Some may have seen the newspaper stories recently on the destruction of the Thanarat road which leads from Highway 2 at Pak Chong, to the National Park entry gates some 23km away.

Bruce Kekule also makes mention of it in his thread here on KY... (Khao Yai National Park)

They marked all the trees along the first 12k's or so with white paint some time ago for removal, we guessed it was to widen the road.....they did.

They entered a few months later and cut down some wonderful huge old trees along this road.

The sad thing is that as I drive this road in its entire length twice a day, it has never had the amount of traffic on it that warrants a 4 lane super highway.

This project was simply to use up possible excessive funds and line a few peoples pockets at the same time.

Some 20 trees were approved by the department for is reported in the paper that 130 large trees were removed.

I can state that this number is totally incorrect and that thousands of trees were cut down of all sizes.

The rather sad fact is that this road had trees overhanging it and was a very nice drive from the horrible highway 2, into the park. It was a prelude of what was to come, it put you in the mood for bigger and better in the park.

Now, the first 10k's are a desolate and hot, bright contrast to what it was.....some pics below.

Here is what the road used to look like....

Here is what it looks like now...

Some enterprising greenies have come along at night time and planted trees right up to the road again....more and more are being added each night it seems...

Last weekend this guy was mounting a quite protest in the middle of the road...

My kids joined in for a little bit and we bought them some water and gave it to them...