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    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Australian Greens senator Lidia Thorpe fails to disclose relationship with bikie boss

    It was the Greens turn today to face questions about potential conflicts of interest and lapses of judgement, after the ABC revealed that Senator Lidia Thorpe had failed to tell party leader Adam Bandt for over a year of her relationship with a former president of the Rebels bikie gang.
    At the time, she sat on a parliamentary law enforcement committee that received confidential briefings about how the AFP monitors gang activities. Chief political correspondent Laura Tingle speaks to Sarah Ferguson from Canberra.

    Greens senator Lidia Thorpe fails to disclose relationship with bikie boss - ABC News

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Greens deputy leader resigns over relationship

    Greens senator Lidia Thorpe has resigned as Senate deputy after an undisclosed relationship with an ex-bikie boss. Andrew Probyn reports.

    video in the link

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Senator Lidia Thorpe 'not fit' to serve in parliament: relationship with ex-bikie

    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says he believes Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe is "not fit" to serve in the federal parliament after she admitted to briefly dating an ex-bikie while sitting on a law enforcement committee.
    Key points:

    • Senator Lidia Thorpe briefly dated former Rebels president Dean Martin, and did not disclose it to Greens leader Adam Bandt
    • Staffers to Senator Thorpe were concerned about the risk of a perceived conflict of interest from her dating a former bikie while on the law enforcement committee
    • Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says he has "never seen anything like this" happen in his 20 years in parliament

    Senator Thorpe resigned her leadership position within the Greens on Thursday after the ABC revealed she had a relationship with the former president of the Victorian Rebels, Dean Martin, while also holding a role on a parliamentary committee which received confidential police briefings about organised crime.
    Mr Dutton said the matter was a "test of leadership" for Greens leader Adam Bandt and called on him to expel Senator Thorpe from the party.
    "I've never seen anything like this in my 20 years in parliament. It's clear that Senator Thorpe is not fit to be in the Australian Parliament," Mr Dutton said.
    "Adam Bandt needs to step up to show leadership and to kick Lidia Thorpe out of the Greens and to kick her out of the parliament, because she has no place in the parliament with this sort of conduct."
    Senator Thorpe on Thursday resigned as the Greens' deputy leader in the Senate while conceding she had "made mistakes" and had "not exercised good judgement".

    Senator Lidia Thorpe has resigned as the Greens' deputy leader in the Senate.(News Video)Mr Bandt said Senator Thorpe showed a "significant lack of judgement" for failing to disclose her connection to Mr Martin.
    "It was clear that this could be perceived as affecting her work and her failure to disclose that, at the very least, to me was an error of judgement," Mr Bandt said.
    "It is disappointing because it is an error, a significant error of judgement from someone who has a lot to offer this country and a lot to offer this parliament."
    While Mr Bandt requested Senator Thorpe resign from the party's leadership team, he said he continued to have confidence in her as a senator.

    Greens leader Adam Bandt said Senator Thorpe showed a "significant lack of judgement" for failing to disclose her connection to Mr Martin.(ABC News: Marco Catalano)"Senator Thorpe is a fighter for her people and has strong and passionate views about advancing justice for First Nations people," he said.
    "She has the potential to be a very good senator, fighting for her people and fighting for justice, but she will need to show better judgement to do that."
    Senator Thorpe has insisted committee documents were "treated in confidence" and the ABC does not suggest she shared confidential information with anyone unauthorised to received it, nor does the ABC suggest Mr Martin has any continuing association with outlaw motorcycle gangs.
    Lidia Thorpe confirms she ‘briefly dated’ former Rebel without informing Bandt

    Staffers to Greens senator Lidia Thorpe were concerned her undisclosed relationship with a former outlaw motorcycle gang president while she served on parliament's law enforcement committee posed a perceived conflict of interest.

