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  1. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    [If your government condones or directly supports the invasion of Muslim countries, then expect your country to be the target of jihadists. UK and US being the major ones.
    Conversely, if any Muslims support the jihadist targeting of European civilians, they should expect to be targeted too.

    And if any Muslim country attacks another Muslim country for similar reasons, they're also free to be attacked too.
    As I said, the stupid are always us.
    As we turn a PC blinded eye to the problem of Islamic jihad (effort) in any form, militant or otherwise as they seek to superimpose their brand of social behaviour over non-Muslims.

  2. #177
    Thailand Expat HermantheGerman's Avatar
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    25-05-2024 @ 12:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Look, its just an act of terrorism by a disaffected, irrational group manipulated by other groups who disagree with the current international agenda who in turn are used as proxies in re-ordering the vested interests of a region currently in a state of geo-socio-political flux.
    One simply endures, withstands and eventually overcomes until the usual inertia sets in and other priorities emerge.
    Baader-Meinhof, Red Brigade, IRA/INLA/PIRA/RIR, PLO, Hamas, Al Qaeda, The Shining Path/FARC/Minutemen/Black Panthers/ Russians/ Republican fuckwitz etc and it goes on.
    As I said, more folk die falling out of bed than from terrorism.
    It's a bore.
    I think you forgot two fuckwit groups. They are stronger, dummer and brainless then ever. If they are not too busy humiliating women, beating children, killing gays or other beliefers....they kill each other. Blowing up mosques, churches, temples or historic sites all over this world is something that they have been doing these past 1400 years.
    If you haven't fallen out of bed again this morning, you should be able to figure out all by yourself who these two groups are.
    Can you imagine that their are people out there who believe that they are hurting us because we are bombing them. There are plenty of countries out there who can claim otherwise.
    Just draw a cartoon or say something not so nice about them and your fu***
    The stronger their belief in Islam is, the weaker their brain. This phenomenon can be observed all over this world and throughout history. Some historians even claim when there believe was at their lowest they played with numbers and made contribution to mankind. Can you imagine?
    Looks like Islam is having some sort of Renaissance right now. Or how would you explain this outburst of Islamic terrorism ALL OVER THIS WORLD?

  3. #178
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    This appears to be where the action has been moved from a previous thread.

    Directed at the comments of the previous thread, page 13.

    Manchester, le MI6, Al-Qaïda, Daesh et les Abedi

    Manchester, le MI6, Al-Qaïda, Daesh et les Abedi

    Here is a ggle English translation of the above article along with my opinions of some posts on page 13:

    Alleged by Scotland Yard, following their “post attack searches and interviews with the alleged culprits friends”, the attack on spectators of the Ariana Grande concert at the Arena in Manchester on May 22, 2017 was committed by Salman Abedi, the “investigators” fortunately found a bank card in the pocket of the shredded corpse of the “terrorist”.

    This attack is generally interpreted, by UK official mouthpieces, as evidence that the United Kingdom is not involved in international terrorism and, on the contrary, is a victim of it.

    Salman Abedi was born in the United Kingdom to a family of Libyan immigrants. He has traveled to Libya several times in recent months, with or without his father.

    The latter, with whom he lived, Ramadan Abedi, is a former officer of the Libyan intelligence services. He was specialized in monitoring the Islamist movement but unfortunately, two decades later did not observe that his son had joined Daesh.

    In 1992 Ramadan Abedi was returned by the British MI6 and participated in a UK conspiracy to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi. The operation having failed, he was rescued by MI6 and transferred back to the United Kingdom where he obtained political asylum. He settled in 1999 in Whalley Range (south of Manchester) where the small Libyan Islamic community of the United Kingdom resides.

    In 1994 Ramadan Abedi returned to Libya on behalf of MI6. At the end of 1995, he took part in the creation of the Islamic Fighting Group in Libya (GICL), a local al-Qaeda branch, alongside Abdelhakim Belhaj. The GICL was then instructed by the MI6 to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi against 100,000 pounds sterling. This operation, which also failed, provoked lively debates in the services of His Majesty, including the resignation of our friend David Shayler.

