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    Green Party now have 'more members than Ukip'

    Greens now have 'more members than Ukip' - Telegraph

    Greens now have 'more members than Ukip'
    Green Party sources say membership rises 500 a day to overtake Ukip, as Ed Miliband launches green charm offensive

    The Green Party’s membership is greater than Ukip’s after growing by up to 500 people a day, it was claimed today.
    Some 41,567 people in the UK are Green Party members, party sources revealed, with membership more than doubling since September. It including 500 people joining yesterday.

    Today Ed Miliband will seek to woo voters concerned about the environment pledging to “decarbonise” Britain’s electricity supply by 2030.
    The latest reported figures for Ukip’s membership was 41,514, growing by more than 10,000 in eighteen months and adding 500 on Monday alone.

    Both parties are now in touching distance of the Liberal Democrats, whose membership was reported in November as 44,576.

    The figures will boost David Cameron’s demand that the Green Party must be included in any TV debates alongside UKIP and the Liberal Democrats, whom he dubbed “minor parties” yesterday.
    Victory in May’s general election is likely to turn on which of Labour and the Conservatives is more effective at holding their core vote together amid challenges from the radical left and right. Labour has formed a unit, headed by Sadiq Khan MP, to halt the Green rot.
    Liberal Democrat MPs fear a significant slice of their vote could defect in protest to the Green Party.

    In a speech in London, Mr Miliband will say that environmentalism “goes to the heart of my beliefs” and he will show “leadership and resolve” to tackle climate change. Labour will demand new, global targets for reducing climate emissions that tighten every five years.
    He will seek a global target of zero net carbon emissions by 2050.

    He will also set a target of cutting the number of people living in extreme poverty, or 80 pence a day, to zero by 2030.
    “I know tackling climate change, global poverty and inequality are not as fashionable as they once were. But I also know they are more important than ever," Mr Miliband will say.

    “For me, they are not luxury items in our programme for change. They are not part of a branding exercise. They go to the heart of my beliefs and the reason why I entered politics,” he will say.

    George Osborne, the Chancellor, this morning insisted Mr Cameron "wants" to take part in the leadership debates but it is "only fair" that the Greens take part. He said the broadcasters had failed to come up with a proposals that included all the minor parties.
    But Nick Clegg said he was "speechless" at Mr Cameron's "teary-eyed compassion" for the Green Party. "He is running away," he said, adding he is in a "laughable" position. The broacasters should show a "bit of backbone" and stage the debates without Mr Cameron if necessary.

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    ....for the common good.

    Of course it is.

  3. #3
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    What does Joey Barton think?

  4. #4
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    If the Greens and UKIP replace the LibDems, Labour and Tories i'll be a happy man as then people will have a real choice as lets be honest here doesn't matter if the Tories or Labour win you'll just get more of the same as no difference between them anymore. While this years election will be interesting as more and more people are waking up, 2020 is when I expect to see the support for the established parties totally crumble after 5 more years of the same.

  5. #5
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    I'm voting FUKP

  6. #6
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Brighton has become an object lesson in why it is a disaster to vote Green

    The eco-comrades have experimented with a series of bizarre policies

    I have just moved back to Brighton, and I am happy to report that it remains as shambolic as ever. The estate agent said before opening the door to a prospective flat, ‘I’m obliged by law to tell you that the previous tenant was an alcoholic and died here.’ I replied, ‘I am not surprised and that is not a problem.’ No one who knows Brighton expects puritanism.

    Unfortunately, we have grown to expect dreadful politics. Since 2010, both the MP and the council have gone Green, turning the town into a laboratory for their kooky ideas. Given that they are being called the Ukip of the left — an outsider party on the verge of an electoral breakthrough that could make them bigger than the Lib Dems — the Green experiment in Brighton ought to serve as a warning to the entire country.

    There have been some silly gimmicks reminiscent of the 1980s loony left: a proposed ‘meat-free Monday’ in council-run staff canteens (reversed when the bin men demanded their bacon back), gender-neutral toilets, and allowing people to identify as Mr, Mrs or Mx on council forms (Mx means Mixter, meaning someone who doesn’t define as male or female — not to be confused with the MX, which was a nuclear missile in the Cold War). Many of their mistakes are due to naivety. Faced with cuts, council leader Jason Kitcat proposed a 4.75 per cent tax increase to be endorsed in a referendum. Labour called it a silly political stunt, as the cost of the vote — estimated at £900,000 — would itself plug many of the gaps. The idea was quashed.

    Such is their incompetence that the Greens often hurt the very causes they push. While I was staggered to find that I might face a £50,000 fine if I put something plastic in the paper-only recycling bin outside my house, I was amused to discover that most people just ignore the warnings and dump away — with the result that Green Brighton now ranks 302nd out of 326 councils for its recycling record. The problem is a mix of poor information, a strange recycling collection programme open to abuse, and ceaseless disruptions to the service that mean people have given up trying to do ‘the right thing’.

    Last year, the Greens failed to prevent a strike among bin men, with the result that Brighton underwent its very own winter of discontent. Gulls feasted amid the piled-high rubbish. Inevitably, some of the Greens sympathised with the oppressed refuse collectors and joined them on the picket line. There’s an intra-party split every 30 seconds among the eco-comrades.

