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  1. #51
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    Nothing booked yet, not even the flights. I'll book a few nights in London in due course.

    I think it's more likely we'll 'oddysey' across southern England by car rather than bicycle to be honest... it's a long way from Somerset to Great Yarmouth, and there's the luggage to think about as well.

  2. #52
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    The 'oddysey' is taking shape nicely.

    Owing to a lot of spare time on my current offshore job, flights are now booked between 11th July and 15th August. They weren't cheap either... prices seem to have gone up a lot.

    So this is now definitely happening and the daughter's getting excited.

    Also booked are 3 nights down Lyme Regis way between 17th and 20th July, before the schools break up. Maybe we'll head on westwards from there for a couple of days... Devon and Cornwall. It would seem rude not to while we're down there. It'd also be great to pick up a genuine Cornish Pasty. There's still a lot of days to fill and this will take some coordinating.

    Today's task is to secure transport. The guy I usually borrow a car from isn't answering his phone and it would introduce a major, unexpected expense if I have to hire one.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Today's task is to secure transport. The guy I usually borrow a car from isn't answering his phone and it would introduce a major, unexpected expense if I have to hire one.
    He might have caller ID, did you try calling from a different phone? LOL

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Maybe we'll head on westwards from there for a couple of days... Devon and Cornwall.
    I do like a real Cornish pasty. The thing with Cornwall is that it is a long drive down to Land's End. You cross the Tamar and a few hours later you begin to wonder when Cornwall will end. Maybe easier before the schools break up. Remember that all the posh kids who go to Rock will finish their private schools by mid-July.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    They weren't cheap either... prices seem to have gone up a lot.
    They have, fuel prices are the cause, oh and a bit of price gouging to recoup some COVID losses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    There's still a lot of days to fill and this will take some coordinating.
    You need to take Mini on a Mackerel fishing trip, she'll be staggered by catching so many so easily. Afterwards you can take a camp stove and cook some on the beach.

  6. #56
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    An alternative that will solve the problem of transport and accommodation would be a camper van. Obviously not for the full duration of the visit, however could be OK for the actual touring periods. Would need more planning of course, but no shortage of camp sites in the West Country as I'm sure you know.

    Campervan hire Somerset - Private motorhome hire | Goboony

  7. #57
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    Well she's just about to get a whole lot more excited when she knows what she'll be doing on July 1st or 9th, she'll want the new album too.

  8. #58
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Cycling/camping holiday around the UK is the way to go for a couple of weeks.
    You'll get super fit and experience the great outdoors of Blighty.

    No stuck in traffic jams or endless soulless hotel rooms.

    And it's like the!

  9. #59
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    ^ Well, that's a bugger, we don't arrive until July 12th...

    The Grand Pier in Weston-Super-Mare would have been perfect. Maybe we can fit in Bath Racecourse on 13th August on our last weekend? We leave on the 15th.

    It's high time the daughter experienced a big, live music concert!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    I do like a real Cornish pasty. The thing with Cornwall is that it is a long drive down to Land's End. You cross the Tamar and a few hours later you begin to wonder when Cornwall will end. Maybe easier before the schools break up. Remember that all the posh kids who go to Rock will finish their private schools by mid-July.
    Cornwall is off the list sadly... I think I've left it a bit late and everything seems to be booked up. It was a long drive anyway, and as you say, it'll probably be full of public school kids causing a nuisance.

    I can always pick up a pasty at the Coop near my mum's.

    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    You need to take Mini on a Mackerel fishing trip, she'll be staggered by catching so many so easily. Afterwards you can take a camp stove and cook some on the beach.
    Strangely enough I was talking about the exact same thing with my mate from Somerset who I'm 'working' with just now. He showed me a video he took at West Bay harbour a few years ago when a shoal of mackerel swam in... the water was boiling with fish and he caught loads. The daughter and I are staying at West Bay because Lyme Regis was too busy. West Bay is only a short drive away from Lyme Regis so we'll still be able to visit and go fossil hunting there, no problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by PAG View Post
    An alternative that will solve the problem of transport and accommodation would be a camper van.
    It's a thought PAG but not really what I had in mind and I'll need a car for most of the trip anyway. I still can't get through to the guy who I borrow the RAV4 from though, so maybe I'll have to change plans. It's a good job there isn't much for me to do on this boat because this holiday planning is becoming very time consuming.

  10. #60
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    I still can't get through to the guy who I borrow the RAV4 from though so maybe I'll have to change plans.
    Ive got a Rav 4 sat on my drive doing nothing, yours for £1500 and you can flog before you leave, winner winner chicken dinner. PM me for details, trouble is it's in Manchester.

  11. #61
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    ^ will your Ex report it stolen?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Maybe we can fit in Bath Racecourse on 13th August on our last weekend? We leave on the 15th.

    It's high time the daughter experienced a big, live music concert!
    Salisbury isn't too far

  12. #62
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    ^ And you've just reminded me to put Stonehenge on the list!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    Ive got a Rav 4 sat on my drive doing nothing, yours for £1500 and you can flog before you leave, winner winner chicken dinner. PM me for details, trouble is it's in Manchester.
    It's not the car you use for dogging is it? If so, get it valeted first please.

    That's a kind offer Joe but it's a lot of faff to buy and sell a car for a holiday, not to mention tax and insurance. I'm hoping to borrow this other RAV 4 for free as usual, and just give a bottle of duty free malt as a thank you!

  13. #63
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    Great stuff Mendo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    So this is now definitely happening and the daughter's getting excited.
    Not sure if you've ever taken her out of the country without her mother before, if not, just be aware that you need a Thai document from her Thai mother giving you legal permission to take her out of Thailand, without it the child won't be getting anywhere near the plane.

