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  1. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    oh, and cyrille, what is this mysterious "first best kept secret" you referenced?
    That you are a Polish jew?

  2. #27
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    Farage’s German wife divorced him because of his alcoholism and predilection for picking up ugly UKIP groupies and fucking them in seedy pub rooms where they held their meetings.

    Classy guy, our Farage and of course the right person to lead the new ToryReform party.

    Poor Tax, his champion is the only Brit who actually went down on Trump and swallowed.

    Har, har.

    Tax, Tory Britain is just a crusty old spunk stain on BoJo’s bed sheet.

    Enjoy the future, and those new taxes!

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Molle View Post
    That you are a Polish jew?

    are you a toy dog? bit yappy, snapping at peoples heels?

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post

    Enjoy the future, and those new taxes!
    i am not stupid, i am taxed on my uk pensions, which amounts to fuck all and everything else is held in tax exempt cash and bond securities which are drip fed tax free into our accounts as and when needed.

    those lefty bastards wont get a fucking penny more off me to give to the great unwashed eating their pizza and smoking their dope in their council hovels, or to the niqab and hijab wearers of tower hamlets and bradford pumping out babies every 9 months, that is when their menfolk arent beating them up , or to the terrorist funding so called charities run by mosques up and down the country, or for the free legal aid provided to the knife wielding scrotes stabbing and robbing unchallenged up and down the country.

    and i trust every other uk based member here is also taking suitable precautions to protect that which they have worked hard for all their lives.

    yes, the tories are indeed finished, but like a phoenix rising from the ashes, a new movement with proper conservative values will take its place. in fact it is starting already. long games and all that!

    labour, beset by infighting and power grabs will last one term before they are compehensively discredited and kicked out, like the tories will be kicked out next month.

    The important point is that the Labour lead appears to rest much more on a rejection of the performance of this particular Conservative government than on any great enthusiasm for Left-wing policies or the current group of Labour politicians.

    Indeed, I would be prepared to guess that this is why astonishingly little attention is being paid to what might be the Starmer programme in office and why there is so little concern being expressed about his refusal to supply any detailed policy plans. Nobody cares.

    They just want to get rid of the present government and will take their chances with almost any alternative that looks remotely reasonable. This has been said before, but these latest polls confirm it: Labour is being embraced not out of enthusiasm for its ideas (whatever they are) but out of anger and disgust with the Tories now in office – and that anger has as much to do with the failure to stand by what should be the principles of a Right-of-centre government (low tax, small government, individual rights) as with the incompetence of their day-to-day management.

    So is the wide support for Labour a myth? Simply a phantasm created by a peculiarly desperate popular longing to be rid of a governing party which voters have come to loathe? No, of course not. This is what those who cry in the wilderness, pleading with people not to vote carelessly for a Labour government out of sheer spite, must take into account.

    Telling people to come to their senses and vote responsibly in order to avoid the damage that a Labour government with an unassailable majority could do to their own and their children’s futures might just pull back some thoughtful Conservative supporters. But there is a large cohort of the population that will vote Labour not just to punish the Tories but out of determined self-interest. Many of them are members of the very forces that have helped to undermine the performance of the Tories in office.

    There is now a large and very powerful section of the country that will directly – and almost instantly – benefit from the arrival of Labour in power. The public sector in its militant union form will, of course, have a permanent voice in Downing Street. The Whitehall civil service and the First Division Association, which represents the managers of public services, who have been making it almost impossible for the Conservatives to function in office, will joyously welcome their ideological soul mates – as will the massed ranks of the quangocracy, the professional lobbyists who have made careers out of disruption, and the throngs of HR bureaucrats with their proliferating diversity and inclusion diktats.

    Their power over government and the services it provides is already enormous but it would be irretrievably entrenched by a Labour victory large enough to ensure a decade in office.

    Just as the numbers of people employed in the public sector has grown (as of last year, it constituted 17.3 per cent of the working population) so has trade union membership now become a largely public services phenomenon. Unions that were once regarded as simply professional organisations – like the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nursing – are now politicised and far more aggressive in their militancy. There are a lot of voters from the activist-disruptor camp who will vote Labour on ideological grounds, and quite a lot of others who will vote for them in the traditional, self-serving trade union tradition.