    Many "former members" of the LIFG have also lived at Whalley Range, including Abedi's friend, Abd al-Baset Azzouz. In 2009, he joined Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and became a close friend of his leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri. In 2011, he participated on the ground in the operation of NATO against Libya. On September 11, 2012, he led the operation against the US Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, murdered in Benghazi. He was arrested in Turkey and extradited to the United States in December 2014, where he awaited trial.

    It is not known if Ramadan Abedi joined the LIFG members in 2005 to train Al-Qaeda in Iraq, but in 2011 he participated in the operation of the MI6 of the "Arab Spring" and the ground support role of the LIFG With NATO. In any case, he settled in Libya at the fall of Gaddafi and transferred his family there, leaving his children in the family home of Whalley Range.

    According to former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, Abdelhakim Belhaj participates in the attacks in Madrid on 11 March 2004. Later, he is secretly arrested in Malaysia by the CIA and transferred to Libya where he is tortured not by Libyan officials or US, but by MI6 agents. He is finally released during the agreement between Saif el-islam Gaddafi and the jihadists. During the war in Libya, Belhaj, who is exiled to Qatar, flew to Libya in an airplane of the emir and commanded the ground operations in connection with NATO. On July 28, 2011, he organized the assassination of General Abdelfattah Younès, who claimed to have joined the "rebels", but whom he accused of leading the fight against the LIFG in the 1990s. In September 2011, Belhaj was appointed military governor Of Tripoli by NATO. In 2012, assisted by the Irishman Mahdi al-Haraii, he created the Free Syrian Army, then returned to Libya. On May 2, 2014, he was received at the Quai d'Orsay. In December 2013, following the discovery in the archives of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya of a letter from the former head of MI6, he initiated proceedings in London against the United Kingdom for having abducted and tortured him for nine years earlier. The British secret services then illegally tipped its lawyers and was ultimately be forced to destroy these recordings. According to the Attorney General of Egypt, Hichem Baraket, in May 2015, Belhaj becomes the main leader of Daesh in North Africa; Information taken over by Interpol. Belhaj is now installing three training camps from Daesh in Libya to Derna (in the former Abd al-Baset Azzouz property), Sirte and Sebrata. In October 2016, he opened a new court case in London for his abduction and torture, this time nominally against former MI6 director Sir Mark Allen.

    Daesh claimed responsibility for the Manchester bombing, but without qualifying Salman Abedi as a "martyr". After the attack, Ramadan Abedi declared his hostility to jihad to journalists who joined him by telephone. He also said his son planned to spend the month of Ramadan with him in Libya and was persuaded of his innocence. At the request of the United Kingdom, he has now been arrested by a Libyan police force.

    (Google translated from French to English, possibly a French speaker here might confirm the jist is correct)

    My opinions on posts, by my friends here, appearing on page 13 only. God knows what else has been posted on the previous 12.

    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    but the only things that is really effective in defeating terrorists in the end, is superior intelligence gathering, and the willingness and ability to act on it.
    I assume you mean talking and engaging with the "enemy". The cannon fodder are not the ones one "discusses" anything with. The backers, the funders, the trainers etc. are the ones. Now who are recognised as these people? Ameristan, SA, Israel, middle eastern unelected monarchs and their alleged undetectable, veiled, private citizens who provide the wealth, direction, weapons and ability which "enables" the cannon fodder to function.

    It was political will, of both sides, which accomplished the end of the IRA civil war, not bullets.

    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    All very costly, but all it did was make life a bit more inconvenient for the IRA.
    There were many "inconveniences" for the NI public, walls, segregated schools, barbed wire fences to enter "safe zones" etc. Along with being illegally murdered, knee capped, beaten or disfigured by both side’s “law enforcement groups”.

    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    Laura MacIntyre 15 was seriously injured in the explosion
    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    Eilidh MacLeod 14 died in the blast
    No pretty Iraqi, Iranian, Palestinian, Syrian, Sudanese, Libyan Philipino, Thai, Malay, Myanmar .... girls to post eh. Or have none been slaughtered on the crusader coalition, at the behest of their populations and some posters here, evil, behind the veil, leaders?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.. expressed her "anger and disbelief"....
    At her government leaders or prior ones I presume, those that have caused all of this, Not Janet and John in Manchester. Unless sheepishly accepting the koolaid, voting for the evil monkeys and living the high life makes them culpable.

