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  1. #1
    punk douche bag
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    fertility treatment in Thailand

    In spite of my best efforts over the past 3 + years, we have been unable to conceive.
    Both of us are starting to knock on a bit and are pretty desperate for a child.

    Anyone ever had fertility treatment here, or elsewhere for that matter.
    What did it involve and how much did it cost.


  2. #2
    Sanuk Canuk's Avatar
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    I have 2 friends who had the same problem. One tried in-vitro (sp) and it worked, not only did it work but it appears to have broken the seal because the missus got pregnant again about 6 months after the first child was born. The other couple haven't tried it as it costs about $10,000 (in Canada) and they already have one child.

    As to what it involves is a lot of invasive embarrassing treatments and you are constantly tossing off in a cup. Possibly that could be considered a good thing.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    CMn - the cousin of my missus is currently going through this same process at the mo. I understand the medical procedure is exactly the same as in the West. From what she has told me, the cost is farily high though.

  4. #4
    punk douche bag
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    I can deal with the embarrassment.
    i would imagine it is much cheaper than the Uk or Canada though.

  5. #5
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    03-03-2023 @ 03:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    In spite of my best efforts over the past 3 + years, we have been unable to conceive.
    Both of us are starting to knock on a bit and are pretty desperate for a child.
    We have the same problem mate, although my misses is still pretty young and is'nt that bothered yet (she wants to finnish her degree first), in fact she is becoming less bothered as time goes on, we have'nt used any contraseption for about 5 year's and nothing, she sometimes does'nt get a period for about 6 months which probably does'nt help. If it happens it happens but at the moment neither of us are that worried, probably make an effort to find the problem in a couple of years. I had a check about 10 years ago as I had the smae problem with my first wife but I was allright, begining to wonder now though.
    I have more than the average number of arm and legs

  6. #6
    punk douche bag
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    I managed to spawn exactly 13 years ago.
    my lifestyle hasn't exactly improved since then.

    Could be me, could be her.
    She'll be 30 this year, starting to consider the possibility of adoption, though she is for some reason a bit anti this.

    Her sister gets preggers pretty easily and is happy to surrogate for us, but something creeps me out about that.

  7. #7
    Sanuk Canuk's Avatar
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    In a frigid wasteland too close to the arctic circle
    The other issue is that apparently it has a <50% chance of working and if it doesn't you are out the coin.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    Her sister gets preggers pretty easily and is happy to surrogate for us, but something creeps me out about that.
    Artificial insemination or would you go for the natural method

  9. #9
    punk douche bag
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    Christ, you haven't seen my sister in law.
    think i'd prefer to tuck into one of you fresians.

    Fortunately my wife comes from a different pod.

  10. #10
    Have you got any cheese Thetyim's Avatar
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    Careful CMN.

    I know someone who did that .
    The sister had a change of mind after the birth and started visit for long periods in order to be with her baby.

  11. #11
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    ^Hmmm....I think you've been watching too many may seem normal to cum over your wife's face, but let me tell you - as a biology teacher - it gives little chance of fertilisation....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanuk Canuk
    constantly tossing off in a cup
    Close your eyes, CMN and pretend it's a McVities Digestive.

  13. #13
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    I'm well fertile. I'll give her a go if you want. Just PM me.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    In spite of my best efforts over the past 3 + years, we have been unable to conceive. Both of us are starting to knock on a bit and are pretty desperate for a child. Anyone ever had fertility treatment here, or elsewhere for that matter. What did it involve and how much did it cost. thanks
    Just keep doing what your doing it will happen mate just dont get to hung up about it.
    Good Luck

  15. #15


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    Hell there was a load of us there a couple of months ago cmn, you should have mentioned it then and the problem could have been sorted that weekend

  16. #16
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    If I remember correctly, there is a fert clinic on huay kaew.left hand side if you are pointed towards doi suthep.just b4 Kad Suan Kaew.

  17. #17
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    You need to get your little felas checked and see what way they are swimming.

    Your missus needs a chec up as well.

    You also need to cut out the booze fatty foods and start liviing a healthy lifestyle.

  18. #18
    Thailand Expat
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    there's hope for you yet CMn

    Artificial insemination of elephant succeeds

    Thai veterinarians have succeeded in impregnating an elephant by artificial insemination for the first time in Thailand. The baby elephant is expected to be born in March next year.

    The artificial insemination was carried out by implanting fresh sperm into a female elephant named "Pangkod".

    Dr Sitthidej Mahasawangkul, head of the Elephant Hospital at the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre said that the Thai veterinary team is attempting to develop an artificial insemination technique using frozen sperm to breed new species in other provinces and to increase population of elephants.

    The Forest Industry Organisation of Thailand (FIO) told a press conference that the organisation and the National Elephant Institute will jointly organise the 2nd Poh Chang-'Artists for Elephants' exhibition, with the proceeds from painting sales to be given to the artificial insemination project.

    The exhibition is scheduled to be held at the Thailand Cultural Centre from September 15-25.