    When those of us on the Right talk about addressing the concerns of “real people”, we assume we are addressing a nation that consists of enterprising, determined individuals who want to get on in life through their own efforts and to help their children do the same. We will find out soon whether they are actually in a minority.


  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    a new movement with proper conservative values will take its place. in fact it is starting already.

    Is Mourdant trying to copy Trump's 'elevator blow dry' look?

    You certainly personify the 'Dickensian Grasper' character, Uriah.

  6. #31
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    Tax, your Tory rag, the Torygraph, is clearly becoming increasingly hysterical as its political wing disintegrates under the tutelage of Punjabi Boy and his incoherent rabble of the doomed. But, its editorials and columnists do amuse which is of course their function as the worst government in a succession of woeful governments tears itself apart.

    The entire premise of that silly diatribe you have quoted is that the public sector is seizing power using their trade union membership as a Trojan Horse to usurp government. The stupidity of this is self evident but as always the credulous and simply fuckwitted will swallow it not least because they cannot accept reality and prefer to dwell in the fog of their delusions.

    But I do like an irony as you know Tax and this piece of nonsense has a certain piquancy.

    Prior to the disaster that was Brexit the UK civil service was at its lowest level but since then it has been enlarged by over 60,000 by the Tories who needed to implement functions previously managed by the EU commission, or which did not exist until after Brexit. Oh dear Tax, facts, eh?

    Gosh, and what are these unions doing when they are not subverting the Tory administrations?

    Well, if one was to emerge from the delirium of those persuaded by Tory hacks spinning ever increasing demented rhetoric, I suppose they might observe the unions were merely representing the interests of the membership.Well I never, fancy them actually doing that.
    Junior doctors trying to retrieve 20% of wages lost through inflation and poor settlements caused, inter alia, by Punjabi Boy and Trussonomics, and they are deemed militants intent on the overthrow of democracy?

    The average UK salary is now apparently £35,000. A junior doctor starts at £32,000 and the median civil servant salary is £30,000.

    No matter how one cuts it, the UK is the pits for ordinary folk now and their struggles have become critical, a desperate state made all the worse by eight years of BrexiTory incompetence, stupidity and indifference while their shills roll in the wealth created by their cronyism.

    The foetid swamp of Brexitory malfeasance and ineptitude is to be drained, Tax, flushed down the sewer to its oblivion, and will be replaced by the pure elixir of socialist fairness to be poured on those troubled waters by decent, ordinary, fair minded politicians aided by an energised and empowered Civil Service restoring a balance to governance not seen for years.

    And those ERG loons? Hopefully lured to their destruction on those siren rocks of hubris as their dreams of Britannia Redux evaporate quicker than an opium fantasy.

    A brave new world Tax, no Torygraph, no Punjabi Boy, no Rees Mogg, nothing left to remind us all of those dark days of Brexitory madness.

    Maybe the £ will be restored in the soon to arrive stability.

    But the rich are going to get rinsed.

    Hail the future!
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 09-06-2024 at 10:43 AM.

  7. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    But the rich are going to get rinsed.

    But they won't will they you cretin. They will have their tax advisors, bankers and lawyers who have already moved their cash, assets and investments to safe havens. Its the middle classes that will pay, they always do whilst Labour is busy handing casj out to those too anxious to work, migrants looking to move their family over for free housing and medical care or want to have 6 kids without ever paying for them.

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39TG View Post
    I'm surprised there's no banter about the British election.

    See what I mean.

    The place is crawling with right wing, alcoholic racists.

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    See what I mean.

    The place is crawling with right wing, alcoholic racists.
    is that a fact sympl?

    of course you and that pikey civil servant have done nothing but take fron the UK, not contribute one pound to support your socialist idyll you'd like to see.

    Instead Sympl you got your cash and assets from dispotics and dictators, quite the hypocrite aren't you.

  10. #35
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    QUOTE]But the rich are going to get rinsed.[/QUOTE]

    you fool.
    the rich never get rinsed, its only the lower end, the hard working middle class and the financially illiterate that get rinsed. it is not difficult to manage your affairs such that most tax can legitimately be avoided, not evaded, just avoided. systems are there to be worked thanks to the carelessness of the lawmakers and even those of modest means should be utilising those systems to their full advantage.

    the blaring envy in your posts stands out more than the points you attempt to make. but we know thats just you trolling.

    but that is socialism to a "t". the envy of success, equality of outcome before the equality of opportunity.