    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    In the end the IRA and it's operations became so compromised that the glorious leaders realized that some kind of cease fire and peace deal were the only way to "win" anything.
    Yes, a deal was proposed, adjusted and accepted, where both sides won something. Have we not got a somebody who wrote a book, "The Art of the Deal", amongst us now. Pity he has forgotten what he has made his position and wealth on. Or as the golden monkey has lost every argument so far he is doubling down.

    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    Then the next bomb goes off; more blood in the streets; more cheering from IS
    And we know it's ISIS's fault because it's “announced” on their web site. Maybe somebody here may wish to educate you as to how easy a web site can be created and maintained. Along with videos of training, shooting, beheading and of course the "saving the poor children" rescuers who always seem to be in the “professionally created rescue videos” throughout Syria, from the "identified" monsters. Cannot the cyber police knock these sites off everyday day after day, it seems not. Or possibly is not considered "worthwhile", whereas slaughtering innocent citizens of far away countries and consequently creating more martyrs was, in one politicians opinion "well worth it".

    Look at the cheers and accolades being heaped on the death mechants on this site alone. Ah yes only the “terrorist”, Daesh and Jews, allegedly dance in the street!

    Quote Originally Posted by kmart
    Spot on, Bob.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum
    Astonishing insights and I am utterly changed by them
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum
    Superb post, ….. I cannot recall reading anything as eloquent and persuasive as this, ever. Astonishing insights and I am utterly changed by them
    You three need to use the /sarc icon more often.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    People often think that the "government" or the leader or president or PM is in charge, but far from it, these people are only mouth-pieces, spin-doctors, and the public face representing the real powers behind the facade of government.
    The politicians fight each other for the job, they enjoy the perks but they aren't accountable to the people just like their ME and financial backers? How much do the ex PM’s and POTUSE receive monthly when they are retired and from whom? If you are suggesting they are willing mouthpieces for those we dare not name then doubly so. Is this the, paraded around the world, Democratic System of consensual government you accept blindly, you like the sheep most here an acceptable solution?

    The citizens of the countries have mainly fallen for the fairy stories fed to them by their beloved politically or those we dare not name owners of the MSM. Some tried marching and protesting only to be kettled and worse. Most have lived the fat cats lifestyle compared to the majority of the words population who are kept at the survival stage so the chosen ones can sip the Chardonny and toast on foreign beaches themselves to match their brown slaves.

    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    Comparing the IRA to radical islam is comparing chalk to cheese. The IRA never had people so brainwashed that they would believe blowing themselves up and taking out innocent people rewards them with 72 virgin
    IRA cannon fodder killed innocents, ISIS cannon fodder kills innocents. What’s different? Both were/are being used for others agendas. Or are you suggesting one sort of cannon fodder is different from the other?

    Not brought up as a good Jewish, Hindu, Catholic or Protestant then harry. More people have been slaughtered because of financial gain wrapped around the flag of religion or definable “your different to us” thus I must kill you, than any other reason. Get you head out of the sand. Listen to the UK commanders when screwing with their cannon fodder’s minds, just before he led his troops into the second Iraqi war, or any other war from the previous millennia, for evidence of giving all of the cannon fodder protection by “delivering to the unclean”, their sky fairy/God’s will.

    One wonders why the orange monkey and his family were so widely praised, for the females to be unveiled in SA to show how educated, free and progressive, strong they are but were capped and veiled in Israel and the Vatican. Surely the Muslim countries have laws that must be obeyed, similar to Israel and the Vatican? But of course the sheep accept that some laws can be disregarded, on a whim. Who decides which laws must be obeyed and others dismissed as not applying to me. Is it a video of a person “swearing” obedience to an ancient document or political system; are they and their entourage above the law?

    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke
    It's not because of "brainwashing" but because of desperation of their fate.
    Their fate has been to not have as big rifle as their conquerors. The biggest nastiest chimp always leads the pack, because it has big teeth and s strong body, not by democratic consensus. Has humanity not risen from the violence and unlawfulness of the jungle?