    This year the Greens worked in concert with the Conservatives to secure funding for an architectural monstrosity: a 574ft tower to be erected on the beach opposite Brighton’s burnt-out West Pier. It will be hideous. A giant up-yours to the landscape that would look audaciously phallic in Tokyo, it is totally out of place in a town where the buildings are no more than three storeys high. This particular act of cultural sabotage says a lot about the Green agenda. They aren’t interested in conserving what they inherit so much as transforming it to reflect their progressive ideology. Not for them the countryside of traditional farming and hunting, nor the ramshackle urbanity of Georgian Brighton. No — they dream of an integrated eco/bio/renewable future of steel and glass that will render the inefficient past obsolete. Why else have they welcomed the construction of a huge windfarm off the Sussex coast? Covering more than 60 square miles, the forest of offshore turbines will number over 100 and stand 700ft tall. The only upside is that they might kill all the gulls — leaving any uncollected rubbish to rot unmolested.

    How did the Greens, with no real experience of governing, get the votes to do all this? It’s down partly to the collapse in traditional support for Labour post-Blair. But it’s also due to the migration of middle-class London liberals to the south coast, with its cheap houses and easy rail access. And in this regard, the Greens are indeed the inverted image of Ukip — and not only in the sense of being philosophical opposites. Where Ukip represents a revolt of natives against newcomers, the Greens represent a revolt of newcomers against natives. Old Brighton was a working-class seat that voted Conservative until 1997. The new Brighton is becoming a colony of Islington: it’s what the entire country would turn into if it were run by the people who bought Russell Brand’s new booky-wook. Trendy, yes. But they are impractical and very irritating.

    Brighton has become an object lesson in why it is a disaster to vote Green » The Spectator

  7. #7
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    ^This the Green party you're voting for Neo????

  8. #8
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    Read post #5... and weep

  9. #9
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    ^This thread is about the Greens, plenty of threads to slag off and debate UKIP already, so is this the Green party you're voting for, the one mentioned in post #6????

    Still look on the bright side it could be Labour speaking up for the loony left.

  10. #10
    Not a Mod. Begbie's Avatar
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    The Greens have now overtaken the Libdems and are the fourth largest party in terms of membership.


  11. #11
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Begbie View Post
    The Greens have now overtaken the Libdems and are the fourth largest party in terms of membership.

    Conjobs, labliars, SNP ahead?

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat Jesus Jones's Avatar
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    22-09-2017 @ 11:00 AM
    So they expect to be in power for a decade or two should they be elected. Jesus, they sure know how to set their targets!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Jones View Post
    So they expect to be in power for a decade or two should they be elected. Jesus, they sure know how to set their targets!
    It is a little radical to be sure. Certainly a change from the norm though which is sell everything off to their buddies and start lots of wars.

    I wonder what would happen if a party formed that said "we will release ALL information about what the past governments have been up to. All of it".

    That would be interesting.

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    then russell brand is your man.

  15. #15
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    ^This thread is about the Greens, plenty of threads to slag off and debate UKIP already, so is this the Green party you're voting for, the one mentioned in post #6????
    1p a pint.. don't be surprised if Farage defects. Vote FUKP

  16. #16
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy
    Brighton has become an object lesson in why it is a disaster to vote Green » The Spectator
    Point of Order. Spectator is owned by the tax dodging Barclay Boys (owner of the telegraph). With their $9B in the bank, they are trying to unseat CamerMoron from his PM position because David "I'll make slaves of you all" Cameron is not Right Wing enough for their tastes.

    So how do you expect them to react to the Green Party manifesto in their rags? Neutrally?

  17. #17
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    I'd like to answer that point on behalf of Buriramboy if I may...


  18. #18
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy
    Brighton has become an object lesson in why it is a disaster to vote Green » The Spectator
    Point of Order. Spectator is owned by the tax dodging Barclay Boys (owner of the telegraph). With their $9B in the bank, they are trying to unseat CamerMoron from his PM position because David "I'll make slaves of you all" Cameron is not Right Wing enough for their tastes.

    So how do you expect them to react to the Green Party manifesto in their rags? Neutrally?

    The Greens are a joke on many issues, but in their defence when it comes to Brighton they are running the council as a minority 'government' so they need the support of one of the other parties to get anything passed which has proved a bit of a nightmare as no one agrees with them on anything. But I still love the Greens only for the reason that they are attracting the loony left vote away from Labour and the LibDems.

  19. #19
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy
    The Greens are a joke on many issues
    In what way? Clawing back all the graft contracts to maggies, tonies and camerons mates?

    I don't think they go far enough. They should properly audit all of the following for tax compliance for the last decade eliminating all loop holes retrospectively;

    Train firms
    Water firms
    Power firms
    NHS / health care / care for elderly
    Education at all levels
    Major public infrastructure (airports, ports etc)
    Roads .... Everything that should be public but is now run for profit

    Then hit them all with Trillion of pounds worth of fines, plus interest, and in return because they can not pay it, take it all back.

  20. #20
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Because as always with the loony left they promise a socialist utopia but forget to mention how everything is going to be paid for the simple reason they can't but luckily for loony left parties the average loony left voter doesn't concern himself with such trivialities as how things will be paid for so will tick the loony left box anyway. Lets all hope it's the Green box and not the Labour or Libdem box they tick though.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy
    how everything is going to be paid
    There's loads of money. Sure it's being frittered away on gifting public services to big business so that 60-80% of the public money spent on services now goes towards profits and big fat bonuses. Then there is all the money wasted on wars. Then there is all the money stolen from the system by the banks.

    Government bank - only bank allowed to created AND LEND money to individuals and businesses. Charges flat rate of 1% interest on everything. Smash the banks in one fail swoop and bring in loads of cash at the same time.

  22. #22
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Greens are the only party I vote for. (If standing)

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