Im on about my 6th quit now, but pretty sure I've conquered it this time.

Ive tried the nicotine gum and patches but all they do is keep you hooked on nicotine.

Im hoping this thread will be beneficial and motivational to others, CCC in particular who has gone a month but is vapeing, which to me isnt the way to go about breaking a cycle youve had for most of your life. On the other thread he's contemplating buying some smokes too.

I'm near a month now and rarely think about them anymore.

So feel free those of you who have beaten the filthy habit to add your tips on quitting.

Mine are:

Quit coffee and sugary drinks for a while and substitute with water.
Get past the hardest part, the first 4 days and take it a day at a time.
Try and steer clear of smokers if you can.
Remember it can only get easier.
Write down a list of the positives and negatives of smoking

This is what youd have saved now Chitty in less than a month in the UK, if you smoked 30 a day like me. You wont need Man City winning the quadruple.

And remember Chitty, if you do break and have a cigarette, you will feel awful with yourself and it will taste like shit