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Being indoctrinated from early childhood onwards into a belief that brooks no criticism or dissent, nor apostasy for disbelievers, on pain of death, is total and complete brainwashing. Their [insert today's choice of religion here] fate is demonstrably bound to their mindset as ordained by their religion, which includes uncompromising directives to either lie to, enslave, punish, or kill all perceived unbelievers of [insert today's choice of religion here] doctrine.
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Their desperation arises from their unresolvable inter-sect and inner conflicts over what constitutes "true" [insert today's choice of religion here] and acceptable human behaviour, compounded by [insert today's choice of religion here] insistence that all of humanity join in that diabolical horror story of ritual blood sacrifice and oppression.
    Inserted the places where one can adapt your rant as required. Hope it clarifies the ridiculous stance you hold dearly.

    Try reading some empire or other's way of conquering little brown/black/yellow/red/white skinned people. The big stick worked for a good long time. And they have not changed in method or desired consequence.

    Of course it was the Chinese who allowed the barbaric westerners to take clocks, the compass, gunpowder and paper money back to their homes. J

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    The west and other, eastern societies, have rightly viewed Islam as a threat to humanity ever since its inception
    Oh some have come to believe that all religions have very little positive to give society.

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywade
    If you are suspicious of the mainstream media
    It's very much a sheep's pen here. Unless the shepherd sets the dogs on them they're just mostly baa, baa and baa at each other quietly. Even when the slaughter house knacker’s van drives into the farmyard, they blindly follow each other onto it, to their predetermined, untimely end.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Intelligence based counter-terrorism is alive and well, and successful to a greater degree than people are aware of. More resources need to be put into counter-terror intel, as well as in boosting police and especially CCTV surveillance.
    Exactly how many terrorists have been arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted of a crime, are now in jail and serving their fair sentence in the UK? Is that law not enshrined in most civilized countries legal code?

    Are you including those shot to death by the “well trained, well armed marksmen and woman” who act as police, judge and jury on no factual evidence? Or those safely sat abroad, 30 minutes from their safe home life, friends and families at an exciting days end, involved in computer war games at their consoles, but actually just “following illegal orders”, slaughtering those on their consoles?

    I presume you have the numbers, names and jails of the legally held “terrorists” as you willing to post here such highly unlikely nonsense? Or do you mean the "terrorists" who are now our "good terrorists", working for us behind the scene masters on their diabolical plans. The latest UK bombing has history, see above,

    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman
    So almost all your muslim terrorists came and grew up in Britain and the police had them on a watch list. They lived in british communities where sharia law is practiced, and women segregation is common.
    Britain has been for decades, no centuries, a multiracial society where all were welcome and brought some necessary skills and labour to the table. They all had their idiosyncrasies and were tolerated by all. In the main they still are, unless the hatred is stirred up by those we can’t name, behind the mask, of our so generous democratic system.

    One wonders how Sunni Muslim ME countries, racist Jewish, Indian, Pakistani countries with equally ingrained laws, can be considered “one of us” enough to be granted weapons of mass destruction? All to the applause of the rewarded parties. Surely it’s not only for the paper/golden wealth, transferred to the politicians secret bank accounts, the paper stock options in their “managed by an arms length trust funds” or the companies executives who make these weapons to slaughter far more innocent civilians, than “bad terrorists”?

    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman
    The answer is: "I think we need to be much more tolerant towards Islam."
    How did the 1930 to 1940's experiment in ridding a religious group go with your NAZI fore fathers or were your ancestors “just following orders”? Is it considered to be a bright spot in your national history? Or are you rightly ashamed your ancestors were part of that alleged slaughter?

    I sincerely apologies in advance, if you are not a real German.

    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman
    This is what the House of Commons will look like in the future.
    You have obviously not visited the English House of Commons ever. Except for PM Questions and the obligatory voting procedures. Even those are generally whipped to ensure the party line is maintained and “paired” MPs can go off and dine at the taxpayers expense, visit the local children’s home or jet off to a billionaires island for a longer, more personal and possibly illegal pastime, instead of physically and morally fulfill their duty. Possibly 4 or 5 MP’s generally sit in the debating chamber. Failure to follow the line can lead to deselection and the end of your gravy train. Those that choose that route are financially and morally scape goated.

    Generally the non whites are more interested in politics in the UK. They turn out to the debates to listen, discuss and see their local candidates. They are also more likely to vote. Allegedly, sometimes more than once The white/council hose/trailer trash/ West London/Surrey/Cotswold child abusers are more impressed by the MSM fake headlines and their paper rising house prices, (there are no factual accounts to report and can be adjusted to public opinion or deleted at a moments notice), from their BFF or Faux News.

