THIS is evil Tanya French enjoying a makeover and a cushy life — less than three years after being jailed for raping a 12-week baby.

French, 21, lives at taxpayers’ expense in a probation hostel after serving just half her five-year sentence.

Desperate not to be recognised by other inmates, she has changed her name, dyed her blonde hair brown and lost 3st.

She is allowed to drink in pubs, go shopping and is taken on regular free walking trips to the Yorkshire Dales as “rehabilitation”.

French sickened the nation in January 2006 when it emerged how she and lover Alan Webster, 42, repeatedly raped the baby girl while minding her for her mum at Hatfield, Herts.

Porn addict Webster videoed French carrying out one attack.

In another, French fed the baby a bottle of milk while Webster raped the child.
French was sent to a young offenders’ institution for five years.

Webster got life with a minimum tariff of six years.

More than 175,000 Sun readers signed a petition demanding the sentences be increased. Webster got two more years but French’s was untouched,saying, "I was forced by my boyfriend.”

French has been going with instructors on a series of “team-building” trips.

On one she was driven to Bolton Abbey — a beauty spot popular with families — for a ramble with a map and packed lunch.

Days earlier, she went on a similar hike.

Her lifestyle has stunned the family of the baby she raped.

A relative said: “She wasn’t in prison long enough. To see her strolling round enjoying herself is difficult to stomach.

“She’s trying hard to alter her appearance, but I recognised her straight away.”
An insider at the hostel said: “It’s disgusting that French can be out of prison so quickly.

“Then she’s taken for days out — something people in the credit crunch can’t afford.”

Ministry of Justice officials said the law required them to release French because she had served half her sentence.

A source said: “If offenders are considered a danger, they will be returned to prison.”

Baby rapist Tanya French gets new look, name and a cosy life | The Sun |News