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    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese described the revelations as "astonishing" and said it was "appropriate" that she had been forced to relinquish her leadership role.
    However, he questioned the Greens' handling of the undisclosed relationship.
    "I find it astonishing that it was reported by her staff to Adam Bandt's office, and he apparently wasn't told," Mr Albanese said.
    "That raises issues of the functioning of that office."
    While Senator Thorpe's staff raised the matter with Mr Bandt's office a year ago, Mr Bandt said he had no knowledge of the relationship until contacted by the ABC.
    "I expect that I should have been told about this, and I have made that clear to my chief of staff, and I have counselled him," Mr Bandt said.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Greens senator Lidia Thorpe admits to undisclosed relationship with ex-Rebels president Dean Martin while on law enforcement committe

    Greens senator Lidia Thorpe's staff were so alarmed about her dating a former president of an outlaw motorcycle gang, they took the matter to the office of party leader Adam Bandt and an independent parliamentary authority.
    Key points:

    • Staffers to Lidia Thorpe were concerned about the risk of a perceived conflict of interest from her dating a former bikie while on the law enforcement committee
    • Senator Thorpe has confirmed she briefly dated former Rebel president Dean Martin, and did not disclose it to the Greens leader
    • Staffer concerns taken to Adam Bandt's office were not passed on to him

    Her staff were particularly worried because, at the time, Senator Thorpe was sitting on the joint parliamentary law enforcement committee, which was receiving confidential briefings about bikie gangs and organised crime.
    Senator Thorpe has confirmed to the ABC she "briefly dated" the ex-president of the Rebels in Victoria, Dean Martin.
    "We met through Blak activism and briefly dated in early 2021," she told the ABC.
    "We remain friends and have collaborated on our shared interests advocating for the rights of First Nations peoples."
    But their friendship troubled Senator Thorpe's staff, who learned of the relationship almost 18 months ago.
    Dean Martin has no criminal convictions but had a 25-year-plus association with the Rebels. He stepped down as Victorian chapter president in 2018 after his brother Shane Martin — the father of AFL star Dustin Martin — was deported to New Zealand over links to the Rebels and Shane's criminal history.
    When Senator Thorpe's staff learned of her relationship with Dean Martin, they urged her to disclose it to Mr Bandt, fearing the revelation could damage the party, the senator — or both.
    Despite her staff's urging, Senator Thorpe did not tell Mr Bandt about her relationship with Mr Martin, the Greens leader saying he "wasn't aware of who Mr Martin was, or that he and Senator Thorpe were known to each other" until the ABC asked questions.
    Shortly after the ABC revealed Senator Thorpe's previous relationship, Mr Bandt announced he had asked her for her resignation as deputy senate leader and that she had agreed to resign. Both have said the failure to disclose the relationship was an error in judgement.
    Three eminent experts on integrity — barristers Bret Walker SC, Geoffrey Watson SC and former NSW Supreme Court Justice Anthony Whealy KC — have separately told the ABC that Senator Thorpe's failure to disclose her involvement with Mr Martin was of concern.
    "The fact that members of the Senator's staff recognised the risk shows just how serious it was; the fact that those concerns were rebuffed is a concern — if all was well it would have been passed straight to Mr Bandt who could deal with it transparently," Mr Watson, a former ICAC senior counsel said.
    At the time, Senator Thorpe was part of the law enforcement committee that was taking evidence about outlaw motorcycle gangs for an inquiry into the impact of illicit drugs being traded online — she ceased being a member in April this year.
    One of her staff reported concerns to the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service, an independent authority established to review serious incidents in parliamentary workplaces.
    Her staff feared that Senator Thorpe's relationship with Mr Martin would create perceptions of a conflict of interest.

