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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xanax View Post
    Had a very quick look and there is a lot of testimony. The interview with the first Dr he clearly states a 'massive' wound at the right back of his head and that part of his brain actually fell out while he was attending the president, then the network show one of the fake pics with his head intact!!
    I read somewhere recently that the reason Jackie went to the back of the car was not to alert the agents but to grab a piece of his brain, which she gave to the doctors in the theatre.

    Must have been in shock I guess.

  2. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by xanax View Post
    Had a very quick look and there is a lot of testimony. The interview with the first Dr he clearly states a 'massive' wound at the right back of his head and that part of his brain actually fell out while he was attending the president, then the network show one of the fake pics with his head intact!!
    I read somewhere recently that the reason Jackie went to the back of the car was not to alert the agents but to grab a piece of his brain, which she gave to the doctors in the theatre.

    Must have been in shock I guess.
    That's true, her bloodstained suit is locked away and cannot be released until next century on the orders of the family. Her hat was never found though, probably blew off in the rush to hospital.

  3. #28
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    21-07-2016 @ 04:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by xanax
    That's true, her bloodstained suit is locked away and cannot be released until next century on the orders of the family. Her hat was never found though, probably blew off in the rush to hospital.
    Hours after the shooting when she accompanied his body on the plane back to Washington her pink dress was seen on camera still splattered with JFK's blood and brain matter.
    Some fcuking ghoul will be buying that when it comes up for auction.

  4. #29
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    09-12-2022 @ 12:25 PM
    Didn't he sign up to getting rid of the Feds total control of the monetary system a couple of months before.

  5. #30
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    Yes certainly pissed a lot of people off including the mafia, the CIA who he wanted to take apart and had already sacked it's head, oil men, anti Castro elements, the 'military industrial complex' that Ike warned against as well as segregationists. So he must have been trying to do something right!
    I never realised until reading up on it just what a nasty piece of work LBJ was, no better than mafia himself, he almost certainly knew about the plot. Interestingly a similar plot to kill JFK in a Chicago motorcade was uncovered a few weeks before (involving more than one gunman) and the visit cancelled.

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smug Farang Bore View Post
    Didn't he sign up to getting rid of the Feds total control of the monetary system a couple of months before.
    Apparently not.

    10. The Federal Reserve Bank Theory

    On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy signed an order that gave authority to the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silver certificates. The order, known as Executive Order 11110, was intended to serve as an interim measure while the government attempted to reduce the amount of silver being used to mint coins. However, conspiracy theories, like those presented in Jim Marrs’s 1989 book Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, claim that this order gave power to the Treasury over the Federal Reserve.

    According to the theorists, the Federal Reserve Bank was safeguarded by a shadowy group of international bankers who resented having their power curtailed. Supposedly, therefore, they used their incredible wealth and influence to have Kennedy assassinated.

    There are several problems with this theory, the main one of which is that Executive Order 11110 did not, in fact, create any new authority over the Federal Reserve Bank; it merely transferred already existing authority from the President to the Secretary of the Treasury. Also, Kennedy’s plan was to reduce the use of treasury silver and increase printed Federal Reserve Bank notes – effectively giving the Reserve more power. Still, the idea of an international banking cabal pulling the strings – and having a president eliminated – sounds a whole lot more exciting.

  7. #32
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Ditching LBJ being behind it on his own, and UFO's, the other top conspiracy theories in the list are:

    7. The Mafia Theory

    As JFK conspiracy theories go, this is a pretty popular contender – and compared to some of the others, it’s not that far-fetched either. Members of the Mafia did, after all, work with the CIA in an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro. And the Mafia, of course, also had the expertise necessary to dispose of important people – as well, perhaps, as the inclination in this case. It’s thus not surprising that more than a few researchers have concluded that the infamous crime organization had a hand in the shooting – especially given that Jack Ruby, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, was known to be acquainted with the Mob.

    This particular theory is further complicated by the possible involvement of the CIA and anti-Castro Cubans. The Mob themselves were said to have been anti-Castro because of their lucrative stakes in the casinos Castro shut down. What’s more, the Mafia was mad at JFK’s brother, Bobby, who led a tough campaign against organized crime. In the end, they had the motive and they had the means, but whether or not they actually had the trigger pulled, we may never know for sure.
    5. The Illuminati Theory

    Along with UFOs and the Mafia, the Illuminati seem to be a big hit with conspiracy nuts too, so it’s no surprise that they’ve been thrown into the JFK conspiracy theory mix. In this version of events, the Reserve Bank is again implicated, but this time it’s because they served the Illuminati Agenda. Once more, Executive Order 11110’s supposed lessening of the Reserve Bank’s powers is cited as the reason behind the assassination. And JFK’s intention to stop the war in Vietnam is also put forward as a factor, as the conflict allegedly added vast amounts to the shadowy bankers’ coffers.