    And that my friends, is just page 13 of this topic that I have read. I suggest rather than cluttering up the thread with insults to me, you crack open another beer, enjoy a slim tight brown girls cheeks, recall another racist remembrance from your past and enjoy your two minutes of pleasure.

    Unless of course, you have anything intelligent to post, about my own opinions? Honed by listening to The Archers and Letter from America, for many years
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  4. #179
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    Seems like a lot of lip service to try and explain some of the terrorist actions of the past from a biased point of view. What is your real reason for compiling this pile of rubbish OhOh? Can you not state your point in a sentence or maybe even a paragraph? So many words and so little new information.

  5. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai3 View Post
    Bob claims to have lived in Syria, CM where he ran a karaoke brothel, St Albans and now Manchester for half his life, some might suspect him of some exaggeration or maybe he's been on the weed again?
    You realise you're in a forum filled with people who've spent their lives in many different countries, don't you? If you think 2 countries and 2 cities is an exaggeration you must be dreadfully parochial. Certainly your extraordinarily limited experience is borne out by the stupidity and ignorance displayed in your post. Why not double your experience of the world outside your hovel with a trip to Luton or Brighton, maybe even somewhere as far away as Calais if your parole conditions allow it.
    Last edited by DrB0b; 28-05-2017 at 05:10 PM.
    The Above Post May Contain Strong Language, Flashing Lights, or Violent Scenes.

  6. #181
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    ^^ For once I agree with Rick.

  7. #182
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    So many words and so little new information.
    Thank you for your polite and non racist reply.

    But not one opinion from you, other than too many words. Why bother to reply, have a beer or a girl.

  8. #183
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    You are welcome. My opinion is just that, and your opinion is yours but you wrote as if your opinion was all fact. The real fact is that there is always two sides to a story. How you perceive the facts is your opinion. I do agree with some of what you said, but the vast majority I do not agree with. My perception, my opinion may or may not be factual. To offer up reasons and rationale for why I disagree would be futile since your mind is made up, as is mine. Sorry for the long explanation and I will try to keep things shorter in the future.

  9. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    So many words and so little new information.
    Thank you for your polite and non racist reply.

    But not one opinion from you, other than too many words. Why bother to reply, have a beer or a girl.
    The problem is that you're not a good writer. No matter what you have to say no-one is going to read that huge chunk of badly-written scribble. Reading something so awful by somebody who's so patently proud of it is excruciatingly embarrasing.

  10. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh
    And that my friends, is just page 13 of this topic that I have read. I suggest rather than cluttering up the thread with insults to me, you crack open another beer, enjoy a slim tight brown girls cheeks, recall another racist remembrance from your past and enjoy your two minutes of pleasure.

    Unless of course, you have anything intelligent to post, about my own opinions? Honed by listening to The Archers and Letter from America, for many years
    You are so blinded by your obvious hatred of all things western, you are in danger of becoming Mr Earl 2.0
    I have to agree with Rick and Nev on this point and Bob is correct about the detailed lengths to which you are prepared to go, just to express your 'opinion'.

    In short your bile and hatred have been repeated ad nauseam, making readers avoid your oh so obvious unfounded bias.
    This is of course just my opinion.
    Heart of Gold and a Knob of butter.

  11. #186
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    Thank you all for my opinions and the amount of my post.

    I do not agree that I state that anything is/are proven facts. We all gather our information from various sources.

    What I will only say is that others here should equally admit their information is unproven facts and not immediately accept them as such.

    Is that too much to ask.

    As for my hatred of all things western that accusation is unfounded. All I ask is that others here admit that the west has problems, has not been the sole instigator of history/human development and that it's daily production of unproven, currently and possibly fake "news", only worsens the situation for many including others around the world.

    I'll leave you to produce another 13 pages of back slapping "entertainment".

  12. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh
    As for my hatred of all things western that accusation is unfounded. All I ask is that others here admit that the west has problems, has not been the sole instigator of history/human development and that it's daily production of unproven, currently and possibly fake "news", only worsens the situation for many including others around the world.
    It is apparent then, that you do not critically analyse, or proof read any of your posts then.
    There are two sides to every story and you letting the west foot the bill for all modern day ills is just laziness on your part.
    While I agree that the west and the drive toward gobalisation has much to answer for, others are equally mired in controversial misdemeanors of similar stupidity.