    The impregnation of Pangkod cost 200,000 baht. Specialists said this was a tenth of the cost of a previous AI of an Asian elephant in Israel, carried out by German veterinarians. (TNA)

  19. #19
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    04-06-2013 @ 09:51 AM
    I had a vasectomy in the UK many years ago before meeting a woman that was fanatically baby making material. She cried for the want of a child. I had two reversals done, neither successful. They then decided to take from my testicles direct. They managed to fertilize some eggs and we went through 2 implantation procedures. Neither worked as my partner was getting on in life. Consequently due to her not being able to carry a baby she became distant and we parted.
    I came to Thailand and eventually married. First thing after marraige, she decided she wanted children, even though I'd explained to her what had happened to me before. So I convinced her adoption was the way forward to avoid disappointment. We went to BKK, the only source of an agency in Thailand, and it was government run so I knew then it was going to be a long winded affair. There is too much bureacracy involved to make this path viable. So we gave up on that avenue.
    Luckily I bumped into a 60 year old Aussie who had the same fertility problem as myself and had managed to sire a son through a clinic in BKK. On top of his medical difficulties, his wife couldn't carry a baby. So they used a surrogate, in her neice. I was sceptical because of my failings in the past but he convinced me to give it a go.
    We went in January '07 to have our initial contact with the doctors and we came away feeling confident. The doctor took it at face value that I couldn't produce sperm through the usual channels so it was decided to take the sperm straight fom the testicles. I had hoped they would want for me to give them a sample as I'd heared they had a good selection of jizz mags on the sample room, no such luck.
    From the moment after the initial appointment I was no longer needed until the day of sperm extraction.
    To cut things short. My wife had to go undertake a strict course of medication taking, which included getting up during the night to take tablets. After a few blood tests she was ready to have her eggs collected. They then took sperm from me at the same time, both of us under anaesthetic, and fertilised 15 eggs. Four days later she went back and had 3 eggs implanted. She then had to spend 3 or 4 days, at a relatives in BKK, flat on her back in bed. She then went down with food poisoning but that's another story. Two weeks after implant her blood test came back positive. I have to admit that it was the longest 2 weeks we had ever gone through.
    We now look forward to the birth of our daughter on 27th November. Plus we look forward to having more children with the other 12 frozen embryos that are stored in BKK. I say to anyone that is considering IVF, go for it. These days the doctors have many methods to get around most infertility problems. The clinic we used, and I recommend them, was Cost didn't matter for us but as a guide be looking at under 200,000 Baht. Good luck to anyone that goes for it and if you need to ask me anthing then please don't hesitate.

  20. #20
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    You've both got to at least start out realistic nooners. There is no guaranty of success- fertility treatment/IVF will maximise your chances of conception, but at the end of the day it is still a biological lottery.

    My wifes cousin and her falang hubby are desperate for a child. After a couple of years of fertility treatment, they tried IVF- three times actually. None succeeded. They are adamant they do not want to adopt- must be 'family blood' or something like that. [Complicated stuff this need to breed. See Rays thread].

    The answer has come in a very Asian way. My wifes sister had her second kid about four months ago- she also has a two year old. The cousin fell in love with the baby, and an agreement has been arrived at where my wifes cousin and her falang husband will raise the baby. So my wifes sister is around their house for a few weeks, teaching the cousin the arts of motherhood and raisiing a baby. Meanwhile, her two year old is staying with us.

    Everyones happy, except maybe one emerging problem. The two year old loves it here, with I suppose a nice big house as opposed to an industrial apartment, a doting grandmother and auntie. He doesn't want to stay with his mother any more- he chucked a tantrum the other day when they tried to leave him with his mother for the night. I'm starting to wonder if I am gently being coaxed into surrogate fatherhood, Thai style.

  21. #21
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    Bangkok is considered one of the best fertility places in the world (as in the facilities and doctors)

  22. #22
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    The clinic I used had a 30% success rate. Okay there is a failier rate but at least you'll have given it a try. If you fail 1st time try and try again. I didn't hold out any hope as I've always thought life was an up hill battle but I'm just so happy I never stopped trying.

  23. #23
    Have you got any cheese Thetyim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    In spite of my best efforts over the past 3 + years, we have been unable to conceive.
    Nooners, you must be doing something wrong

  24. #24
    I am in Jail

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    Irregular periods makes it difficult to conceive. My Jap gyno gave me a birth control tablet prescription over three days that fixed that -- almost too well.

    CMN, have you both had blood tests to see if you are compatible? Nature might be rejecting conception because of that. Good luck!

  25. #25
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    The thing you don't mention is the possible reason you are not getting a kid, CMN

    Is it due to your low sperm count, or total lack, or is it due to your wifes internal makeup? Once the reason is established, by various tests, then you can move forward. I am not sure whther any hospitals in Chiang Mai are excellent for helping conception, but there is a specialist in the Ram, and there is also a specialised clinic next door. They would be good enough to help find out the reason; once you have done that, check for the best place to do whatever you need to do.
    I have reported your post

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