    See what I mean.

    The place is crawling with right wing, alcoholic racists.
    aaah, student politics.
    everything that goes against the socialist grain to be tagged with that awful word "racism".

    i havent seen one racist comment yet on this thread, unless you consider the mentioning of illegal asylum seekers racist, or the fact that muslim women tend to have more children than christian women racist.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39TG View Post
    I think Sunak was really disrespectful to the Americans. The Brits used to be really good at international diplomacy. Those days have long gone.
    They were bloody good at colonisation to. Captain hero. Win win for Aussies. But on the downside the UK is at bursting point?so all the Indians head for Australia now. It's why you can't have an Indian soccer team. Everytime they get a corner they put a shop on it. Innit.
    He promised to headbutt me, if he ever saw me. Charming.

    I guess that my solution would be that he 'never saw me'.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39TG View Post
    I think Sunak was really disrespectful to the Americans. The Brits used to be really good at international diplomacy. Those days have long gone.
    What did he do or say that was disrespectful to the Americans?

  13. #38
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    It's not why this story has so much mileage in it, that's for sure.

    It's because he disrespected veterans.

    If he just wants to get out of the UK and back to California asap then this was a masterstroke.

  14. #39
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    It's because he disrespected veterans.

    did he fuck.

    he fulfilled all his duties regarding the british side of things, you know .. serious demeanor, wreath laying, thoughts and prayers, handshaking and photo ops with the poor vets etc. at the british memorial. but then he made an error of judgement and rushed off to do a tv interview while sending his lackey cameron in his place to the international event at the american memorial to press the flesh with micron and the yank corpse, and that was perceived to be very bad form indeed.

    but frankly it was all a storm in a teacup and obviously blown up out of all proportion just like boris' covid tea party by a tory hating media looking to get some headline grabbing mileage out of a boring, dull and predictable election campaign that is over before it has barely started.

    fuck the media, fuck labour and godspeed to farage in his project to re-boot politics in this country.
    Last edited by taxexile; 09-06-2024 at 09:42 PM.

  15. #40
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    Spoken like a true Russian Jew, eh Tax.

    Sunak isn’t British, he’s a Punjabi Hindu from a Punjabi family, married to an Indian national, he speaks Hindi to the family and lights up at Diwali. When it comes to nuances that are essentially “ British “ he’s clueless. No true British prime minister would have deserted the commemoration as he did and he knows it. He’s just a wobbler who tries hard but fails and very soon will fuck off back to America with his Hindi wife.

    Poor Tax,what has it come to that a Tory has to suck Indian cock, eh?

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    fuck the media, fuck labour and godspeed to farage in his project to re-boot politics in this country.
    Farage is a populist that says what he thinks the public want to hear irrespective of the truth.

    One hopes the British public have got wise to his deceit following the Brexit debacle and he is sent back to the political wilderness he belongs.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Spoken like a true Russian Jew, eh Tax.

    Sunak isn’t British, he’s a Punjabi Hindu from a Punjabi family, married to an Indian national, he speaks Hindi to the family and lights up at Diwali. When it comes to nuances that are essentially “ British “ he’s clueless. No true British prime minister would have deserted the commemoration as he did and he knows it. He’s just a wobbler who tries hard but fails and very soon will fuck off back to America with his Hindi wife.

    Poor Tax,what has it come to that a Tory has to suck Indian cock, eh?

    so are you saying that a person born in the uk is not actually british because his parents were immigrants ! sounds familiar, you must have been giving farages schvantz a good throaty nosh?

    ... and talking of the EU, i see that there have been some surprisingly pleasing election results there today. I may actually come to regret leaving if this is a harbinger of things to come. the cat is definitely among the pigeons now.

    long games s.a. .. dont you just love 'em.

  18. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    What did he do or say that was disrespectful to the Americans?
    The Americans landed at Omaha Beach; the Allied casualties were greatest at Omaha Beach.

  19. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    See what I mean.