    An interesting side note is that Kennedy himself was part of the Illuminati – at least, if these theorists are to be believed. They accuse JFK’s father, Joe Kennedy, of being in bed with the Mob, an Illuminati supporter, and part of the so-called “Illuminati Bloodline”. In fact, they say it was his association with the secret organization that got President Kennedy elected in the first place – and it was only when he seemed to turn against them that they had him eliminated.
    4. The KGB Theory

    We’ve talked about conspiracy theories involving the CIA, so now let’s look at one involving their Cold War rivals, the KGB. The KGB had good reason to hate Kennedy: the humiliating conclusion of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Sniper Lee Harvey Oswald also had links with the USSR, such as his travel there, his Soviet wife, and his reported contact with Soviet diplomats. Some researchers also believe that the KGB were responsible for the death of one of JFK’s alleged mistresses, Mary Pinchot Meyer, who may have been able to expose their hand in the assassination.

    One version of the story, as told by ex-Soviet intelligence officer General Ion Mihai Pacepa, stars Lee Harvey Oswald as a KGB agent “programmed” to kill President Kennedy. According to Pacepa, the KGB actually tried to call off the assassination; unfortunately for JFK, however, the attempt to stop Oswald came too late. Like all good conspiracy theories, this one has some intriguing evidence to back it up and is worth researching for anyone interested in tales of secret government plots.
    3. The Israeli Theory

    “It is interesting – but not surprising – to note that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned,” said Illinois Representative Paul Findley, in the 1992 Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs. This idea is particularly interesting to supporters of our next conspiracy theory, who wonder why one of the most efficient and ruthless intelligence organizations in the world was never scrutinized.

    Israel’s motive for eliminating JFK was allegedly their anger over the President’s refusal to allow them to build nuclear weapons. It’s been said that David Ben-Gurion, the Israeli Prime Minister at the time, held a grudge against President Kennedy’s father, Joe. Ben-Gurion believed Joe Kennedy was anti-Semitic and suspected that he had sided with Hitler during the ‘30s and ‘40s.

    This conspiracy theory has also been bolstered by ex-Israeli spy Mordechai Vanunu, who has said that Israel was behind the JFK assassination. Supporters of this hypothesis also point to subsequent US President Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson’s reversal of the nuclear policy is seen as a sign that Kennedy’s assassination achieved its aim. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Colonel Gaddafi was a well-known promoter of the Israeli-involvement theory.
    1. The CIA Theory

    If there’s one idea that ties a lot of the JFK assassination conspiracies together, it’s the involvement of the CIA. Whether it was Lyndon B. Johnson, The Federal Reserve, the Mafia, or an attempt to cover up evidence of UFOs, the CIA is often seen as having been an important player.

    The fact that President Kennedy’s brother Robert effectively had authority over the CIA didn’t help when it came to strong disagreements between the President and the agency. And strangely enough, one of the disagreements was over the CIA’s policy of assassinating foreign leaders, such as Vietnam’s President Diem.

    Such is the popularity of, and belief in, this conspiracy theory that the CIA has a page dedicated to discrediting it on their website. They blame European leftists and the US media for spreading lies about their involvement. Yet despite this, widespread acceptance of the theory continues and is unlikely to abate anytime soon.

  8. #33
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    07-10-2015 @ 02:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Rainfall View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by leemo View Post
    Agreed, but 50 years ago he was an icon of fantasies and photos with celebrities, his assassination turned this into legend regardless of what he actually was, and Camelot set the liberal fantasy into stone.

    He will be tearfully remembered by the Left as the man who could have saved the world, although as you say the maniac came closer to nuking it than anyone since.
    Actually, tune to Foxnews and watch them asking and doubting if Kennedy would be a Democrat today. It seems the Tea Party is claiming him now.
    I gave up on Fox a while back, when it became clear that their senior icons were often clueless about the topic under discussion, and mucked along with a finger on the 'SOS' button.

  9. #34
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    07-10-2015 @ 02:27 PM
    I can't recall any postwar VP that deserved under any circumstance to become POTUS. LBJ is the only one that made it, and he was no exception.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by xanax

    U.S.A the saddest day 22/11/1963
    yep , the whole deal has been downhill ever since

  11. #36
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    he was a friend of mine

    3.30 on

    While money doesn’t talk, it swears
    Obscenity, who really cares
    Propaganda, all is phony

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM

    JFK Assassination Conspiracies

    Put 'em here:

    One of my favorites...

    George Carlin weighs in:

    Heh...this one's a Hoot too!

