These stories seem to emerge and become public ever few months. Family values promoted in public, the extra-marital affairs uncovered. I remember the new appoint Speaker of House from Lousiana (A Souther state, once again) went after Clinton for the Lewinsky scandal later to resign because he had an affair.

Many others have followed.

The latest, seems to be the "C Street" charade.

This McDonnel hasn't been a hipocrite, but this "Vision of the GOP" alienates the Independents and the Center, which the GOP (and also the Dems) need to win nationally.

The GOP is still mired by these "moralists." It seems to me, the high majority of these are from the South.

I'd like to reasearch the percentage of these 1. beliefs and 1. scandals of hipocrisy from the South.

McDonnell blasted for controversial research paper
Posted: August 31st, 2009 04:20 PM ET

From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby
Republican Bob McDonnell, who earned a master's degree at Pat Robertson's Regent University, is seeking the Virginia governorship.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Eager to draw attention Bob McDonnell's conservative roots, campaign advisers to Democrat Creigh Deeds on Monday called McDonnell's newly-discovered 1989 graduate thesis a "devastating" revelation that threatens to sink the Republican's campaign for the Virginia governor's mansion.
The 93-page research paper — first revealed in Sunday's Washington Post — articulated a Christian conservative worldview that criticized "cohabitators, homosexuals and fornicators" and described working women and feminists "detrimental" to the family.

On a conference call with reporters, Deeds adviser Mo Elleithee called the thesis McDonnell's "road map" for conservative governance. The Deeds camp argued that McDonnell immediately sought to put his theories to work in state government when he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates three years after writing the paper, which McDonnell wrote as master's student at Regent University in Virginia Beach.

Regent was founded by Pat Robertson and was initially named "CBN University" after Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network. McDonnell wrote the paper when he was 34, twenty years before entering the Virginia governor's race.

"This paper laid out very explicity his vision for the role of government, his vision for the for a social agenda that should dominate governace, and it even went beyond just a personal political philosophy," Elleithee said. "It had a 15-point action plan for how to implement that philosophy."

The thesis was called "The Republican Party's Vision for the Family: The Compelling Issue of the Decade." In it, McDonnell wrote that working women are "detrimental" the the family; that feminism is among "the real enemies of the traditional family"; and that the "purging" of religious influence in public schools is damaging to healthy families.
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Filed under: Bob McDonnellCreigh DeedsVirginia
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