  13. #188
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    ^Thank you, for your post.

    I will try harder next term.

    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui
    letting the west foot the bill for all modern day ills
    Some might say if the shoe fits ....... unless you can be more specific about which ills you refer to.

    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui
    the west and the drive toward gobalisation has much to answer for
    Globalisation is not, in my view, a problem. Possibly for some who have created systems dependent restrictive activities. They will have to adjust to the rest of the world's population having a share of the worlds wealth. The 0.001% made trillions, was it those people who failed to pass on the share to it's historic workforce that caused the current concerns of those who feel left behind and deserted by their business and political leaders?
    Last edited by OhOh; 29-05-2017 at 09:40 AM.

  14. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrB0b View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    So many words and so little new information.
    Thank you for your polite and non racist reply.

    But not one opinion from you, other than too many words. Why bother to reply, have a beer or a girl.
    The problem is that you're not a good writer. No matter what you have to say no-one is going to read that huge chunk of badly-written scribble. Reading something so awful by somebody who's so patently proud of it is excruciatingly embarrasing.
    Indeed. That great slab of text should have been split into at least 6 different posts.

    Post 1 - the article
    Post 2 - to ENT
    Post 3 - to Hermanthegerman
    Post 4 - to blue
    Post 5 - to Koman
    Post 6 - to the others

  15. #190
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    "We Remain Stuck In The John Lennon Response To Terrorism" | Douglas Murray

  16. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna
    That great slab of text should have been split into at least 6 different posts.
    Please try to resist offering encouragement to the forum loons.

  17. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh
    Globalisation is not, in my view, a problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh
    They will have to adjust to the rest of the world's population having a share of the worlds wealth.
    Good god can you be more clueless. Globalization has not spread the worlds wealth it has consolidated it in the hands of global multinational corporations.

  18. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Globalization has not spread the worlds wealth it has consolidated it in the hands of global multinational corporations.

  19. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    Conversely, if any Muslims support the jihadist targeting of European civilians, they should expect to be targeted too.
    Of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT
    And if any Muslim country attacks another Muslim country for similar reasons, they're also free to be attacked too.
    Why restrict it just to Muslim countries, attacker or defender?

  20. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    What I will only say is that others here should equally admit their information is unproven facts and not immediately accept them as such.
    ^ an example of your writing that just doesn't make sense.

    1) Cut out the redundant first seven words. They add nothing but pomposity.
    2) Look carefully at the rest.
    3) Reflect on why it doesn't make sense. Hint: think about what the word 'them' refers to in your sentence. I think you mean it to refer to 'facts', but it doesn't. It refers to 'unproven facts'.

    It took me about three minutes just to work out what you meant to say in that one sentence. No way are people going to bother deciphering the rest.

    Good luck with your quest.

  21. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    They attack us, so we attack them, who in return attack us for revenge. A never ending wheel of death. Cynical? But wait...there's more!

    We sell weapons to Saudi who in return sell on to ISIS. ISIS attack us and we sell more weapons to the Saudis in the vein hope our 'friends' will use them to fight ISIS. Instead, they sell them on again. And...ISIS attack us again...

    It seems that these attacks are good money for Western governments , Middle Eastern governments and ISIS themselves. Never trust politicians of any type- they are parasites,cronies and all around bad eggs. Fvck em all!
    Not cynical at all to relate reality, no matter how bizarre. When you know your own weapons are being turned on you, yet you continue supplying them to unknown end users through mates that despise your very existence, one might argue that you deserve the consequences.

  22. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh
    Globalisation is not, in my view, a problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh
    They will have to adjust to the rest of the world's population having a share of the worlds wealth.
    Good god can you be more clueless. Globalization has not spread the worlds wealth it has consolidated it in the hands of global multinational corporations.
    Exactly. There are endless stories of multinationals coming into countries, raping and pillaging smaller companies, resources etc leaving the local community worse off.

