1. #28501
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Yup, it's simply too obvious
    they always have been. larger than life.

  2. #28502
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    About time for Bloomberg to put some money into lawsuits against Trump for inciting a resurrection. What he is doing now has to be called out. Maybe wont win but will wake the stupid fucker up. Then he will have to go on the defensive rather than the offensive assault he is staging now. I am serious. Fight fire with fire.

  3. #28503
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    Justice Department investigating potential presidential pardon bribery scheme, court records reveal

    The Justice Department is investigating a potential crime related to funneling money to the White House or related political committee in exchange for a presidential pardon, according to court records unsealed Tuesday in federal court.

    The case is the latest legal twist in the waning days of President Donald Trump's administration after several of his top advisers have been convicted of federal criminal charges and as the possibility rises of Trump giving pardons to those who've been loyal to him.

    The disclosure is in 20 pages of partially redacted documents made public by the DC District Court on Tuesday afternoon. The records show Chief Judge Beryl Howell's review in August of a request from prosecutors to access documents obtained in a search as part of a bribery-for-pardon investigation.

    The filings don't reveal a timeline of the alleged scheme, or any names of people potentially involved, except that communications between people including at least one lawyer were seized from an office that was raided sometime before the end of this summer.

    No one appears to have been publicly charged with a related crime to date.

    At the end of this summer, a filter team, used to make sure prosecutors don't receive tainted evidence that should have been kept from them because it was privileged, had more than 50 digital devices including iPhones, iPads, laptops, thumb drives and computer drives after investigators raided the unidentified offices.


    Justice Department investigating potential presidential pardon bribery scheme, court records reveal - CNNPolitics

  4. #28504
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Now THAT'S corruption.

  5. #28505
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    This is just assholery\
    — President Donald Trump is threatening to veto a defense policy bill unless it ends protections for internet companies that shield them from being held liable for material posted by their users.

    On Twitter Tuesday night, Trump took aim at Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which protects companies that can host trillions of messages from being sued into oblivion by anyone who feels wronged by something someone else has posted — whether their complaint is legitimate or not.

    Trump called Section 230 “a serious threat to our National Security & Election Integrity,” adding, “Therefore, if the very dangerous & unfair Section 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be forced to unequivocally VETO the Bill.”

    Trump has been waging war against social media companies for months, claiming they are biased against conservative voices.

    In October he signed an executive order directing executive branch agencies to ask independent rule-making agencies, including the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, to study whether they can place new regulations on the companies.

    Since losing the presidential election, Trump has flooded social media with unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. Twitter has tagged many such Trump tweets with the advisory, “This claim about election fraud is disputed.”

    Tuesday's veto threat is another potential roadblock for the passage of the annual defense policy measure, which is already being held up in Congress by a spat over military bases named for Confederate officers. The measure, which has passed for 59 years in a row on a bipartisan basis, guides Pentagon policy and cements decisions about troop levels, new weapons systems and military readiness, military personnel policy and other military goals.
    Trump threatens defense veto over social media protections

  6. #28506
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Fuck him. They shouldn't be giving him any more bills to sign anyway.

  7. #28507
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Trump who uses Twitter to call anyone who stands up to him names is having a tantrum and holding military spending hostage over Section 230 because people are saying mean things about him online proving yet again that: a) he doesn't give a shit about the troops; and b) he's a massive weak fucking baby and utterly pathetic.

    Anyone who sees him as their ideal of a 'tough guy' lacks testicals and / or a brain and / or a manly role model in their lives. Applies to a few on here.

  8. #28508
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Fuck him. They shouldn't be giving him any more bills to sign anyway.

    A House COVID-19 relief package should be signed immediately: Bipartisan group in Congress pushes $908 billion Covid-19 relief bill

  9. #28509
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S Landreth View Post

    A House COVID-19 relief package should be signed immediately: Bipartisan group in Congress pushes $908 billion Covid-19 relief bill
    Knock the fucker out and get Pence to sign it.

  10. #28510
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    So, Taiwan with real enemies gets an old fighter version and the UAE with no real threat gets a brand new one
    Taiwan probably need a plane that "works".

    The F-35 isn't such a plane

    Fully operational 31 % of the time and "safe" 59,5 % of the time used

    Go Taiwan

  11. #28511
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Taiwan probably need a plane that "works".

    The F-35 isn't such a plane

    Fully operational 31 % of the time and "safe" 59,5 % of the time used
    then who buys it and why?

  12. #28512
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    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    then who buys it and why?
    I'm sure you can google who buys it yourself

    Motives ?

    Joint Strike Fighter ?

    Pressure ?

    Corruption ?

    Strategy ?

    I'll let you speculate

    I don't know

  13. #28513
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    A bit lighter....

    President Donald Trump-128761632_1521492764713633_3905422095512590949_n-jpg

  14. #28514
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    then who buys it and why?
    It's also know outside the JSF - Joint Strike Fighter due the fact that the contributing countries have paid for part of the research and also build some of the components.

    For some, not working out ... Australia’s F-35s: Lessons from a problematic purchase

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II procurement

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II procurement is the planned selection and purchase of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) by various countries.

