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  1. #1
    punk douche bag
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    Review the last film you watched

    This is the place to either slam or recommend any movies you have seen recently.
    I won't go first because I can't remember the last movie I saw.

    I am however waiting on you all with bated breath.
    Last edited by ChiangMai noon; 07-01-2007 at 11:08 PM.

  2. #2


    dirtydog's Avatar
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    Tears of the sun by Bruce Willis, damn he was well hard in that, been shot several hundred times but still walked out of the jungle, hated him when he was younger though, fok the foking broadwalk you imbecile, that one when he was the hitman was quite good aswell.

  3. #3
    dantilley's Avatar
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    Deja Vu with Denzel Washington and Val Kilmer, among others.
    Pretty good despite some gaping plot holes and a few fairly ridiculous plotlines. Good fun though, 3 out of 5.

  4. #4
    punk douche bag
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    I just remembered.
    I watched Jurassic Park (the lost world) the other day on one of the UBC movie channels.

    Actually, I didn't watch it all because it was absolutely awful.
    I enjoyed the first one after I had read the book, but this one was very poor.

    I wasn't sure if it was trying to be a comedy or a parody of itself or if it was just shite.

    I think it was just shite, at least the 45 minutes of it that I watched.

    0.5 out of 5

  5. #5
    Anonymous Coward's Avatar
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    Ratsima - The Bakersfield of LoS
    "Babel" -- A great movie. Long and disturbing at times, but full of wonderful acting and great photography. The Tokyo scenes, especially the nightlife shots, were extremely well done.

    This is the story of how the failure to communicate affects several families who are geographically and economically disparate.

  6. #6
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    Night at the Museum. with Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Steve Coogan

    Brought my kids to see it as a Christmas treat. They seemed to enjoy it so thats worth the ticket price in my book.

    I give it 6.5/10. Would have been more but Ricky Gervais was in there doing his Office role again - as the museum manager.

    Standard Hollywood holiday fare.

    sorry i just noticed you are giving marks out of 5.

    the maths is too hard for me to convert the score though.
    Last edited by slimboyfat; 08-01-2007 at 12:48 AM.

  7. #7
    Somewhere Travelling
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    21-10-2012 @ 07:09 PM
    V for Vendetta: Excellent, the best movie of the past year IMHO. The acting by Hugo Weaving is superb. The parallel between the ficticious government in the movie ruling by fear and the current status of the USA is astonishing.

    Superman Returns: Got through about 45 mins before zzzzzzzzzzzz.......

  8. #8
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    Ratsima - The Bakersfield of LoS
    Quote Originally Posted by slimboyfat
    Night at the Museum
    I saw this as well and pretty much agree with SBF. It was a bit silly at times and Ben Stiller can be irritating, but it was a fun movie with some amazing visuals.

    Definitely something that slapstick-happy kids would enjoy.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat
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    I won tickets to it and went and saw it 3 days ago. Great in places, worth watching but not outstanding. 3.5/5

    Before that I saw Borat. classic in places but the rest was crap.2/5

  10. #10
    Khun Marmite
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    ราไวย์, ภูเก็ต
    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog View Post
    Tears of the sun by Bruce Willis, damn he was well hard in that, been shot several hundred times but still walked out of the jungle..
    How were your eyes when the black women says "It's what they do."

  11. #11
    Anonymous Coward's Avatar
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    Ratsima - The Bakersfield of LoS
    Quote Originally Posted by surasak
    V for Vendetta: Excellent
    Right you are. Too bad this one didn't get more publicity. Great film, great message.

  12. #12
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    The Banquet

    This is the latest Zang Ziyi movie and I quite enjoyed it. The sets are superb and the OTT butt kicking scenes are very imaginative. The plot is not bad for a Chinky movie except the ending is a bit odd.


  13. #13
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    856 forgot to say that she's totally shaggable.

  14. #14
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    Chang House,Ayutthaya for live music,indian curries,chicken wings and beer!
    Evil Dead 'The Army of Darkness'
    More one liners then all the Bond films put together!

    "Your missing two things,Jack and shit and Jack just left town."

  15. #15
    Thailand Expat
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    ^^ She looked a bit grim in this one.
    Last edited by Marmite the Dog; 08-01-2007 at 01:12 PM.

  16. #16
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    Chang House,Ayutthaya for live music,indian curries,chicken wings and beer!
    In the end she did.

  17. #17
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    Jackass II Not my review,but it did make me laugh/chunder

    Jackass: Number Two (2006)
    Yes, you read that right. Jackass: Number Two is a three-star movie. Why? Because, while the movie wallows in bad taste and will never be mistaken for high art, it's effing hilarious. So there. The new Jackass follows the formula of the first Jackass: a bunch of doofuses, led by Johnny Knoxville, perform extremely dangerous (and often stupid) stunts, piss people off, and do nasty things with poop and other bodily excretions. In this installment, Chris Pontius dresses up his penis in a mouse costume and presents it to a hungry snake. Bam Magera gets branded with a cattle prod—and the brand is shaped like an erect penis. (There's tons of male nudity and penis-related humor in the movie; obviously the guys have some repressed homosexuality simmering beneath their macho posturing.) And Steve-O puts a fish hook through his cheek so he can be used as human shark bait. There's more, of course, including a truly nasty scene involving horse jizz, but I don't want to pepper this review with too many spoilers. A lot of the fun of watching the movie lies in not knowing what these jackasses are going to do next.
    It goes without saying that Jackass isn't for everybody, but for those of us who find this sort of stuff entertaining and funny, Jackass: Number Two will gross you out, shock you, and make you laugh your (jack)ass off. Which is just what you expected, right?

  18. #18
    punk douche bag
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    I'm about to watch "Kingdom of Heaven".
    I don't really want to, but I want to increase the post count of this thread by writing a review.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon View Post
    I'm about to watch "Kingdom of Heaven".
    I don't really want to, but I want to increase the post count of this thread by writing a review.
    seems like an awful lot of effort involved.

    you could just skip the movie, and cut and paste a review from the internet.

  20. #20
    punk douche bag
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    don't want to.
    (1 more up).

    Also I think I should watch more movies than I do.
    I have been bogged down with various series for a while now.

  21. #21
    punk douche bag
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    Well, I won't be watching Kingdom of heaven after all.
    It's full of bugs, jumping all over the place and to make matters worse, i can't delete it from my hard drive.
    It tells me it is being used by another application even after I have disconnected the internet.

    I want rid of it as it is a 1.37 gig download.

    any ideas.

    Strangely, it had disappeared from my Azureus files after the download had completed.

  22. #22
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    you could try restarting your computer (windows in safe mode) and then deleting the file.

    i also had this problem once and if i remember correctly that is how i got rid of it

  23. #23
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    cheers Slimboy.
    what should I download instead?

  24. #24
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    BANGKOK / Kanchanaburi
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon View Post
    cheers Slimboy.
    what should I download instead?
    there is another thread for that. stop trying to get more posts on this one

  25. #25
    Anonymous Coward's Avatar
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    Ratsima - The Bakersfield of LoS
    Just got off the plane from LA to Taiwan. Now sitting in the EVA lounge. Watched 1.9 movies on the way over:

    Scoop - A so-so Woody Allen flick with the well-endowed Scarlett Joahnsen. A good way to kill some time, but that's about it. 5/10.

    All the King's Men - A remake of the thinly disguised story of Huey Long. But, we landed before the end. I think the original was better. Again 5/10.
    Last edited by Anonymous Coward; 10-01-2007 at 05:14 AM.

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