  14. #64
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    ^ I've prepared a letter giving me permission to take my daughter out of the country which will be signed by the wife, along with signed scans of ID cards, marriage cert, house book etc. The letter is in English.

    Is this a certain document you speak of, and if so, could you please give me a pointer?

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    The letter is in English.
    Well, that's not much good for taking them out of Thailand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Is this a certain document you speak of
    It is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    and if so, could you please give me a pointer?
    I can.

    It's a travel consent for minors letter that your local amphur would set up. They will stamp it with the details of all. Likely that all 3 parties will need to be there in person, and will likely need to be the amphur office in the district the kid is registered in. The mother will need to sign the birth cert etc copies.

    It's pretty much a global thing, not a Thai only thing, due to child trafficking and parental kidnapping.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond View Post
    It's pretty much a global thing
    Get permission to take a child abroad - GOV.UK

  17. #67
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    ^^ Excellent, thank you. This is what a forum's all about, you may have averted a disaster here.

    I'll get the wife to investigate at the Amphur office in Korat next week so we know what to do when I get back.

  18. #68
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    Thanks for the tips, Mendip. I've just spent an hour trying to upload a few pics of my recent trip to the home of history, culture, great sports and fine food (including the tips you gave me for Wells and Cheddar) before being kicked out and losing all the pics , so, having lost patience with the fucking thing, I'll just stick a few up as a taster for the board for what's coming with your trip. I wouldn't wanna steal your thunder anyway .

    Salisbury (no Russian poisonings reported although the taxi driver did point out the house on the way to Stonehenge):

    A pilgrimage across southern England-salisbury-cat-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220424-131153-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-salisbury-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220424-103600-jpg

    A few TDers turned up for St George's Day and this was snubby and Chits arguing whether to have hot dogs or beans on toast; snubby won the day.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-snubby-jpg

    I'm pretty sure that if you had asked every single morris dancer which team they supported, their answer would have been Arsenal. What an odd bunch.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-arsenal-fans-jpg

    By midday, I had other things on my mind.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-pub-jpg

    I think the furniture dates back to this period too.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-pub-2-jpg

    Having Winston looking down on you is quite disconcerting. Even the American couple sitting next to us felt obliged to up their game from soft drinks to the hard stuff.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220424-132915-jpg

    The hotel was actually a pub so it was here that I retired to with the football on for the rest of the and my missus enjoying pissing our pounds away on the fruit machine.
    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220424-170627-jpg


    Through the countryside to the rocks (only a few of these because nobody is interested in rocks, right? ) and then onto Baf (or Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarth if you have a plum in your mouth).

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-101538-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-102014-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-102541-jpg

    I stayed in similar places on Koh Chang for 200 baht a night 15 years ago and I dare say it was preferable to my mate's feet in this hut 5000 years ago.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-103815-jpg

    It's a bus ride from the centre and the museum to the main attraction. In keeping with the theme of temples - my body obviously being one- we decided to walk through the countryside to get there before taking a bus back.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-104019-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-111218-jpg
    Last edited by hallelujah; 20-05-2022 at 01:24 AM.

  19. #69
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  20. #70
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Cool pics Hal.

    Shame about the piss town, next time.

    I've never been asked for permission to travel and parental responsibility etc when abroad with my children.

    They just take one look at us and wave us through, don't need the hassle I guess

    We've gone through dozens of passport controls over the years in many different countries without the ex in tow

  21. #71
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    It's not the car you use for dogging is it? If so, get it valeted first please.
    It comes with a free packet of wet wipes

  22. #72
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    Didn't spot you'd been in teh Haunch, great little place, tiny public bar - summer time you place your order and cash along a line and your beer comes beck outside with change - mostly

  23. #73
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    And then to Baf and Wells (the undoubted star of the show). If you lot had a proper football team or two down here, I would have heard of it before!

    Bath was absolutely packed with tourists (mostly American and Asian) and had prices to match. I fucking hated Jane Austen when I was at college doing my A Levels (I found out on this trip that she was actually born in Basingstoke) and still have nightmares of English Literature, so it was just the one night there and then I was Darren Gough.

    6 pounds 50 for a pint of Uri! What the fuck?

    A pilgrimage across southern England-6-quid-jpg

    13 quid for a fucking green salad! What the fucking fuck?

    A pilgrimage across southern England-salad-jpg

    Ended up settling on some fine Brixham crab salad and Great British fishcakes. Obviously, nothing but the best in the greatest country on earth.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-132546-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-fishcakes-jpg

    And ended up having quite a few more beers before fancying this later on. Bath chaps? Sounds likea bit of swordfighting going on in the toilets with the boarding school boys.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-20220425-161437-jpg

    They weren't serving until later though, by which time we ended up having a booze and some nuts that probably cost about a fiver. I was half cut by then anyway.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-beers-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-bath-jpg

    A pilgrimage across southern England-jane-austen-jpg

    Dil has put his house up for sale.

    A pilgrimage across southern England-dil-2-jpg

    I actually took these for snubby. How sad is that?

    A pilgrimage across southern England-cheese-2-jpg

    Imagine a whole cake made of cheese though?

    A pilgrimage across southern England-cheese-shop-jpg

    And then it was off to Wells.
    Last edited by hallelujah; 20-05-2022 at 02:12 AM.

  24. #74
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    Dil has put his house up for sale
    He's not slumming it in boyztown anymore

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    6 pounds 50 for a pint of Uri! What the fuck?
    you been right tucked up you wanker, load of places you can get a decent pint for less that £4 - norvern minkey..

    Should have stopped at Schwartz Bros for a 1/2 lb blue cheese burger on Walcott St or near the Theatre Royal

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