Finding good, big tomatoes in Thailand is next to impossible. The climate is too wet, and there is no market for them , but to a good Greek American Boy , nice beefcake tomatoes is a summer rite of almost religious significance. Some try to get classer to God trough communion, I do it with a nice Tomato and Cucumber salad with chunks of Feta cheese and an Olive oil, vinegar and oregano dressing.
So I have joined the ranks of those who have indevoured to bring civilization to the wilds of Thailand and cultivate the wily and elusive beefsteak tomato. I extensively researched the issue by watching a video on YouTube (well not all of it it was 5 min long) . I Made a raised bed out of precast building columns.
Filed it with dirt, and paint it dark brown to match the house, 'cause a well decorated vegetable bed is the most important part of growing tomatoes IMO.
I have been told that September is the best time in Thailand to start your tomato seeds, and I just started the seeds another member of this forum was kind to mail to me, and I will be planting them as soon as they sprout, but in the mean time a friend of my wife gave her a bunch of small tomato plants that I planted a couple of weeks ago along with peppers, eggplants, some other leafy plants my wife uses when cooking (dont know the names) dill from seed and basil that is sprouting nicely. Oh!! and a bunch of those long string beans up against the fence .
The tomato plant I was given are doing good so far , more than half of them have grown to over 24" and a couple of them are flowering (keeping my fingers crossed).
Any advice I can ignore would be appreciated