    The place is crawling with right wing, alcoholic racists.
    Politics doesn't bring the best out of the British.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    so are you saying that a person born in the uk is not actually british because his parents were immigrants ! sounds familiar, you must have been giving farages schvantz a good throaty nosh?

    ... and talking of the EU, i see that there have been some surprisingly pleasing election results there today. I may actually come to regret leaving if this is a harbinger of things to come. the cat is definitely among the pigeons now.

    long games s.a. .. dont you just love 'em.
    Aw c’mon Tax, just because you’re born in a stable doesn’t make you a fucking horse.

    Sunak, Braverman, Kemi, Patel, they all try too much but they just haven’t got it.

    You must be enjoying the irony though. Engerlandia quits the EU and now lurches to the Left with the untermenschen minorities trailing rejects whereas the minority fascists in the EU are gaininging recognition. But the Centre still holds Tax and you Juden right wing neofascists are still outside the pale.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 10-06-2024 at 10:11 AM.

  21. #46

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    Tax and Sa slugging it out like two heavyweight boxers, best posters on here, which is not saying much Tax is usually right of course.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by britanicus123 View Post
    Tax is usually right of course.
    rightwing TFIFY

  23. #48
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    and now lurches to the Left
    a slight blip, that all.

    caught by an unexpected gust, it wont last long. socialism never does.

  24. #49
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    What drivel.

    The difference between Tories and Labour is that the latter quite rightly understand trickle-down economics do not work and are little more than an illusion peddled by the former who prefer to lower taxes in order to maximise profits for their shills and snake oil salesmen charlatans.

    After 9 years of this nonsense taxes were increased by the Tories, their highest level for 70 years, in order to compensate for the loss of 4-6% of GDP since Brexit in order to prevent Britain slipping into a third world infrastructure but their negligence has meant too little-too late and now everything from education to the NHS, from transport to the environment, from agriculture to justice is failing.

    Socialism will restore the balance.

    France is effectively the last communist state which is perhaps why everything is quite splendid but taxes are high and now the lumpen stupid led by the Nazi racist Le Pen are blaming coons and wogs for their economic woes. Once the rightist fascists regain power and restore crony capitalism and corruption to its true heights but nothing changes for the sans culottes then the pendulum will swing back to the Left. The status quo, Tax. Same-same the Dagoes, the Wops and the Bubbles.

    The EU has seen it all before and will endure, whereas the Putins, the Trumps, Les Pens, Orban and The Bitch Melon will all wither on the vine of fickle fate.

    You simply lack the vision to see it Tax but then, I suppose thatÂ’s what gawping into the maw of the hoi polloi for a living does to a chap.

  25. #50
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    you, a mollycoddled, protected and privileged civil servant, income guaranteed whether you turn up or not, with little or no experience of life in the real world beyond the miserable little cubicle containing your desk, your raincoat and your umbrella and of course the hairy sweaty thighs of the grimacing secretaries you humped breathlessly over that desk accuse me, a self employed self reliant and responsible hard working NHS clinician with vast, yes vast, experience of dealing with people from every walk of life, asylum seekers and immigrants in brent, world famous celebrities, titans of industry and politicians in westminster and chelsea, via pro bono stuff in weekend clinics in notting hill and brixton, you accuse me of lacking vision!!! i have seen it all s.a. and i call you out on the statistic heavy bullshit youconstantly promote as fact.

    eurpoean voters have had enough of the lefty woke nonsense, the stupid jump off the cliff to net zero, uncontrolled immigration, gaza mania, the human rights farago, the promotion of sexual minorities and other assorted deviants to almost godlike status and all the other touchy feely psycho claptrap that weakens the human survival instinct both mentally and physically, that has been forced upon them by a deluded and oppressive gravy train grovelling european politburo. all the while whilst russia and the east look on with incredulity, hardly believing their luck and just waiting for the day when they can just walk in and take it all, either economically or worse, by force.

    well, the tide has turned. long game round 2 begins.

    lets see the milquetoast starmer try and negotiate anything with them now.

    this turn to the right can only be a good thing, and your equating it with neo fascism is just more of your bullshit. if you want to see neo fascism, then wait until islam gains some more traction in the west.

    hope you sold your euros before yesterday! i did.

    tootle pip!

    Last edited by taxexile; 10-06-2024 at 05:34 PM.

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