The shocks keep coming.
Suddenly we see 3 Raptor engines on the Hopper.
Lots of speculation if these are real engines or mockups. There is good reason to believe in mockups.
But even if they are mockups, just look at the nozzles.
Look at these, a very interesting design. Everybody, including even me, immediately saw that these are different than conventional nozzles. They are optimized to work well at different altitudes or maybe they are designed to be able to throttle way down for landing, possibly both.
Only days earlier Elon Musk had announced that some time in January a new radically redesigned version of the Raptor engine will first be fired at their test site in McGregor, Texas. This is one reason why the engines are probably mockups, but of the new version. Also a new advanced alloy developed by SpaceX for the turbopumps will be used, high Nickel content to be resistant to hot oxygen gas at extremely high pressure, up to 800 atm pressure. Or they may be real engines but only in for fitchecks and they may be sent to McGregor for testfiring. Once these engines are ready for flight they will be the most advanced rocket engines ever built. Not the most powerful ones. They need to mount a number of engines even on the second stage for engine out capability. The rocket needs to keep flying at full capcity when an engine fails. Even more than one engine on long flights.