    The F-35 Lightning II was conceived from the start of the project as having participation from many countries, most of which would both contribute to the manufacture of the aircraft and procure it for their own armed forces. While the United States is the primary customer and financial backer, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Norway and Denmark have agreed to contribute US$4.375 billion toward the development costs of the program.[1]


    Also ... https://fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/RL30563.pdf
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  15. #28515
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    About time for Bloomberg to put some money into lawsuits against Trump for inciting a resurrection.
    i knew there had to be an actual reason the evangelicals supported trump.

  16. #28516
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Justice Department investigating potential presidential pardon bribery scheme, court records reveal
    a couple of things about this...

    1. reports indicate that it's somebody who is/was already in jail.....could be many people, but i'm leaning toward manafort....who the feds already want to stick it to.
    2. somebody has to be the middle man. kushner's too smart, i think.....definitely possible that it's either DJTJ or eric.

  17. #28517
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Australia’s F-35s: Lessons from a problematic purchase
    You can read a report from GAO here :
    U.S. GAO - Weapon System Sustainment: DOD Needs a Strategy for Re-Designing the F-35's Central Logistics System

  18. #28518
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    22-06-2024 @ 08:10 AM
    We have about 50 days of faukedupness to deal with. Flynn is whacked out! From Heather Cox Richardson's blog:

    December 2, 2020 (Wednesday)
    Yesterday evening, Trump’s disgraced former National Security Advisor, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn-- whom Trump recently pardoned after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak before Trump took office-- retweeted a news release from a right-wing Ohio group called “We the People Convention.” That release contained a petition asking Trump to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, silence the media, and have the military “oversee a national re-vote.”

    The petition ends with a threat of violence, calling on Trump “to boldly act to save our nation…. We will also have no other choice but to take matters into our own hands, and defend our rights on our own, if you do not act within your powers to defend us.”
    University of Texas School of Law Professor Steve Vladeck pointed out that “The Uniform Code of Military Justice defines as ‘sedition’ one who, ‘with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority.’…”
    The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley today pointedly distanced the military from talk of a coup. “Our military is very very capable… we are determined to defend the U.S. Constitution,” he said. “No one should doubt that.” A defense official told Military Times that the idea of Trump declaring martial law and having the military re-do the election is “insane in a year that we didn’t think could get anymore insane.”
    He spoke too soon. This afternoon the president released a video of himself making a speech he said was “maybe the most important speech I’ve ever made.” It was a 46-minute rant insisting, despite all evidence to the contrary, that he won the 2020 election. While he has lost virtually every court challenge he has mounted and his own Attorney General, William Barr, has said there was no evidence of fraud that would change the outcome of the election, Trump continues to insist that there was “massive” voter fraud, and called on the Supreme Court to “do what’s right for our country” including throwing out hundreds of thousands of Democratic votes so “I very easily win in all states.”
    Joe Biden leads Trump in the popular vote with 80.9 million votes to Trump’s 74 million. Biden has won the Electoral College by 306 votes to Trump’s 232. These results are not close.
    Let me take a step back here for a minute to emphasize that this is dangerous, unprecedented… and crazy. The president of the United States is trying to undermine an election for which there is no evidence there was any irregularity, in order to stay in power. He might be doing so for the money—he has raised $170 million so far on promises to challenge this election—or because he is worried about the lawsuits he can expect as soon as he is not protected by the presidential office.
    Or, perhaps, he is simply escalating his rhetoric to continue to grab headlines as he feels the focus of the world slipping away from him and he cannot stand it. For the focus of the world is indeed slipping away from him.
    The president has largely ceased to govern, nursing his grievances in the White House and emerging only to golf.
    The coronavirus pandemic is burning out of control. A new estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that deaths from Covid-19 are likely much higher than official numbers suggest. Deaths in the United States were 19% higher from March to November of this year than normal. More than 345,000 people than normal have died in that period. This number includes deaths from other causes—drug overdoses, for example—but suggests that the pandemic has exacerbated death rates aside from those caused by Covid-19.
    Today we hit a grim milestone, with at least 2,760 new deaths today from Covid. This is the highest daily death toll in America so far, passing the spring high-water mark. Coronavirus hospitalizations also reached a new high with more than 100,000 people admitted.
    Democrats made a huge concession in their efforts to combat the pandemic recession today, dropping their call for a $2 trillion coronavirus package and accepting the new bipartisan $908 billion package as the starting point for negotiations with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The new plan calls for $300 a week in federal unemployment benefits from December 1 to at least March; $240 billion in Paycheck Protection Program assistance for small businesses (this will be touchy because we learned today that most of the money from the original PPP went to big businesses, including a number of chains); $160 billion for state and local governments; $51 billion in money for vaccines and healthcare; and a temporary liability provision to shield businesses from lawsuits related to coronavirus.
    McConnell has already rejected this bipartisan measure, but Senator John Thune (R-SD), part of the Republican leadership, called the Democrats’ willingness to come so far down “progress.” For his part, Biden today agreed with Americans talking about the recession in a virtual roundtable that Congress must “pass a robust package of relief to address your urgent needs now,” but reminded them: “my ability to get you help immediately does not exist. I’m not even in office for another 50 days. And then I have to get legislation passed through the United States Congress to get things done.”
    Still, for all that Trump’s posturing seems like a sign that he sees power slipping away from him as the country confronts the pandemic and the recession without him, his words are a deadly assault on our democracy by the man who swore an oath to defend it. This attack cannot be dismissed as Trump being Trump. It strikes at the very heart of who we are.
    For all that attacking the election might be reality television for Trump, his supporters take it very seriously indeed. At a rally in Georgia, Trump’s ally, lawyer Lin Wood, insisted he had seen the “real” results of the election, and that Trump won “over 410” electoral votes. “He damn near won every state including California!” The crowd blamed Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, a Republican, for the fact that the state’s recount did not go to Trump. “Lock him up!” they chanted.
    Today, the Supervisor of Elections in Pasco County, Florida, Republican Brian E. Corley, said he felt compelled to speak out against those attacking the election. “Facts are stubborn things,” he wrote in a statement. It is a lie to say the election was fraudulent, he said, and "[w]ith every deep state conspiracy and illegitimate claim of fraud our democracy sinks deeper and deeper into divisiveness. As the world looks on, the greatest democracy in the world dares to risk the peaceful and orderly transition of power in favor of propagating unfounded claims of ‘rigged elections.’" “The people have spoken, and… the election is over.”
    Tonight, the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office tweeted that their elections team was “threatened with execution by firing squad.” It said, “This has to stop. The wild, unfounded accusations amplified by [Trump] need to stop.”
    But much of Republican Party leadership is not denouncing Trump’s behavior. Leaders are staying silent, although they are sidling away from him. It is noticeable that Vice President Mike Pence has been silent about Trump’s reelection accusations—he was on the ticket, too, after all—and although Trump has made it clear he intends to run again in 2024, Trump’s hand-picked Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel has invited about a dozen potential 2024 candidates to a meeting in January, signaling that she is not wedded to another Trump candidacy.
    Meanwhile, Trump’s former lawyer Sidney Powell illustrated the growing divide between Trump supporters and the Republican Party when, after insisting that Trump lost in Georgia because the voting machines there are not secure, she urged voters to boycott January’s runoff Senate elections in the state. Those elections will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate.
    While today’s Republicans are looking the other way as their president undermines our democracy, it has not always been this way. On this date in 1954, the Senate voted 67 to 22 to condemn the behavior of Senator Joe McCarthy, who lied and bullied and blustered to stay in power until finally, in televised hearings, lawyer Joseph Nye Welsh shook his head at McCarthy’s recklessness and cruelty and asked: “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?
    You Make Your Own Luck