    Dean Martin spoke to documentary maker Ross Kemp for a story on outlaw motorcycle gangs that aired in 2015.(Sky One)Senator Thorpe acknowledged she did not advise Mr Bandt of her relationship with Mr Martin, but insisted that confidential committee documents on how the AFP monitors outlaw motorcycle gangs were "treated in confidence".
    She said Mr Martin's history with the Rebels was a "past connection".
    "Obviously, I'm concerned about the criminal activities of outlaw motorcycle clubs in general. But when we met, Mr Martin was no longer involved with that world," Senator Thorpe told the ABC.
    Anthony Whealy, chair of The Centre for Public Integrity, told the ABC Senator Thorpe's relationship with Mr Martin "posed at the very least a perception of serious conflict and should have been avoided".
    "To address this perception of conflict, and indeed the possibility of actual conflict, Ms Thorpe should have disclosed her relationship to the committee, Mr Bandt and possibly to the AFP.
    "Prudence and caution would suggest that if Ms Thorpe wished to continue a relationship of any kind with Mr Martin, she should have resigned from the committee."
    Mr Watson said, "perceptions of conflict of interest diminish confidence in government".
    "There are questions about the matter; those questions need answers."
    Bret Walker said there were "serious questions of procedure and safeguards".
    "Parliamentary oversight is absolutely vital for integrity and democracy but the price of effective oversight is to have an appropriate measure of secrecy," Mr Walker said.
    "I understand there is absolutely no suggestion of a breach of secrecy raised by this story but prior disclosure and continued consideration of a personal connection, relevant to risk assessment, that anybody involved in parliamentary oversight may have from time to time, is a fundamental consideration in assessing and responding to risks when information is shared — it's an elementary aspect of any approach to security clearance.
    "There are for good reasons special consideration for elected members of parliament, but that tends to make prior disclosure and continuing discussion of such connections all the more important."
    Thorpe confronted after confidential documents arrive

    Senator Thorpe's staff say they learned separately that she was dating Mr Martin when she disclosed the relationship to one of them in May last year. The other was told a month later, in June 2021.

    Lidia Thorpe joined federal parliament in 2020.(ABC News: Ian Cutmore)In August 2021 during a remote sitting of parliament, one of the staffers decided to confront Senator Thorpe about the relationship.
    Confidential law enforcement committee briefing documents had arrived at the Senator's Melbourne office, detailing how the AFP monitors outlaw motorcycle gangs.
    This staffer said Senator Thorpe had come into the office after Question Time that day and told the staffer she had just been with Mr Martin in the park across the road.
    The staffer perceived a risk in Senator Thorpe receiving confidential information while being in an undisclosed relationship with Mr Martin, with whom she had been with just hours earlier.
    In a work diary entry dated August 25 last year, the staffer wrote of the confrontation with Senator Thorpe: "My advice to Senator is that she must speak to leader's office, that she is at extreme risk of being extorted, particularly if someone finds out".
    The entry continues: "Senator (has been) advised that the risks are catastrophic and that she would have to resign. I advised that it was absolutely necessary that I record the fact that I have given her this advice, and that ultimately it was up to her to take it or not.
    "She has chosen not to take it … I highlighted the huge, real, risk. She assured me the relationship was no longer underway."
    The staffer says Senator Thorpe said she and Mr Martin were using encrypted communications app Signal, "[that] they clear their conversations once a week, that they never meet at their respective homes … and that she was being really careful".
    Senator Thorpe acknowledged to the ABC that one of her staff "did raise how my friendship may be perceived by others who were not aware of our shared interest in advocacy for First Nations peoples".
    Unconvinced that the concerns about the relationship had been addressed, this staffer was alarmed when in February this year Senator Thorpe appeared in her electorate office with Mr Martin, where the staffer says the pair spoke privately in a room for 15 minutes before leaving again.
    Senator Thorpe said this was a scheduled meeting "to discuss issues related to deportation of First Nations people including his brother [Shane]", who had died in New Zealand at the end of last year.
    The ABC does not suggest Senator Thorpe shared confidential information with anyone unauthorised to receive it, nor does the ABC suggest Mr Martin has any continuing association with outlaw motorcycle gangs.

