prof Gough.

"The thatched cottage at Merrivale village is a fine example, with an additional outsize signature tag, and a message 'Go big or go home' that plays on the idea of scale and houses - but is also about ambition: Banksy rarely does things by halves."


Where is it? On a sea wall in Cromer, Norfolk.

What does it show? A group of hermit crabs with one in a shell holding a sign stating: "Luxury rentals only." Cromer is famous for its crabs.


What is happening to it? Prior to official confirmation being received, a spokesperson for North Norfolk District Council said: "We've noted the arrival of the eye-catching artwork on our seafront at Cromer. We're not yet sure whether this is a confirmed Banksy creation but we're minded to let tourists and local residents visit the site to enjoy it and make their own minds up, until nature takes its course and the sea removes it."

What is an expert's view? "This is a quite brilliant painting, which combines humour with a very serious message that refers to homelessness, refugees and the rental market," said Prof Gough.

"It's also a brilliant play on the idea of the hermit, a loner denied access to secure accommodation.

"Only Banksy could bring these images and messages together. He's certainly bombed the East Anglian coast, a true staycation, or, more exactly, a 'spraycation'."


Where is it? Gorleston model yacht pond

What does it show? Two children are flung into the air, clinging on to an inflatable dinghy being pumped up by an adult who is distracted by their drink.


What is happening to it? Gorleston Model Boat Club has been contacted for comment.


Where is it? Guanock Place, King's Lynn.

What does it show? A statue of Frederick Savage, steam engineer and the mayor of King's Lynn between 1889 and 1890, has been standing for more than 100 years.

In Banksy's video, it shows how the artist added a tongue and what appears to be an ice cream made from part of a cone and some expanding foam filler.

What is happening to it?The Lynn News reports that the additions were spotted on 4 August, but taken down due to complaints.