  13. #38
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    21-07-2016 @ 04:28 AM
    Never been properly explained why a bullet from the trajectory of the supposed shoot site took out a big piece of his scull from behind his right ear.
    And the insistence of the secret service to defy texan law by having the autopsy done in Washington.
    Not worth losing sleep over as we will never know.

  14. #39
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Yeah...the Warren Commission findings left out some rather important details...

  15. #40
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    ^ I posted in the other real JFK thread (why do we need another?) a theory by an Australian crime scene guy who has released a report or book and his explanation was an accidental discharge from one of the following Secret Service guys.

    If it was, it explains quite a lot about the aftermath.

  16. #41
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Necron99 View Post
    ^ I posted in the other real JFK thread (why do we need another?) a theory by an Australian crime scene guy who has released a report or book and his explanation was an accidental discharge from one of the following Secret Service guys.

    If it was, it explains quite a lot about the aftermath.
    Sorry - wasn't aware of your thread.

    Perhaps a Mod can combine them?

    Logically, it would seem to be best in SC, right?

  17. #42
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    21-07-2016 @ 04:28 AM
    They had a unique sound for sure and it's amazing that Crosby is still living after all his indulgences.
    This brings back memories for me.

  18. #43
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    Not mine, but it seems gone now. Never mind carry on.

    The report I posted posited that a SS agent accidentally fired after the first shot taking out JFK. That would be something the SS would probably want to keep quiet...

  19. #44
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    21-07-2016 @ 04:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Necron99
    ^ I posted in the other real JFK thread (why do we need another?) a theory by an Australian crime scene guy who has released a report or book and his explanation was an accidental discharge from one of the following Secret Service guys. If it was, it explains quite a lot about the aftermath.
    The secret service agent was Hickey and he remarkably never was called on in the Warren commision and all subsequent documentaries have all the other agents present at the scene but never him.
    The more we all dig the more we'll never know.
    Quote Originally Posted by Necron99
    The report I posted posited that a SS agent accidentally fired after the first shot taking out JFK. That would be something the SS would probably want to keep quiet...

  20. #45
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    I hardly think JFK qualifies as a great president. He was in office less than three years. He expanded the war in Vietnam. His economic policies resulted in inflation years after his death. He had no substantive legislative successes.

    Banging Marilyn Monroe gets him some points, but not enough to be considered great.

    Had he not been assassinated, he would probably be remembered as a very average president.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton

    I hardly think JFK qualifies as a great president.
    The lot that have followed him are lessor men .

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mid View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton

    I hardly think JFK qualifies as a great president.
    The lot that have followed him are lessor men .

    No argument there. Progression from mediocre to abysmal.

  23. #48
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    31-08-2023 @ 11:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    I hardly think JFK qualifies as a great president. He was in office less than three years. He expanded the war in Vietnam. His economic policies resulted in inflation years after his death. He had no substantive legislative successes.

    Banging Marilyn Monroe gets him some points, but not enough to be considered great.

    Had he not been assassinated, he would probably be remembered as a very average president.
    He also got himself killed by the Soviets for a cheap ass move on his part.

    I am in the middle of watching

    Niall Ferguson - The War of the World

    This is what happened. It all comes down to the Cuban missile crisis negotiations.

    1) khrushchev and Kennedy have negotiations.
    2)khrushchev offers to pull out the missiles in Cuba. In return , Kennedy must pull out the missiles in Turkey
    3)Kennedy accepted, provided the deal could be kept secret because he wanted to look as if Khrushchev backed down. (khrushchev was probably thinking WTF ?!, really ? ummm ok)
    4)Cuban missile crisis ends, Kennedy plays the hero. Pisses all over the Soviets.
    5)Khrushchev has Kennedy assassinated for his lame ass stipulation in the deal.

    If Kennedy just accepted the deal as it was, without adding the lame ass part about keeping it secret (while nuclear war was hanging in the balance) he would not have been killed.

    Why the hell did this idiot add that to the deal under Defcon 1 ?

    Especially when everyone was going to figure out it was secret anyway ?

    I like how the Soviets handled it. Yeah JFK, we will give you your secret deal.. So the Soveits are the ones who acted like adults at the negotiating table. They are the ones who ended the crisis.

    Why else would khrushchev agree to the deal if he didn't have plans to get even ?
    He did have plans as we can see.

    Chickens of course have a way of coming home to roost -Naill Ferguson

  24. #49
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    Bottom line is lots of people and groups wanted the scum dead, and only one did more than wish.

  25. #50
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    31-08-2023 @ 11:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by leemo View Post
    Bottom line is lots of people and groups wanted the scum dead, and only one did more than wish.
    But only the Soviets had the balls to ever do it. Lots of presidents are hated and wanted dead for a lot of different reasons. But the Soviets delivered.

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