  19. #28519
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    19-09-2021 @ 01:19 AM
    Covid is raging throughout America. What is trump doing? Nothing. He's too busy spewing lies, inciting violence and using the WH to leverage cash-under-the-table deals with rouge foreign countries in exchange for arms sales. This villain needs to be Mussolinied for his crimes of sedition.
    Last edited by elche; 03-12-2020 at 10:16 PM.

  20. #28520
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    Could be twins

  21. #28521
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    22-02-2023 @ 10:50 AM
    70 + million Americans voted for that turd, knowing he’s a low life.

    ............ now he’s white-anting your democracy, shame on you for enabling it.

  22. #28522
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Justice Department investigating potential presidential pardon bribery scheme, court records reveal
    holy shit.

    it seems the lawyer involved in this mess is abbe lowell.

    when politicians (particularly democrats) with deep pockets get into trouble, they call abbe lowell.

    Lowell worked in the U.S. Department of Justice, including a stint as an assistant to Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti.[4] He has been an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law Center and Columbia University.[5][He is currently a partner at the firm of Winston & Strawn LLP.[6] He has appeared in the media as a legal affairs expert.[7]

    Lowell was chief minority counsel to U.S. House of Representatives Democratic members during the impeachment of Bill Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal.[8]

    Lowell has defended political figures including John Edwards,[9] Jim Wright, Dan Rostenkowski, Charles Keating,[10] Gary Condit,[11] former Nevada governor Jim Gibbons,[12] former congressman Joseph McDade,[13] lobbyist Jack Abramoff,[8] and U.S. senator Bob Menendez.[14]

    Lowell was part of the defense of Stephen Jin-Woo Kim,[15] a State Department contractor who pleaded guilty to a felony count of disclosing classified American intelligence on North Korea.

    As of June 2017, Lowell has represented Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump in inquiries linked to Russia.[16][17]
    Abbe Lowell - Wikipedia

    it could easily be argued that a lawyer like lowell is a insider douchebag...but FFS, he's been around the block more than a few times and has undeniably had an impressive career.......and he does this? for what?

    just goes to show you....everything trump touches turns to shit.

    btw, it does open a potential path back to kushner.

  23. #28523
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    President Donald Trump-5bf3313b-8729-486b-8118-c36ecfe3e089-120220murphytrump

  24. #28524
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    ^ forgery

    not in black ink

  25. #28525
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    ^ forgery

    not in black ink

    President Donald Trump-35571209_1-jpg

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