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    Iraq and Afghanistan: The $6 Trillion Bill for America’s Longest War Is Unpaid

    "On Memorial Day, we pay respects to the fallen from past wars – including the more than one million American soldiers killed in the Civil War, World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.
    Yet the nation’s longest and most expensive war is the one that is still going on. In addition to nearly 7,000 troops killed, the 16-year conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost an estimated US$6 trillion due to its prolonged length, rapidly increasing veterans health care and disability costs and interest on war borrowing. On this Memorial Day, we should begin to confront the staggering cost and the challenge of paying for this war.

    The enormous figure reflects not just the cost of fighting – like guns, trucks and fuel – but also the long-term cost of providing medical care and disability compensation for decades beyond the end of the conflict. Consider the fact that benefits for World War I veterans didn’t peak until 1969. For World War II veterans, the peak came in 1986. Payments for Vietnam-era vets are still climbing.

    The high rates of injuries and increased survival rates in Iraq and Afghanistan mean that over half the 2.5 million who served there suffered some degree of disability. Their health care and disability benefits alone will easily cost $1 trillion in coming decades.

    But instead of facing up to these huge costs, we have charged them to the national credit card. This means that our children will be forced to pay the bill for the wars started by our generation. Unless we set aside money today, it is likely that young people now fighting in Afghanistan will be shortchanged in the future just when they most need medical care and benefits.

    A forgotten war

    While most Americans are keen to “support our troops,” we aren’t currently shouldering the financial or the physical burden of our nation’s warfare. Except for a short period between the two world wars, the percentage of the general population now serving in the U.S. armed forces is at its lowest level ever.

    What’s more, the war in Afghanistan barely features on our front pages. During the past two years it has not even made it into the top 10 news stories.

    There is not much pain in our pocketbooks either. In past wars, taxpayers were forced to cover some of the extra spending. During Vietnam, marginal tax rates for the top 1 percent of earners were hiked to 77 percent. President Harry Truman raised tax rates as high as 92 percent during the Korean War, telling the country that “this is a contribution to our national security that every one of us should stand ready to make.” In fact, taxes were raised during every American conflict since the Revolutionary War, especially for the wealthy.

    This time around we have borrowed the money instead. Thanks to the Bush-era tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, nearly all Americans now pay lower taxes than before the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. And unlike previous wars, Congress has paid for the post 9/11 conflicts using so-called “emergency” and “overseas contingency operations” spending bills, which bypass Congress’ own budget caps. This has allowed the government to avoid any uncomfortable national discussion on how to balance war spending against other domestic priorities.

    A bipartisan effort

    We cannot simply undo the trillions of dollars that have already been added to the national debt as a result of these wars, but there is an important step we can take to commemorate those who have given their lives or their health to this 16-year-long quagmire. We owe it to them to ensure that there is sufficient money set aside to pay for the benefits we have promised to them and their families.

    The solution is to set up a Veterans Trust Fund. Trust funds are an established mechanism for the federal government to fund long-term commitments. We already have more than 200 of them, including the best-known, Social Security. While trust funds do not force the government to set aside money, the federal government would be required to prepare an accounting of how much money is owed to veterans’ and take steps to provide funding to pay claims as they come due.

    This process has already been adopted for the Military Retirement Trust Fund, which pays pensions to career service members who retire after 20 years’ service. Since Congress established the fund in 1984, it has been amortizing the retirement benefits that are already due and transferring an annual amount into the fund to cover them. We need to adopt a similar approach for today’s all-volunteer veterans – who fight multiple, lengthy tours of duty but usually leave the military before 20 years are up.

    Four members of Congress, Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), Seth Moulton (D-MA), Don Young (R-AK) and Walter Jones (R-NC), recently introduced a bipartisan Veterans Health Care Trust Fund Act. This proposal would establish a fund for veterans’ benefits, paid for in part by a small income tax surcharge. Those serving in the military and their families would be exempt from paying.

    Such a fund cannot solve all the problems of today’s veterans. But on this Memorial Day, let’s not forget to provide for the men and women who have borne the brunt of the nation’s longest and most expensive war.

    Linda J. Bilmes of Harvard University is a former Assistant Secretary of Commerce, and co-author (with Joseph Stiglitz) of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict."

  24. #199
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna
    That great slab of text should have been split into at least 6 different posts.
    Ok, I will split more.

  25. #200
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    Globalization has not spread the worlds wealth it has consolidated it in the hands of global multinational corporations.
    I believe you are referring to the western rape and pillage model, which I agree your point.

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