A South Australianman has been arrested and charged with alleged drug offences in Bali, local authorities have confirmed.
Port Lincoln's Troy Smith was arrested by Indonesian police on April 30, at a hotel in Kuta, Bali.
Local authorities allege he was in possession of 3.15 grams of methamphetamine at the time.
He's been held at the Bali Police Detention Centre in the capital Denpasar.
Bali Police Director of Narcotics Iwan Eka Putra told the ABC it was alleged that the drugs had been sent from Australia at Mr Smith's request.
"And currently Troy is still in the process of being investigated and Troy is being detained at the Bali Police Detention Center," he said.
The director said the amount Mr Smith allegedly had on him is regarded as personal use, not trafficking, and would carry a potential sentence of up to 12 years in jail if convicted.
Mr Smith's lawyer Ida Bagus Gumilang Halih Sakti told the ABC his client has been "stressed" after his arrest.
"This is his first time in his life he stays in a jail – doing interrogation for long time, sitting in the chair for six hours for interrogation – he's a bit shocked," his lawyer said.
The lawyer said local customs officers became suspicious after coming across a package addressed to Mr Smith.
"The package [allegedly] contained crystals," Mr Sakti said.
It's understood Troy Smith was holidaying on the island with his wife.
The lawyer said Mr Smith’s wife is still in Bali, providing support to her husband.
A Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade spokesperson confirmed it was providing consular assistance to an Australian man detained in Bali.
"Owing to our privacy obligations we are unable to provide further comment," the spokesperson said.
Police in Bali have declined to give further details about Mr Smith's case, but say they will update the media early next week.