The man is an ignoramus with a degree of comprehension commensurate with his lack of education and intelligence.
The curricula vitae of those participating in the riotous assembly, as reported in the media, all indicate the perpetrators are an assortment of violent, thuggish, criminal, lower end morons, the mentally stunted, misfits and the merely drunken feckless, all engaged in wanton destruction and disorder who would have great difficulty in completing a syntactically correct sentence and were motivated by sheer vandalism focused on nothing more than lumpen stupidity and racism.
The procession of stupid white English scum through the courts gives the reality of that week of tumult, a demographic of no significance other than as fillers of toilets and sacks for food.
Only the stupid could possibly accord these repellent wretches with any political motivation.
Davison is a racist prick and always has been. ThatÂ’s his shtick in the clubs.
You Chitty are his target audience, you idiot.
The input seems to be that your post was 'shit'.
Many posters seem to be pointing this out.
For my part, well, I can't help noticing how often you spout complete and utter bollocks.
Most of these people don't look "Far Right" to me.
So what does England's far right look like to you?
Most of these people don't look "Far Right" to me.
Swastika tattoo on forehead?
Dr. Marten's boots?
Anyone who gets "outraged" by a fake post blaming a muslim asylum seeker for the actions of a mentally ill Welshman counts as "far right", because when you've got that far you're a fucking cretin by definition.
Rowan Atkinson aka Mr Bean keeping it real now..
I think it is time that newspapers such as the Telegraph and Mail are closed down for their fascist propagandising which seeks to foment unrest among the lower end who seem to believe the utter twaddle that white English street trash scum are treated worse than decent black and Asian Brits by the police and the new Labour government of a mere two months vintage.
Two tier policing is simply another fascist racist mantra sucked up by credulous dickwads who no doubt voted for Brexit.
Immigrants are better than lower end white English scum. Fact. So, in a sense, it is only right that they are treated better by the police given that in the main they are hard working, law abiding, sober, family minded people whereas the English trash are scarcely house trained morons addicted to drunkenness, drug addiction and sloth.
what a sad and empty life you must lead.
an arrogant, angry, atrophied, arthritic, ageing and authoritarian arsewipe, fuelled with pork scratchings and alcohol and reduced by misery and boredom to trolling a dying expat forum, with what... 75 members, on an hourly basis with your predictable spluttering diatribe of inflammatory racist trolling hoping that someone will take you up and honour you with a considered response.
with every post you make you sound more like one of those 80 year old partially edentulous and unshaven loons, armed with an aldi bag, weapons grade halitosis and stained trousers, encountered on the top deck of the bus from finsbury park to morden, the passenger that children cower from and adults pretend does not exist.
you claim to be a former public servant. are you not ashamed of yourself?
I was prepared to be impressed by that usage, but then I realized that "edentulous" means (by definition) "toothless" (without any natural teeth remaining). "Partially edentulous" is therefore really an oxymoron. You can be partially toothless, but not partially edentulous.
Strange mistake for a purported retired dentist to make.
Why is the idea to invest in African countries, in order to stop immigration into Europe at source, such a shitty idea?
Personally, I think it is probably the only sensible idea. That is, instead of having thousands of people migrating out of Africa and into Europe in search of economic security, why not provide that economic security at source. I don't mean simply sending cash in the hope it helps, it won't, but to build infrastructure and factories in African countries and employ the local workforce.
Use private industry, liaise with African governments and make their economies grow such that the population wants to stay. It'll probably be cheaper in the long run than having to house and feed those that come to European shores.
So, tell me why it's such a shit idea...
it was not a mistake, partially edentulous is a recognised clinical term, the definition you googled was the usual one size fits all chat copied off the website of some dental practice talking down to prospective patients. toothless is a term implying advanced age, low intelligence and lack of self respect, and could be considered insulting if used by a professional to a patient.
the correct definition of partially edentulous is as follows
What is a partially edentulous patient?
Partial edentulism refers to cases where some, but not all teeth are lost, resulting in an incomplete dentition. Similar to G.V. Black's Classification of tooth defects, there is a Kennedy Classification system of partial edentulism originally introduced by Dr. Edward Kennedy in New York in 1923.
Partial edentulism is the loss of one or more, but not all, of the natural teeth in a dental arch. While the global burden of severe and total tooth loss had declined significantly, partial edentulism remains prevalent and is mainly attributed to dental caries and periodontal diseases.
so, learn and inwardly digest before posting here in internet warrior fashion looking for aggro, you might end up partially edentulous.
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because every fucking penny will go straight into the pockets of the corrupt gold encrusted politicians and their dubai shopping trip addicted wives and girlfriends, and very little if any will result in useful investment. why do you think africa, with all its natural resources is still mostly a third world shithole with its peoples plagued by wars, tribal rivalry, food shortages and lack of medical care.
as edmond said, "african governments!"
In short, like Wales.
Poor Tax, railing at the iniquities of reality.
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