    Dean Martin told Senator Thorpe he no longer has any association with outlaw motorcycle gangs.(Channel Nine)Staffers say Greens failed to address concerns

    The ABC has spoken separately to two former staffers of Senator Thorpe on the condition of anonymity. They have both signed statutory declarations to assert the truth of their statements.
    The former staffers told the ABC they were perturbed by the Greens' handling of their concerns, after one took the matter to Mr Bandt's chief of staff Damien Lawson.
    "At that meeting with Mr Lawson he told me, 'Do you mind if we don't tell Adam?", the staffer wrote in a statutory declaration.
    Through a spokesperson, Mr Lawson denied that he told the staffer not to raise the issue with Mr Bandt, and said he understood that the staffer was going to return to Senator Thorpe with their concerns.
    "Mr Lawson subsequently understood that this had happened and the concerns had been addressed," a spokesperson said.
    After raising the matter with Mr Bandt's office in October 2021, and making a formal complaint about wider concerns about the office in June, the staffer complained to the PWSS in August this year.
    While Mr Bandt did not know of Senator Thorpe's relationship with Mr Martin until the ABC's inquiries, at least one Greens politician was aware: WA Senator Dorinda Cox.
    "I understand they dated for a short time and they are friends," Senator Cox told the ABC.
    In an email to one of the Thorpe staffers, the PWSS said it had referred the matter to the Australian Federal Police.
    Thorpe's office being reviewed

    Earlier this month, Mr Bandt defended his party's complaints process after Indigenous elder Geraldine Atkinson made a formal complaint accusing Senator Thorpe of verbally abusing her at a meeting in 2021.
    Mr Bandt said he took steps to address the complaint at the time.
    Following the staff complaint, Mr Bandt said the Department of Finance was reviewing Senator Thorpe's office, and that it would be inappropriate to pre-empt the findings.
    Bandt defends complaints processes

    Adam Bandt says he is satisfied with his party's updated complaints processes, despite mounting pressure on it about its workplace culture.

    Read more

    He said his office had expressed regret to the complainant about concerns formally raised, and has supported the review process that has since arisen.
    The staffers say they are speaking out because they believe the Greens leadership has not followed its own rules for handling complaints against senators, and that the party must hold itself to a higher standard.
    One told the ABC: "The thing with being holier than thou is that you have to live your values, there's no option for you but to do the right thing."

    Posted 20h ago20 hours ago, updated 18h ago

    https://www. abc . net . au in place of the xxx/news/2022-10-20/lidia-thorpe-undisclosed-relationship-ex-rebel-president/101553386

  5. #5

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    Back in Farangland
    Senator Thorpe gets the jingles from bad boys. Billions of women do.

  6. #6
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by DrWilly View Post
    Senator Lidia Thorpe had failed to tell party leader Adam Bandt for over a year of her relationship with a former president of the Rebels bikie gang.
    At the time, she sat on a parliamentary law enforcement committee that received confidential briefings about how the AFP monitors gang activities.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    was this photo taken after a bukkake party with the gang?

  8. #8
    david44's Avatar
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    Rebel without a horse now?

    Wubba to the wescue

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post

    I know right? Like something out of a Netflix series.

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    What's the big deal, she likes a bit of gonzo?

  11. #11
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    29-11-2023 @ 01:10 PM
    The deal is that she’s a self-serving, nasty, racist, elitist, cheating banshee.
    The big deal is that she was on a parliamentary committee hearing confidential information about organised crime while banging a senior member of an outlaw motorcycle gang.
    The odious leader of the holier-than-everybody greens has disciplined her with a damp lettuce leaf.
    Where’s a pragmatic and ethical progressive party that doesn’t keep shooting itself in the foot while cramming both feet into its mouth ?
    Last edited by docmartin; 22-10-2022 at 09:50 AM.

  12. #12
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    ^ I thought she claimed some first Nations heritage

    But she is obviously a self centered stupid fcukwit and she has history being dumb

  13. #13
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    29-11-2023 @ 01:10 PM
    Fvckwits would be shamed by being associated with the imbecile.

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docmartin View Post
    The deal is that she’s a self-serving, nasty, racist, elitist, cheating banshee.
    I sense that you're not a fan.

  15. #15
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    No. I identify as an air conditioner.

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